"Another cliche feel-good article about Detroit"

What a great problem to have, kind of like having problems finding parking downtown. A sign of better times. Bring'em on. I'll give them just ten years to stop that.

I am not sure how long the OP has been on the scene but for those of us who have endured decades of negativity, scorn and derision this is very sweet music of which we will never hear enough. In fact people bitching about too many good reviews is just as sweet. So I consider even a negative thread like this to be win win for the D*.

*The D = metro Detroit has become how most people use the term, another bright sign as more in our community are thinking of our metro as one entity. It is not the arrogant 'the big D'; just the D, sort of like the old English D we have always worn in a city that was around 130 years before Dallas was settled.