Quote Originally Posted by Vic01 View Post
The reporter/writer may have screwed up the wording of the article. Benson couldn't increase anything to do with DPS, her salary, or anything else.

Bottom line, he gave a known scam artist a much higher salary than she had the prior year. Yes, "he has the authority, provided he also the funding, allotted to him as councilperson, to increase her salary", but is it responsible use of City funds? Or is it more of the same old B.S. corruption referred to in another post.
No, it definitely is NOT a responsible, or morally correct usage of City taxes. I hope I didn't come across as condoning this kind of crap, which I don't. Too bad we don't have real news media to further investigate why this was done. Is there perhaps a relationship between the two? Is Mr. Benson perhaps getting kickbacks? Is he just that naïve that he thinks his behavior is acceptable and Ms. Banks IS worth all that extra money? That being said, I don't care for "M.L.'s" cutsie style of "reporting", or his stupid pirate earing. If you want to be a journalist, be one. If you want to do stand up, there are plenty of places with open mic nights.