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  1. #126
    ccbatson Guest


    Death panels, debate comments, successfully outing corruption as governor, oil pipeline, thoughts on energy independence/domestic self sufficiency, support of free market smaller government principles and lower taxes....and on, and on.

  2. #127
    dfunkycity Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Lorax View Post
    Well, likewise, fascist right wing bullshit fuels my anger just as much.

    Palin is dumb, anyone who isn't dumb can recongize it. Her family is something she chose to drag into the spotlight, no one else.

    And there is no liberal media. All media is owned by rich, white, Rethuglican men who are all fascists.

    Obama was never my candidate, which the Reich can't seem to seperate liberals from Obama. Obama is NO liberal, he's about as conservative as it gets. A big disappointment to us all.

    Anyone who would choose Palin as a running mate is also dumb, or being handled by higher powers, such as McShame was. He had nothing to do with choosing Palin, she was chosen for him. The wealth interests like Richard Mellon Scaife amongst others chose her.

    And quit talking stupid shit about Obama "buying" his diplomas. He and his wife only paid off their student loans when he ran for the senate. He is eminently more qualified for any number of jobs than Saracuda, and trying to compare the bona fides is ridiculous.
    Of course it was only a matter of time before some liberal blamed white men for all the problems.

    Well since I am not rich by any means and i do not hobnob in those fake types of circles like many liberals aspire too, I really don't know if all media is owned by white racists as you claim but that is something I assume they taught you in liberal class because every liberal I know, blames whitey.

    Now how sad is it that you assume there are no so called minorities that own any media giants in this country.

    lets see, there was BET before it was sold, now there is the ONE channel, Oprahs empire, numerous publishing empires etc,etc
    'all the hispanic media? Asian media? please

    Yuck, talk to a lib longer than 5 mins and automatically they hate white people.

    How sad is it that you are racist and you don't even realize it?
    Even funner, if racist crawled out of you from some crevice and slapped you into black history month you still would not believe you are racist.

    Projecting one's own faults is a common practice.

    By the way, are you one of those "white man's burden" liberals?
    Those are the best kind yanno.
    Disguised as caring ,loving and compassionate individuals and truly believe in their hearts they are doing the right thing not realizing reality at all blinded by their own foolishness.

    Can we say Hypocrisy Lorax?
    Last edited by dfunkycity; December-02-09 at 10:26 PM.

  3. #128


    HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA [[omg this so stupid I can't believe I'm sitting here responding....)

    I'm laughing so hard at the CC/FunkyCity club blathering that I don't even know what to say. It's like they're blindfolded, in the dark, and throwing punches around randomly, hoping something, maybe something, will hit some liberal's chin, and then THEY WIN!!! YAYY!!!!

    It's so silly and ridiculous [[CC) or so much illiterate, undecipherable wharrgarbl [[dfunky) that there's nowhere to even start.

    Saul Alinsky "ridicule" reference in 3... 2... 1...

  4. #129
    dfunkycity Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Diehard View Post
    HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA [[omg this so stupid I can't believe I'm sitting here responding....)

    I'm laughing so hard at the CC/FunkyCity club blathering that I don't even know what to say. It's like they're blindfolded, in the dark, and throwing punches around randomly, hoping something, maybe something, will hit some liberal's chin, and then THEY WIN!!! YAYY!!!!

    It's so silly and ridiculous [[CC) or so much illiterate, undecipherable wharrgarbl [[dfunky) that there's nowhere to even start.

    Saul Alinsky "ridicule" reference in 3... 2... 1...
    no need to reference. U know this was your only out. Lack of actual brain power is a prerequisite for liberalness.
    We all know this. Specifically your handlers because they have trained u properly.
    Just being able to follow is the only attribute required to join the zombie nation.
    Last edited by dfunkycity; December-02-09 at 11:11 PM.

  5. #130


    Quote Originally Posted by dfunkycity View Post
    no need to reference. U know this was your only out. Lack of actual brain power is not a prerequisite for liberalness.
    We all know this. Specifically your handlers because they have trained u properly.
    Just being able to follow is the only attribute required to join the zombie nation.

    I decided long ago [[in the German immigration thread, remember?) that you're full of crap and not worth my time to debate. Silly boy. Go play now.

  6. #131
    dfunkycity Guest


    OMG!!!!!!!! Now you did it. My feelings are hurt because you won't chat with me .

    Sigh, and here I thought that you may actually find something meaningful to say but I was wrong.
    Just worthless babble because you have nothing constructive to add.

    u bore me child

  7. #132


    Quote Originally Posted by dfunkycity View Post
    OMG!!!!!!!! Now you did it. My feelings are hurt because you won't chat with me .

    Sigh, and here I thought that you may actually find something meaningful to say but I was wrong.
    Just worthless babble because you have nothing constructive to add.

    u bore me child
    Been reading your Alinsky, I see...

  8. #133


    Quote Originally Posted by dfunkycity View Post
    Of course it was only a matter of time before some liberal blamed white men for all the problems.

    Well since I am not rich by any means and i do not hobnob in those fake types of circles like many liberals aspire too, I really don't know if all media is owned by white racists as you claim but that is something I assume they taught you in liberal class because every liberal I know, blames whitey.

    Now how sad is it that you assume there are no so called minorities that own any media giants in this country.

    lets see, there was BET before it was sold, now there is the ONE channel, Oprahs empire, numerous publishing empires etc,etc
    'all the hispanic media? Asian media? please

    Yuck, talk to a lib longer than 5 mins and automatically they hate white people.

    How sad is it that you are racist and you don't even realize it?
    Even funner, if racist crawled out of you from some crevice and slapped you into black history month you still would not believe you are racist.

    Projecting one's own faults is a common practice.

    By the way, are you one of those "white man's burden" liberals?
    Those are the best kind yanno.
    Disguised as caring ,loving and compassionate individuals and truly believe in their hearts they are doing the right thing not realizing reality at all blinded by their own foolishness.

    Can we say Hypocrisy Lorax?
    I hear a faint buzzing noise...anybody else hear that faint buzzing noise?

  9. #134


    Quote Originally Posted by elganned View Post
    I hear a faint buzzing noise...anybody else hear that faint buzzing noise?
    More like a squeaky mouse here.

  10. #135


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitej72 View Post
    Isn't Palin's 15 minutes up yet? The woman is a complete embarrassment to America everywhere she goes.
    I used to think that she would be used to make Huckabee look like a reasonable candidate. But then he pardoned that guy that killed the police officers in Washington state. That should do in his presidential chances if there is any justice in this world.

    BTW, the Daily Show did a very funny piece on Palin's book tour in NYC. The bookstore they picked had order eight copies of her book.

  11. #136


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    Death panels, debate comments, successfully outing corruption as governor, oil pipeline, thoughts on energy independence/domestic self sufficiency, support of free market smaller government principles and lower taxes....and on, and on.
    And she finally is reading periodicals! She's been studyin' up.

  12. #137


    Quote Originally Posted by maxx View Post
    And she finally is reading periodicals! She's been studyin' up.
    Yeah, but so far she's only managed "Helicopter Hunters Weekly" and "1,001 Moose Stew Recipes".

    She'll get to the hard stuff eventually; we have hope.

  13. #138
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by dfunkycity View Post
    Of course it was only a matter of time before some liberal blamed white men for all the problems.

    Well since I am not rich by any means and i do not hobnob in those fake types of circles like many liberals aspire too, I really don't know if all media is owned by white racists as you claim but that is something I assume they taught you in liberal class because every liberal I know, blames whitey.

    Now how sad is it that you assume there are no so called minorities that own any media giants in this country.

    lets see, there was BET before it was sold, now there is the ONE channel, Oprahs empire, numerous publishing empires etc,etc
    'all the hispanic media? Asian media? please

    Yuck, talk to a lib longer than 5 mins and automatically they hate white people.

    How sad is it that you are racist and you don't even realize it?
    Even funner, if racist crawled out of you from some crevice and slapped you into black history month you still would not believe you are racist.

    Projecting one's own faults is a common practice.

    By the way, are you one of those "white man's burden" liberals?
    Those are the best kind yanno.
    Disguised as caring ,loving and compassionate individuals and truly believe in their hearts they are doing the right thing not realizing reality at all blinded by their own foolishness.

    Can we say Hypocrisy Lorax?
    Like I said before, you're lost with no hope of redemption.

    Why do you make the leap to racism from my post??? Curious.

    You really have no idea or insight into me or my views other than what I post, which is about as far from racist as it gets! LOL!!

    You may not be rich, but you align yourself with rich elitist snots who represent a dwindling party of socially retarded sycophantic Jesusfreaks with stock options.

    Why would you support a group that has nothing but contempt for you? Sounds like you have a pathology far deeper and might seek help for it.

    Yes, all major media is owned by rich, white, Rethuglican men. End of discussion.

    Wealth is what renders people Rethuglican first, without that, they have nothing, since being a liberal, acting like a human, and thinking in collective terms comes from having a secure sense of self first, then a sense of community follows.

    There is something terribly wrong with a Rethuglican mindset, with numerous examples abounding, not the least of which are xenophobes and sociopaths like Dick Cheney, George Bush, Condolezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, and thousands more like them.

    Our nation barely survived 8 years of this kind of "leadership" and will take years to recover from the death, destruction, and theft of our treasury by these Rethuglican nutsacks.

  14. #139


    Quote Originally Posted by maxx View Post
    BTW, the Daily Show did a very funny piece on Palin's book tour in NYC. The bookstore they picked had order eight copies of her book.
    I had to look that one up: Excitement Over Sarah Palin's Book Release.

  15. #140
    ccbatson Guest


    She sold [[not printed) over a million copies in record time and still going strong.

    Not my thing, and I don't plan on reading it...but, maybe when I get through what is on my plate....

  16. #141


    and at least half were pre-sale bulk orders to right-wing fringe groups. my bookstore friends say individual sales aren't so hot, and I was in line at Borders, twenty people and not one of her books

  17. #142
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    Last first:

    1. your false assertion.
    2. false premise.
    3. No evidence that she did that or had intent to endorse it.
    4. He was [[and maybe is).
    5. Faith is not a characteristic of intelligence.
    6. Spin by generated the false label, why would she be familiar with it?
    7. Nervous, or a momentary lapse....like Obama saying we have 57 states.
    8. Same as 7...like Obama saying surgeons get paid an immediate 40K to perform an amputation [[try 600 dollars).
    9. Never heard her do that.

    That is all you have [[nothing)?
    No, I have more- she was dumb enough NOT to read the language of the health bill, wich does NOT contain any mention of "death panels" which was her assertion [[or downright lie). She does everything to score cheap political points, and even they aren't worth her effort.

    "Faith is not a characteristic of intelligence"- love this line!

    Nothing could be further from the truth. I guess by that metric you wouldn't question the motives of suicide bombers, or those who put faith in the "laying on of hands" as Saracuda does. Complete bullshit. Anyone who believes in fairy tales is up for scrutiny. The only slack I'll cut you is "faith" as opposed to "religion"- perhaps you make a distinction?

    You can have faith in something or someone [[hope and expectation, really) or you can be overtly "religious."

    Palin is a crazy charasmatic evangelical, which in the minds of truly intelligent people is the equivalent of batcrap crazy. Anyone who speaks like this or truly believes the bullshit, is indeed unintelligent.

  18. #143
    ccbatson Guest


    Backwards as usual...beyond the language [[a higher, not lower intellectual skill) confirmed by earlier comments by luminaries on the left in favor of universal health care [[Robert Reich, Tom Daschle, Eric Holdren, Sumstein, Clinton, and others), confirmed by the 500 billion dollar cut to Medicare....Rationing weighted to the "less productive" read elderly= death panels. Remember Obama alluding to using pain pills instead of a pacemaker for a 95 year old mother of a town hall participant.

    Palin is using rational thought, not literal parroting of a passage from a 2000 page bill that makes no sense

  19. #144


    Here's your "rational thinking" dreamgirl at her best:

    "Bill O'Reilly: Let me be very bold and fresh again, do you believe that you are smart enough, incisive enough, intellectual enough to handle the most powerful job in the world? Sarah Palin: I believe that I am because I have common sense and I have I believe the values that I think are reflective of so many other American values, and I believe that what Americans are seeking is not the elitism, the uhm, the ah, a kind of spineless, spinelessness that perhaps is made up for that with some kind of elite, Ivy league education and, and a fat resume that is based on anything but hard work and private sector, free enterprise principles. Americans are could be seeking something like that in positive change in their leadership, I'm not saying that that has to be me."

    The video's even better because of the dopey look on her face, and Bill's "ummm, OK" reaction:


  20. #145


    Here's another nice collection of your brilliant dreamgal's greatest hits:


  21. #146
    ccbatson Guest


    When off the teleprompter, Obama stammers and umms every other word. In his case, libs call that "deliberative".

  22. #147
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    Backwards as usual...beyond the language [[a higher, not lower intellectual skill) confirmed by earlier comments by luminaries on the left in favor of universal health care [[Robert Reich, Tom Daschle, Eric Holdren, Sumstein, Clinton, and others), confirmed by the 500 billion dollar cut to Medicare....Rationing weighted to the "less productive" read elderly= death panels. Remember Obama alluding to using pain pills instead of a pacemaker for a 95 year old mother of a town hall participant.

    Palin is using rational thought, not literal parroting of a passage from a 2000 page bill that makes no sense
    "Palin" and "rational thought" cannot be used in the same sentence. Period.

    You really are delusional. No one but wealthy insurance companies ration health. They do it every day, denying paying customers coverage of the latest technology in favor of outdated procedures that will save them money.

    They are fascist mindset individuals who run these behemoths, and should be all put out of business as soon as possible.

  23. #148


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    When off the teleprompter, Obama stammers and umms every other word. In his case, libs call that "deliberative".
    Some would call it "thinking about what you're about to say instead of spewing verbal diarrhea." Obama thinks about a question, and answers it like a smart person [[oh, I'm sorry, an Ivy League elitist, in FoxNewsSpeak). Sarah answers questions like a babbling backwoods idiot [[oh, I'm sorry, a Real American). Your point is?

  24. #149
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    She sold [[not printed) over a million copies in record time and still going strong.

    Not my thing, and I don't plan on reading it...but, maybe when I get through what is on my plate....
    What's could possibly be on your plate? You spend so much time posting here, there is no way you could hold down a demanding job, like, say, a "doctor."

    I'm thinkin' what's on your plate is more like boiled possum with a side of political acrimony.

    Saracuda's "sales" are no doubt doctored up by the crazies like "Freedomworks" who buy in bulk to hand out at Teagagging rallies.

    It was 30% off at Border's here in it's first week.

    No doubt it will end up being blown out at the dollar store by the end of next week.

  25. #150


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    Not my thing, and I don't plan on reading it...
    That's because of FEAR! You're afraid of Sarah Palin and her radical ideas!

    I dare you to read it! I double-dog dare you! Fraidy-cat, fraidy-cat, Cc is a fraidy-cat...

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