I sent Zacha a long email which it appears didn't transmit. Still feel better for writing about an ancient incident. Sometimes it is good to explore, re-visit or discuss life events.

Rape is a horror that never leaves one. My heart goes out to every victim because I know first hand.

I am not embarrassed to say I was a rape/abduction victim, the burden of guilt is on the assailants. I rarely speak of this, mostly because I don't want pity or to be viewed as a victim. Strangely, people are uncomfortable around this dialogue, blame does go to the victim since it makes folk uncomfortable. Trust me I know this first hand. I rarely talk about this but sometimes women need to speak out.

Thank you Zacha for reaching out. I really did send you a detailed account but it did not seem to transmit. All things considered, you got spared a tragedy in my life.