
What did your dad do? Back in the day, early 80's, most folks ssumed that if you were a woman working for Ma Bell that you were an operator. If you were male, repair or installation.

Great story on your dad and his buddy being blotto. Back then, again, people would drive when slightly blotto. That's how I got the spousal unit. In preparation for hoping to get much of the computer work for Ameritech after divestiture, they/we built a HUGE computer building at the Northwest Office Center off the Lodge in Southfield. I spent a weekend coordinating moving a lot of mainframes into the new building and had VERY little sleep. Worked like 20 hours, slept under my desk for 4, worked another 18, slept 3, etc. for several days. Once it was done, a bunch of us went out for drinks to celebrate and I was so exhausted that our table was cut off after 1 drink. Spouse wanted to make sure I got home safe so he followed me to make sure I was okay and it kind of grew from there.