Quote Originally Posted by TKshreve View Post
Crossed the line??!! Yeah, but no mention of the guy who CREATED a police chase by running and hit a family in a car. Don't worry Kraig...... he'll be out and on the streets in 2 months. Maybe driving through your neighborhood.

You're either trolling or a criminal yourself. Either way, you're incorrect.
This is somewhat of a companion thread to the one about the police crossing the line.

One of the reasons I didn't mention Hardy's actions is because it's beyond clear that what he did was wrong and hopefully he'll be punished for them.

One of the problems with police brutality in a situation like this is that for everything that hardy did wrong the only thing he deserves is punishment. Unfortunately, due to the officers actions, he or his family has the chance to gain money from this due to a police brutality lawsuit.

Another reason that I didn't mention Hardy's actions or the victims is because there is no taxpayer funded training or sanctioning on being a criminal. But there is training and sanctioning involved with becoming a police officer. Officers are trained to keep their composure so that the only thing that should be focused on is the criminal's conduct, not the officer's.

The officer's action is a good indication of why the Department of Justice has been monitoring the DPD for a number of years. That monitoring has cost the City of Detroit more than $14,000,000.00 so far. How many police officers could that have paid for to patrol my neighborhood when someone like Hardy, who ends up receiving a lesser punishment than he should because of the police brutality, drives through?

Police brutality costs money. Period.