3.Engage the DDA / DEGC constructively. Simply filing lawsuits or standing up at Council meetings / HDC meetings and attacking staff continues to marginalize preservation activists.

I see this as a plea from PQZ to engage the DDA/DEGC on their own terms. These groups have a track record of loathing transparency and public debate. So, what preservationists should do is reserve a table at the Rattlesnake Club, and very politely tell them what you do and don't like about the group. I'm sure it'd go over well, and they'd be very nice to you, appreciating what you've had to say.

And that's it.

They wouldn't have to act on anything, they'd convinced you that they're so nice, you've shown them how nice you are, and maybe, at some later date, they'll consider what you've had to say. Or incorporate it into their PR strategy.

But what gets the goods?

Don't leaked memos, FOIA requests, vigorous public debate and the scrutiny of media bring actual pressure to bear?

One thing I've learned from watching movements is that, while it's not bad to have somebody go and parley with the movers and shakers, it's meaningless unless there's heat on the street to back it up. So, in my estimation, going hat in hand and parleying only is a worthless strategy.