Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
MW, I agree that failed institutions should be allowed to die. Don't you think, however, that Snyder is actually doing the right thing here? He's helping DPS find the reset button, so at least moving forward they have a chance. I don't agree with everything about this, but I respect that Snyder is again showing that he's willing to do the unpopular to help Detroit. And of course the Detroit Chorus of Boos for Snyder sings loudly.

Funny how people say they want bi-partisanship. Except they also want to hate the other party for every 'crime' they've committed and are unable to see cooperation in any actions.
I agree that this is an attempt by Gov. Snyder to help the city, which is something in general I think he wants to do. I didn't think I was being critical of him. But I don't think this plan would make a significant difference in the schools if it happened, and I don't think it will happen because I don't think the Legislature will come up with the additional money.