You can mock and dismiss misgivings as "conspiracy theories" all you want.

The legislation has been written.

This is not a hypothetical.

This is not one lunatic. This is being tried in several in several consistend and reliably blue states with current Republican control. Wisconsin and Pennsylvania being mentioned along with Michigan. Ohio may be another one.

This not new. This was mentioned by REPUBLICAN STRATEGISTS almost as soon as Romney lost.

All those other things you mentioned have NOTHING to do with rigging the vote in states where you can't win.

I really don't know what state you were living in for the last 4 years.

But this group doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. They killed and set that on fire back in Dec of 2012.

The other states have cooled on this nonsense.

But Michigan, being the shithole it is, might be the only ones stupid enough to actually pull this off. And they'll succeed.

And that's why I'm trying to eject like a bat out of hell.