Quote Originally Posted by Rocko View Post
The island at the foot of the Southfield is Mud Island, and if one looks at an aerial image, it is roughly rectangular in shape. Immediately to the southeast of that is Grassy Island, another dredging dump ground, which borders the Fighting Island shipping channel on the American side and is an important call in point for commercial vessel traffic. I was not aware that the Corps also deposited dredging tailings on Fighting Island but that doesn't surprise me.
Rocko. I'm not sure the Corps deposited dredgings on Fighting Island. It's seems I remember it though. The Corps Dredges, Haines and Lyman, worked all the channels around here and proceeded to that area to dump. I know I saw them in the Fighting Island Channel as well as the Bob Lo Boats. The Fighting Island Channel wasn't used by shipping traffic, but was, to my memory, used as an alternative, maybe emergency, route by smaller boats such as St. Clair, Columbia and Corp Dredges.