Funniest thing? The latest stuff I've learned actually confirms that metal cannot be passed through these portals, either. At least not magnetizable metals...

I DO so want all of this to be made-up...but it seems to be the other way around.

It appears the fictional accounts serve as a cover, leaked in advance so the populace would accept them when they arrived in our reality...but enough to cause any casual observers to ridicule anyone who dares to consider them deeply. Nor would they be too alarmed with the revelation, how many people initially though the 9/11 disaster was merely a movie promo?!

If that is true, it explains why so much of life seems like fiction today anyways.

We could simply do a study on the "prophetic" nature of the Jetson's cartoons, and have basis to prove this theory out. All in good fun, of course! Ahem.