Public bus service only works when it is convenient and easy to use compared to driving. The politics, large freeway expansions, high existing transit taxes and greed in southeast Michigan are all good reasons to defeat the SMART Property Tax Renewal next August 2010.

The time is right for Michigan to get rid of both SMART and DDOT and let others do the job that are willing to fight the dirty politics in Lansing, fill the buses up and get federal transit grants by fighting the road lobbyists.

Top transit managers are doing nothing today despite the need to get people to work at the many suburban jobs that many inner city workers want or need. These managers only care about raising local taxes to balance their budget and they know it. It’s time for them to leave the transportation industry because they are dinosaurs of a long time ago when fuel taxes and local taxes were plentiful with good union jobs.

It’s time for Wal-Mart to pay and to go after the MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION by means of force which means to vote NO. My neighborhood is turning into a slum as a result of the SEMCOG plans that took away much needed state funds for existing transportation needs to match federal grants for NEW needs of expanding freeways. My Civil Rights of 1964 complaint was turned down because the large expansions are considered existing needs by the Federal Transit Administration and the large Livonia buses are not considered an existing need because SMART is a now local charity cause to get Grandma to the doctors office while top Wal-Mart officials make Millions of dollars per year, drive big cars and live in Mansions by turning Livonia into a ghetto. They destroyed a large bus shelter and got big tax breaks by our city.

Take a drive along Plymouth Road and see the big trucks with Chinese goods made by slave labor and look at the boarded up stores and abandoned cars and even a few boarded up homes. This is what corporate greed and the slashing of federal and state funding does and why we all need to say HELL NO to SMART unless they support my cause in Trainman’s save the.. in DETROIT LINKS to go after corrupt government officials who won’t give the working class people an honest decent chance to earn a living.

The bulldozers are coming in full $2 Billion force and they will rip apart what is left of Detroit and Livonia and the rest of the inner suburbs without your vote of NO next August 2010