Without reading the links and just in uneducated layman’s terms this is my take.

Japan = fighting for democracy over Chinese dictatorship.

Catalonia= fighting for independence because they are upset about the major city making all the rules.

Which is why we have the electoral vote.

Outside of Venezuela the other countries and mostly the South American ones is about converting to socialism and the desire to do so.

Same with the yellow vest situation.

It all is based on the simple concept of sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.

Every riot or unrest or whatever you want to call it is because the countries are trying to borrow money in order to survive from the IMF and the IMF is telling them they need to get thier financials in order first because they are not a welfare fund.

If you want to borrow money you have to show us how you are going to pay it back.

So what happens?

The transit situation is loosing money we have to increase rates = riot
We as a country can no longer sell you subsidized gas at 20 cents a gallon because we cannot afford to = riot

The rich people have money and we do not = riot

Tax the rich in order to subsidize our existence,the rich run out of money,the ratio of rich to poor increases to the breaking point,or the rich moves thier money out of the country.

In the middle of the depression in Detroit,the local Marxist/communist party organized a march of 3000 against the ford plant because Ford shuttered the plant for 6 months for retooling or maybe because nobody was actually buying cars.

4 people were killed in the process of attempting to take over a plant in order to start production of cars that nobody could buy,even though Ford was putting millions into programs to help the community.

The exact scenarios are being played out in the United States,just without the violence on a large scale yet and actually are being done internally.

Enable the majority populated cities to provide rule over the entire country by eliminating the electoral vote.

Create discourse by telling everybody it is the rich people’s fault and they can afford to pay everybody’s way.

Create a base of power within one branch of the government in order to gain power over the government body irregardless of official elected representatives.

That is how Chavez gained total control,by rewriting the constitution in order to eliminate the power of elected officials.

Create discourse in the population by telling everybody that they have the right to equality Weather they work for it or not.

Control the economy by implementing the new green deal.

We have the progressive left implementing the very basis of the Marxist playbook in the United States.

The unrest we see in the rest of the world is the result of implementing those same policies and what happens as a result of,they are a few years ahead of the US so that is our future when we go down that path.

The difference is,those countries have systematically removed the citizens means of fighting back when it comes to population control,throwing rocks at armored vehicles is the only recourse they have.

We in this country fight for the second amendment for that very reason and that is why it was implemented in the first place,nobody is coming up with a new way to govern a country every senario was already played out and the results were predictable a thousand years ago.

The death toll of resistance is high in those countries,over 8000 in Venezuela alone have just disappeared in the hands of the authorities.

What you see in those countries is a walking back of measures in order to quell the violence or the buying of time for the politicians in office until thier term runs out.

Which will result in worse results in the future because the original problem is not being resolved.

We had race riots,we have had burning cities,we have had social justice riots but none of that has anything to do with what is happening.

It all boils down to fighting for democracy or fighting for the Marxist cause,it always has been and will always be.

The thing with South America and other countries always seem to overlook is every time in order to implement the Marxist program somebody needs total control and in order to gain total control,you need to eliminate everybody that does not agree with the program.

That is the history that has already been proven time and time again and it is marked by the mass graves.