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  1. #776


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    I absolutely see the disparities caused by corporations and the wealthy people owning them being able to profitably field out labor to cheaper foreign labor at home and abroad.Why negotiate with UAW workers when one can have S. Koreans do the same work at one third the price [[Obama trade agreement)? Why hire unionized American meat packers or roofers when Somalis and Central Americans can replace them without benefits? Yes, the standard of living of the average American has been in decline since 1978. In fact, during the Obama administration, the 3%'s share of national wealth increased at a faster rate than it did under Bush. Chamber of Commerce Republicans are guilty as Democrats.

    I think Trump has a lot of character flaws but their net effect does not cause as much damage as Bush and Obama did or Hillary might have. Freaking Hillary was talking about shooting Russian planes out of the sky. over Syria. You apparently missed my point that the probably unintentional damage caused by Obama's meddling with student loans cost students hundreds of time more than Trump's university. We look at things differently. I am more concerned with who hurt students worse. Your concern seems to be whether Trumps's character meets your standards.

    Under Bush and Obama we waged some unconstitutional undeclared wars that left hundreds of thousands of dead Arabs and millions of refugees. Trump has only been in three years but he hasn't overthrown or tried to overthrow any new Libyas, Syrias, or Iraqs. To me, that makes Trump's character better than Bush or Obama's. We must ave spent or spend more than $25m/day in each of those places yet you remain stuck on the $25m on time Trump university fiasco.

    Elizabeth Warren character is hardly all about hard work. She played the identity policy game for years to promote her Waspy self in university circles. Her estimated net worth from teaching and being a government servant is between $8.75m [[CNN) and $12M [[Forbes) - not enough to qualify herself for her proposed wealth tax.
    I understood what you were trying to equate, but please explain how an Obama policy caused exploding student debt and what is nationalizing student debt?

    You seem to forget, we're still fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. Trump visited troops the other day. He is continuing the wars. But the one place, where Russia can play advantage and the westernized Kurds can get slaughtered - Syria, yeah he left there without winning anything from Turkey/Erdogen.

    Trump's scam University is about him being a fraudulent person, someone who can not be trusted to do anything but feed their own ego and pockets. That is what you see from him. He is a habitual liar. His lies have been documented and are beyond the normal level of deceit from Presidents.
    You don't put that type of person in the Oval Office or you get results like being Russia's lapdog. I mean Trump is breaking up NATO and the Western alliance himself - this is Vladimir Putin's prime objective and he's doing it for him. That is a serious result.
    Or giving multi-millionaires another tax cut when they don't need it, that is a serious result. So what do you do, if companies can outsource good jobs? I know what you don't do. You don't give the millionaire executives in those companies more tax cuts that they don't need.

  2. #777


    Quote Originally Posted by DeLemur View Post
    I disagree. The moderates who follow the news will not vote for the Don and the self-centered chaos he creates. They will choose someone with morals, standards, and competency.

    Interesting enough probably 90% of the people that I meet do not follow politics or the constant whining,they are to busy running thier buisnesses,working,spending time with thier families etc.

    At the end of the day morals,standards and competency do not pay the bills.

    You are seriously thinking because Trump puts America first,the economy is rolling,the markets are still showing strong confidence,people of all races are opening buisnessness and employing people.

    Thats stuff that pays the bills and puts food on the table,the rest is just all blabber.

    I posted the current administrations accomplishments,nobody has countered with,here are the democrats accomplishments.

    As par to the course it is always but Trump sucks bla bla bla because nobody wants to admit outside of chasing Russians in the bushes the only thing the Democrats have done is say,look we are going after the bad guy.

    The only thing the Dems has to bring home to thier supporters over thanksgiving was turkey and the continued false hope of impeachment.

    Wake me up when you guys can put forward a candidate that is the opposite of Trump,as of yet you are unable to and that’s why in 2020 he will still be your president.
    Last edited by Richard; December-03-19 at 03:51 PM.

  3. #778


    Kamala Harris says goodbye


    California Sen. Kamala Harris on Tuesday announced that she is withdrawing from the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, after failing to capitalize on early enthusiasm for her campaign and watching her poll numbers collapse.

  4. #779


    Quote Originally Posted by DeLemur View Post
    I understood what you were trying to equate, but please explain how an Obama policy caused exploding student debt and what is nationalizing student debt?
    -Nationalizing businesses almost defines socialism. The Constitution does not "delegate" nationalizing most student debt although there in no reasons states can't do it. Obama must not have realized that behavior that is subsidized encourages more such behavior. Democrats, in general, do not acknowledge supply/demand. In short. Obama's changes to student loans not only drove up the demand for loans, it discouraged repayment and drove up tuition costs.

    Quote Originally Posted by DeLemur View Post
    You seem to forget, we're still fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. Trump visited troops the other day. He is continuing the wars. But the one place, where Russia can play advantage and the westernized Kurds can get slaughtered - Syria, yeah he left there without winning anything from Turkey/Erdogen.
    -When Trump tried to set a timetable for bringing our occupying troops home from Syria all Dem presidential candidates except Gabbard opposed that initiative or were silent. They sided with Republican neocons. Trump did propose removing 5,000 troops from Afghanistan. Republicans and most Democrats opposed Trump. However, my point was that Trump had not started any new wars as had his two predecessors. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If you think that Obama's killing of hundreds of thousands of Arabs with unconstitutional executive wars he started in is less of a "character fault" than what Trump was penalized for, we have a disagreement. I would have preferred that Nixon has ended Johnson's Vietnam War sooner but Johnson started it and Nixon ended it. Obama got us into the Syria, Libya, and Ukraine messes and now Democrats are trying to get us to stay in Syria.

    We provided Kurds with weapons to take back territory ISIS took with weapons we provided ISIS' allies. The Kurds took their land back. Mission accomplished. We have no treaty with the Kurds. Our treaty is with Turkey a NATO ally. We only had 50-150 troops in the 15 mile wide border. That's something like 1 troop/40 square miles. Trump was right to pull them back. That land belongs to Syria which never permitted or encouraged the U.S. to occupy it. Once Turkey invaded Syria, Syria moved its troops north to reoccupy some of that border area. That's between Syria and Turkey. It is not our affair. Widespread "genocide" predicted by Democrats and neocons did not occur.

    Quote Originally Posted by DeLemur View Post
    Trump's scam University is about him being a fraudulent person, someone who can not be trusted to do anything but feed their own ego and pockets. That is what you see from him. He is a habitual liar. His lies have been documented and are beyond the normal level of deceit from Presidents.
    You don't put that type of person in the Oval Office or you get results like being Russia's lapdog. I mean Trump is breaking up NATO and the Western alliance himself - this is Vladimir Putin's prime objective and he's doing it for him. That is a serious result.
    -Again, I view the financial burdens Obama imposed on students to be statistically hundreds of times more serious than Trump's school. I measure damage. You measure "character".

    "Putin's lapdog"? Are you channelling Joe McCarthy? Obama's screw-ups in Syria and Ukraine opened the doors in both places for Putin to bring in his military.

    Quote Originally Posted by DeLemur View Post
    Or giving multi-millionaires another tax cut when they don't need it, that is a serious result. So what do you do, if companies can outsource good jobs? I know what you don't do. You don't give the millionaire executives in those companies more tax cuts that they don't need.
    I'm for raising taxes and cutting spending enough to cover more than our trillion dollar a year deficit using the formula proposed by the Simpson-Bowles Committee. Which Democrats support doing the same? I advocate import taxes which hurt the rich and benefit American labor. Going back to Woodrow Wilson's income tax of up to 6% on the rich, it was introduced in a Democratic bill to cut import taxes so the rich had to pay a small income tax in return for being able to profit from cheaper overseas foreign labor. It was a trade off. Eventually, middle class Americans had to pay most of the income taxes. The middle class, not the 1%, were the ultimate victims of Wilson's income tax. Warren's unconstitutional 2% wealth tax will no doubt also spread to the middle class when it fails to pay for all her plans just like Wilson's income tax on the rich. I love how the Trump tax cut reduced deductions for the rich in wealthy states so those of us in flyover country don't have to subsidize rich people in CA, Long Island, and CT. Democrats, of course, are fighting to resume those tax deductions for the rich.

  5. #780


    Frankly its a joke to say Obama is at fault for rising student debt in the United States. Student debt and who owns or sells it is a convoluted business. The point about Trump University is Trump runs corrupt organizations and with the Foundation, they both had to be shut. That's someone you don't interview to run any organization, especially not the United States of America. He's a corrupt person, bottom line.

    That's why he's doing Russia's bidding.

    For a President to say Putin might be right, in the face of all our intelligence agencies saything Russia is guilty. Well that's an upside world of a Russian ass kisser in the White House. Ronald Reagan would be rolling in his grave.

    What's amazing to me is all you Trump supporters seem to think he's just as bad as other Presidents, but you obviously can't discriminate between shale and granite. This is a President who helps Russia, runs corrupt organizations, thinks he can shoot people and get away with it and boasts all sorts of lies. This is a reality TV star hack who smiled his way into office. He is not comparable to a bad political system. He is the bastard son that it birthed.

    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    -Nationalizing businesses almost defines socialism. The Constitution does not "delegate" nationalizing most student debt although there in no reasons states can't do it. Obama must not have realized that behavior that is subsidized encourages more such behavior. Democrats, in general, do not acknowledge supply/demand. In short. Obama's changes to student loans not only drove up the demand for loans, it discouraged repayment and drove up tuition costs.

    -When Trump tried to set a timetable for bringing our occupying troops home from Syria all Dem presidential candidates except Gabbard opposed that initiative or were silent. They sided with Republican neocons. Trump did propose removing 5,000 troops from Afghanistan. Republicans and most Democrats opposed Trump. However, my point was that Trump had not started any new wars as had his two predecessors. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If you think that Obama's killing of hundreds of thousands of Arabs with unconstitutional executive wars he started in is less of a "character fault" than what Trump was penalized for, we have a disagreement. I would have preferred that Nixon has ended Johnson's Vietnam War sooner but Johnson started it and Nixon ended it. Obama got us into the Syria, Libya, and Ukraine messes and now Democrats are trying to get us to stay in Syria.

    We provided Kurds with weapons to take back territory ISIS took with weapons we provided ISIS' allies. The Kurds took their land back. Mission accomplished. We have no treaty with the Kurds. Our treaty is with Turkey a NATO ally. We only had 50-150 troops in the 15 mile wide border. That's something like 1 troop/40 square miles. Trump was right to pull them back. That land belongs to Syria which never permitted or encouraged the U.S. to occupy it. Once Turkey invaded Syria, Syria moved its troops north to reoccupy some of that border area. That's between Syria and Turkey. It is not our affair. Widespread "genocide" predicted by Democrats and neocons did not occur.

    -Again, I view the financial burdens Obama imposed on students to be statistically hundreds of times more serious than Trump's school. I measure damage. You measure "character".

    "Putin's lapdog"? Are you channelling Joe McCarthy? Obama's screw-ups in Syria and Ukraine opened the doors in both places for Putin to bring in his military.

    I'm for raising taxes and cutting spending enough to cover more than our trillion dollar a year deficit using the formula proposed by the Simpson-Bowles Committee. Which Democrats support doing the same? I advocate import taxes which hurt the rich and benefit American labor. Going back to Woodrow Wilson's income tax of up to 6% on the rich, it was introduced in a Democratic bill to cut import taxes so the rich had to pay a small income tax in return for being able to profit from cheaper overseas foreign labor. It was a trade off. Eventually, middle class Americans had to pay most of the income taxes. The middle class, not the 1%, were the ultimate victims of Wilson's income tax. Warren's unconstitutional 2% wealth tax will no doubt also spread to the middle class when it fails to pay for all her plans just like Wilson's income tax on the rich. I love how the Trump tax cut reduced deductions for the rich in wealthy states so those of us in flyover country don't have to subsidize rich people in CA, Long Island, and CT. Democrats, of course, are fighting to resume those tax deductions for the rich.

  6. #781


    Number of Countries where US military actions were taking place in 2014



    Number of countries where US military actions are taking place in 2018



    Interesting the correlation of Hillary in the state department and when she is not.

  7. #782


    Quote Originally Posted by DeLemur View Post
    Frankly its a joke to say Obama is at fault for rising student debt in the United States. Student debt and who owns or sells it is a convoluted business. The point about Trump University is Trump runs corrupt organizations and with the Foundation, they both had to be shut. That's someone you don't interview to run any organization, especially not the United States of America. He's a corrupt person, bottom line.

    That's why he's doing Russia's bidding.

    For a President to say Putin might be right, in the face of all our intelligence agencies saything Russia is guilty. Well that's an upside world of a Russian ass kisser in the White House. Ronald Reagan would be rolling in his grave.

    What's amazing to me is all you Trump supporters seem to think he's just as bad as other Presidents, but you obviously can't discriminate between shale and granite. This is a President who helps Russia, runs corrupt organizations, thinks he can shoot people and get away with it and boasts all sorts of lies. This is a reality TV star hack who smiled his way into office. He is not comparable to a bad political system. He is the bastard son that it birthed.

    What is amazing is how some interpret things,nobody said he was just as bad as other presidents,things that are posted are intended to educate those who are new to politics who are acting like things happening today are any different then how they have been in the last 200 years.

    Correction on your acessment of Trump being the bastard son that the political system produced.

    If that is the feeling then let’s be real about it,Trump would be the bastard son that the liberal left birthed.

    You still have not figured it out and taken responsibility for your actions and instead of learning and advancing all the time and energy is spent on get the orange guy you will insure his continued presence as your president.

    You guys were so confused on what bathroom you wanted to use you lost site of the reality of what was happening and you still are drumming the same beat while learning nothing.

    Not useing the word you in a personal reference.

    You also need to be a little more clear on your stance of how you feel your president Trump is doing Russia’s bidding that you keep referring to.

    My guess it will be the same as the claim of the 17 intelligence agencies that nobody has been able to list.

    And if you remember it was Hillary Clinton that was cozy with the Russians and making deals with them,you guys did not seem to have a problem when she did that.


  8. #783


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Interesting the correlation of Hillary in the state department and when she is not.
    Interesting that in your stupidity and assumption that everyone else is as stupid and gullible, you choose two articles that are looking at things totally differently. If you applied the implied definition of war from your second source and looked at your first source, you would see that under an apples to apples comparison, it has gone from 5 to 7.

    Read and understand your sources and you won't continually come across as an utter moron.

  9. #784
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Number of Countries where US military actions were taking place in 2014



    Number of countries where US military actions are taking place in 2018



    Interesting the correlation of Hillary in the state department and when she is not.
    From your first link:

    Surprising, right? In 2013, the US Special Operations Command [[SOCOM) — one of the nine organizational units that make up the Unified Combatant Command — had special operations forces [[SOFs) in 134 countries, where they were either involved in combat, special missions, or advising and training foreign forces. [[Mostly this last thing, according to public statements.)
    So you're saying that SOCOM only has advisers/trainers in SEVEN countries currently? That's a flat out fucking lie. I can name 20 countries off the top of my head that I know for a fact we have Spec Ops forces in as trainers or advisers. Shit, we're in at least two dozen countries in Africa ALONE right now [[Libya, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Djibouti, Niger, Burundi, the list is endless)

  10. #785


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    Interesting that in your stupidity and assumption that everyone else is as stupid and gullible, you choose two articles that are looking at things totally differently. If you applied the implied definition of war from your second source and looked at your first source, you would see that under an apples to apples comparison, it has gone from 5 to 7.

    Read and understand your sources and you won't continually come across as an utter moron.
    You do make a good case as to why children should not have access to electronic devices without an adult present.

    You cry about posting links then when they are you really do have a comprehension problem when reading them.

    I do not assume anybody is stupid or gullible until they continue to prove they are.

    How come both of you have been unable to provide proof to your claims ?

    Name the 17 intelligence agencies

    Prove your claims that your president is beholden to the Russian President.

  11. #786


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    From your first link:

    So you're saying that SOCOM only has advisers/trainers in SEVEN countries currently? That's a flat out fucking lie. I can name 20 countries off the top of my head that I know for a fact we have Spec Ops forces in as trainers or advisers. Shit, we're in at least two dozen countries in Africa ALONE right now [[Libya, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Djibouti, Niger, Burundi, the list is endless)

    Okay after you name the 17 intelligence agencies and provide the proof that Trump is beholden to Putin,outside of your mind then we can move in to the concept that I did not more then you do,I posted a link and left it up to your interpretation.

    You said you can name 20 countries,name them,Off of the top of your head.

    Two dozen in America is considered 24 you named 8,where are the rest in Africa alone?

    You said it was a flat out ******* lie.

    How are you privy to classified information in the interests of national security and cleared to publicy disclose it?

    You do not and are not.

    So you place a claim of a lie when you have no way of disputing or proving it.

    That is considered normal thinking?

  12. #787


    Quote Originally Posted by DeLemur View Post
    Frankly its a joke to say Obama is at fault for rising student debt in the United States. Student debt and who owns or sells it is a convoluted business. The point about Trump University is Trump runs corrupt organizations and with the Foundation, they both had to be shut. That's someone you don't interview to run any organization, especially not the United States of America. He's a corrupt person, bottom line.
    Student loans became even more of a 'convoluted business' when Obama nationalized student loans. Where in the Constitution was President Obama delegated that power? Defaults hit new highs hitting students and taxpayers hard. We've already discussed this. You think Obama has more character than Trump because Trump had to pay $25M back to dissatisfied students while Obama was never under any obligation to compensate for messing up student loans, or the messes, death, and destruction his policies caused in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine. We have different grading systems.

    Quote Originally Posted by DeLemur View Post
    For a President to say Putin might be right, in the face of all our intelligence agencies saything Russia is guilty. Well that's an upside world of a Russian ass kisser in the White House. Ronald Reagan would be rolling in his grave.

    What's amazing to me is all you Trump supporters seem to think he's just as bad as other Presidents, but you obviously can't discriminate between shale and granite. This is a President who helps Russia, runs corrupt organizations, thinks he can shoot people and get away with it and boasts all sorts of lies. This is a reality TV star hack who smiled his way into office. He is not comparable to a bad political system. He is the bastard son that it birthed.
    I'm a fan of detente while you sound like you are channeling Joe McCarthy. Setting your TDS symptoms aside:
    Detente definition: the easing of hostility or strained relations, especially between countries.

    After the collapse of the USSR, we had a great opportunity for detente which were squandered by W. Bush, Obama, and Trump. Russia didn't like nukes brought close to its borders. Russia didn't like it when Obama overthrew the elected government of Ukraine and responded by occupying Crimea. Russia didn't like it when Obama tried to overthrow Syria and Russia established military bases in Syria as a response. Russia went further by establishing enhanced military packs with China. Trump cancelled weapons treaties with Russia. Russia challenges the west with its aircraft. So much damage has been done that it would take a lot of work to pry Russia away from China at this point. I think thats what we should start working on instead of promoting a second cold war.

    Of course Russia and China and Iran, for that matter, will pursue their own interests in our elections. Obama had Merkel's phone tapped. Snowflake arguments that they do the same thing as us are rather stupid.

    The only candidate promoting detente is Tulsi Gabbard. Bernie might but he has been promoting socialist spendin lately instead. Bernie did spend his honeymoon in the USSR. Trump, at least, can walk into the same room with Putin for ongoing discussions. Obama always looked like he wanted to escape or piddle when he wound up one on one with Putin. Trump and Putin have been staying out of each other's hair in Syria and working together to get rid of ISIS. Hillary, in contrast, was advocating shooting Russian planes out of the sky over Syria in the last election. Maybe you should be happy that Hillary, your fellow cold warrior, topped a Democratic poll today leading all other Democrats were she running. Me? I'm for efforts to work our way back to detente. Realistically, Gabbard is the best choice toward that end while Trump is my second choice. Meanwhile you sound like John Bolton. I'm glad Trump fired Bolton.

  13. #788


    Hillary’s private war in Libya that used the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists against Gaddafi which was the flashpoint that created the refugee crisis.

    Because France was worried that Gaddafi would change the French currency to an African based gold backed currency,France and he UK were not prepared for war and even after peace talks were secured Hillary decided regime change was in order.

    It is nice to have a president in charge that has the stones that keeps the state department in check in order to stop creating all of these little private wars outside of congress.

    Russia lost a lot of territory with the fall of the Soviet Union,Poland offered the US 1 billion to put a base there but Russia fights the same battles that we do and did when they parked nukes in Cuba.

    They are going to have the same reaction when we start parking nukes on thier borders.

    Which was one of the reasons Trump choose not to take the Polish up on thier offer.

    It would have created Cold War tensions all over again.

    That does not make him soft on Russia,we both have enough nukes to destroy the world 10 times over,the objective is not to go that route because everybody else gets lost in the blast also.

    The game is we try and gain allies just as Russia does,even after Hillary made the unrainium deal with Russia she made no secret of her desire to go to war with Russia.

    The polls have here at 21% over Biden as the leading democrat contender if she were to run.

    But then again we have experienced how accurate their polling is in the past.

    It would not surprise me if she jumped in on the platform of she can beat Trump in 2020,sometimes I wonder if the DNC is actually controlled by the GOP because they seem to be working hard at undermining thier own party.The tiny part that they have not ceded to the socialist party anyways.

    I think in the future it will be the socialist party and the republicans,the Democratic Party will exist in name only.
    Last edited by Richard; December-10-19 at 10:06 AM.

  14. #789


    Looks like the Articles [2 Total] of Impeachment are going forth...

  15. #790


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Student loans became even more of a 'convoluted business' when Obama nationalized student loans. Where in the Constitution was President Obama delegated that power? Defaults hit new highs hitting students and taxpayers hard. We've already discussed this. You think Obama has more character than Trump because Trump had to pay $25M back to dissatisfied students while Obama was never under any obligation to compensate for messing up student loans, or the messes, death, and destruction his policies caused in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine. We have different grading systems.
    You're right. I believe in the U.S. Justice System and not elect someone who blatant scammed poor people with dreams of Trump riches under a University.
    I also believe in a President who doesn't go against his intelligence agencies to publicly agree with a Russia leader who clearly tilted our election for his gain.

    It is a sad day in America when you guys have to weave such convoluted talking points to justify what is clear and obvious craziness betrayal of American values from a sitting President.

    Oh, here he is saying its ok to kill journalists. Don't bother Russia.

    Almost exactly four years ago — on Dec. 18, 2015 — Trump was asked by MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough about Putin’s habit of killing journalists and invading neighboring countries. Trump defended Putin as “a leader, unlike what we have in this country,” and said, “Our country does plenty of killing, too, Joe.”

  16. #791


    Oh, here he is saying its ok to kill journalists. Don't bother Russia.

    Almost exactly four years ago — on Dec. 18, 2015 — Trump was asked by MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough about Putin’s habit of killing journalists and invading neighboring countries. Trump defended Putin as “a leader, unlike what we have in this country,” and said, “Our country does plenty of killing, too, Joe.”

    From that you concluded that he was saying it is okay to kill journalists.

    Speaks volumes when all you saw were two words.. killing and journalist.

    You are seriously saying that we do not invade and kill at will,that is not defending Putin that is saying do not be such a hypocrite.

  17. #792


    Quote Originally Posted by DeLemur View Post
    You're right. I believe in the U.S. Justice System and not elect someone who blatant scammed poor people with dreams of Trump riches under a University.
    I also believe in a President who doesn't go against his intelligence agencies to publicly agree with a Russia leader who clearly tilted our election for his gain.

    It is a sad day in America when you guys have to weave such convoluted talking points to justify what is clear and obvious craziness betrayal of American values from a sitting President.

    Oh, here he is saying its ok to kill journalists. Don't bother Russia.

    Almost exactly four years ago — on Dec. 18, 2015 — Trump was asked by MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough about Putin’s habit of killing journalists and invading neighboring countries. Trump defended Putin as “a leader, unlike what we have in this country,” and said, “Our country does plenty of killing, too, Joe.”
    You consider Obama a man of "character" after his failed policies resulted in hundreds of times more student debt and his foreign policies resulted in hundreds of thousands of Arab deaths, destruction, and millions of refugees. We spend $48B/day just in Syria. Do you realize how peanuts your big deal about the $25M Trump did pay back, sounds? Obama also had the advantage of never getting dirty in business except for handing out foundation money he never earned. That was his job training for being a Senator and President. After three years of Trump, we have 3.5% unemployment nationally, the stock market is doing better than I expected, and Trump has not started any new wars. Some demographic groups are enjoying their lowest unemployment rate ever. Peace and prosperity! I like that! We'll miss that if Democrats win.

    I suggest that if you want to criticize Trump it should instead be for not doing whatever it takes to balance the budget, giving in to Democrats and neocons in not removing all of our troops from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, not putting our Army on our own southern border and not imposing more tariffs which gets us back to balancing the budget.

    Clapper and Brennan lied to Congress and were never punished. Why should Trump or anyone take Clapper's word for anything? From what I can make of Comey, Clapper, and Brennan they should have been removed a long time ago. Clapper, at least, should be in jail for lying to Congress. I suspect that their deep state antics had much to do with their removal. Truman removed McArthur. They should go too. Instead of jail, Brennan was hired by NBC 'news' and Clapper is on the payroll of CNN helping promote the coup. Trump is the first President since Kennedy who has stood up to the J. Edgar Hoovers of our time.

    Regarding your last paragraph: It's amazing that you think that the U.S. doesn't invade countries and kill people and it's Antifa, the Democratic Party's brownshirt organization, that's been beating up journalists.

  18. #793


    Why is the Democratic Party so intent on erasing Tulsi Gabbard ?

    Why are they so afraid of her that they needed to pull Hilliary into as a spokeswoman for the DNC.

    Hilliary calls Gabbard and Stien Russian operatives,for a party that is so intent on get Trump,Gabbard seems to be the only one that could really give Trump a run in 2020.

    Why is the DNC still beholding to Hillary,is she still running the party from behind the curtain?
    Last edited by Richard; December-14-19 at 09:03 PM.

  19. #794


    Why are you still bringing up Hillary?

  20. #795


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    Why are you still bringing up Hillary?
    She is still interjecting herself in the DNC and trying to control who runs,and still pushes the narrative of anybody that she does not agree with is a Russian operative or seeking Russian intervention to gain popularity in politics.

    The problem is her followers,as you can see even in threads here,latch on to that narrative,she is actually doing what she accuses the Russians of doing,trying to influence the 2020 elections.

    Meddling in the world is her crack fix and she is not just going to fade away,she raised/laundered a lot of money for the DNC so they probably are reluctant to just have her fade away.

    I would not be surprised if they threw her in at the last second,her poll numbers,not that they meen anything,match Biden’s.

    Why are they even polling and feeling the temperature of the political scene if she is irrelevant,we have already experienced that the DNC has no problem throwing thier own under the bus in order to gain thier objective.

    At this point what DNC candidates out of the 4 that are qualified actually have a support base that would change thier vote if thier current candidate that they support dropped out.

    Interesting that the party of the people and diversity has narrowed the field down to 4 old white candidates that are qualified and are multi millionaires.

    Kamla Harris was the poster child of the hypocrisy of a party that claims to be for the people.

    All the Democratic Party is doing right now is testing the waters and see what is a trigger so they can custom build a candidate to put up,Biden is really the only contender,the rest are to far left even for the democrats,they would proably be more suited for a third party,but we are a two party system and no way are we going to allow a third party with a socialist platform,if they were they would have never kept Bernie on a leash.
    Last edited by Richard; December-15-19 at 11:17 AM.

  21. #796


    Here is a view on the real reason Hilliary is attacking Tulsi Gabbard and why Kamal Harris dropped out.


  22. #797


    I guessed that Hillary was waiting in the wings to have the option of stepping in should the Democratic convention become deadlocked. However, the BBC writes that Hillary has taken a job as chancellor of Queens University of Belfast. The article says the role of chancellor is mainly a ceremonial role. Even so, it seems like a diversion of focus if Hillary wants to be standing in the wings to be drafted for the candidacy.

    Also, Julien Castro has quit his presidential race.
    Last edited by oladub; January-02-20 at 09:44 AM.

  23. #798
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    The polls are in, Warren's ploy backfires spectacularly

  24. #799
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Well, this is a pleasant surprise.


    Tulsi Gabbard is suing Hillary Clinton for more than $50 million in damages following Clinton’s suggestion that she was Russia’s favored candidate to win the Democratic nomination for president in 2020.

  25. #800


    ^ I think the problem is Hilliary did not mention her name specifically,but even if Hillary did lose the case the Russians would just donate to her charity,she is good at creating revenue from behind the scenes while creating plausible deniability,she has made a lot of people a lot of money that are not concerned about where it derives from.

    My condolences to Mrs. Gabbards family,suicide is hard to deal with.

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