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  1. #1
    littlebuddy Guest

    Default I wish these leaders would wake up

    I know this will not interest many of you and it is not so much for discussion on wheather you agree with it or not, but for me personally I do believe it, but the saddest part is the loss of so many lifes because of what leadership will do in a country. Even though I am a lover and supporter of Israel, I take no delight in the death of their enemies. If they just left Israel alone, maybe millions would not die.

    Doomsday for Damascus

    by Michael G. Mickey
    Examining current events through the lens of bible prophecy continues to paint a more accurate picture of the end times as detailed in Scripture, seemingly by the hour.

    In this commentary I want to illustrate how events presently taking place in Lebanon may be setting the stage for Damascus, Syria - the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world - to cease to exist.

    Isaiah 17:1:

    The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
    Damascus is today a city of well over 1.5 million inhabitants. Thus, the magnitude of an event occurring that would lead to it being so utterly destroyed it would no longer remain a city brings frightening, even apocalyptic, imagery to mind. But could it happen, potentially very soon? As I'm about to detail, there is little doubt.

    Syrian nuclear weapons goals

    As many recall, I'm sure, Israel bombed what was believed to be a covert nuclear weapons facility in Syria in September of 2007 which is believed to have been provided nuclear weapons grade plutonium by North Korea.

    In the aftermath of the Israeli bombing, which neither Israel nor Syria seemed eager to discuss, the United Nations' nuclear watchdog, the IAEA or International Atomic Energy Agency, asked and was eventually permitted to inspect the site of the bombing. The inspection wasn't permitted to occur before Syria had completely razed what was left of the bombed facility, of course, but the IAEA was eventually allowed to inspect the general area around which the facility had stood. The results of that investigative inquiry? Despite an exhaustive Syrian effort to prevent the IAEA from gaining any insight into what had been on the site, potential evidence was recovered indicating the site may well have been precisely what Israel suspected it was, despite Syria's insistence that radioactive materials recovered from the area were deposited there by Israeli bombs.

    Adding fuel to tensions between Israel and Syria from the 2007 bombing forward, rumors have persisted that Damascus is continuing its efforts to obtain a nuclear weapon, potentially having multiple sites where research and development is underway.

    The following is an excerpt from a Jerusalem Post article on that topic dated 9-11-09:
    Syria may be operating more nuclear sites, apart from the reactor at Deir Azour which was bombed by Israel on September 6, 2007 in what came to be known as Operation Orchard, former US envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency [[IAEA), Gregory Schulte told Channel 10 Thursday evening.

    "I think there were other activities that gave us concern, that gave the IAEA concern… IAEA inspectors actually asked to go to a number of other sites, and the Syrians wouldn't let them go there; they claimed they were military sites. They claimed the uranium particles that the inspectors found at the destroyed reactor came from Israeli bombs," Schulte said.
    Adding to the threat posed to both Israel and Damascus' safety by the Syrian government's nuclear ambitions is the very real prospect that Syria has passed the point of no return in its hatred of Israel, having foolishly supplied a terrorist organization [[Hizbullah in Lebanon) with weapons of mass destruction [[chemical weapons and missile delivery systems).

    The evidence a WMD attack against Israel may be in the works

    Israel National News, in a report dated 9-3-09, indicated a mysterious explosion that occurred recently in a Hizbullah weapons storehouse involved chemical weaponry. And where did the chemical munitions of that incident come from? According to the report, which quoted the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Siyasi, they were from Iran but had been smuggled into Lebanon, not surprisingly, by Syria.

    Not only did Syria aid Hizbullah in procuring weapons of mass destruction from Iran by smuggling chemical weapons into Lebanon, if the Kuwaiti al Jarida can be trusted as a news source, Syria has generously supplied Hizbullah with almost twenty-five percent of its missile arsenal and is presently, alongside Iranian military advisors, teaching Hizbullah how to fire the missiles which are capable of hitting "every part of Israel" according to the Jerusalem Post.

    The Deadly Consequences of WMD Warfare By Proxy

    From my perspective, it seems that both Iran and Syria, already walking a tightrope of sorts with the international community, have decided to permit Hizbullah to wage war on Israel on their behalf, placing the Lebanese people and Lebanon itself in grave danger, particularly if Hizbullah is planning a WMD attack on the Jewish state as seems to be the case.

    Should Hizbullah proceed with a WMD attack on Israel, it would pose an existential threat, particularly at this time when Israel is piecing together the reality that it can't count on anything tantamount to genuine support from the United States under the leadership of Barack Obama. In my humble opinion, one of Israel's first moves, in response to an existential threat to its survival posed by weapons of mass destruction, will, by necessity, be to demonstrate its absolute willingness to do whatever it must to ensure the survival of its nation and people. And that, believers in bible prophecy, could spell doomsday for Damascus.

    As the old saying goes, if you play with fire long enough you're going to get burned. And why is that true? Because the more confident one becomes that tinkering with danger never results in any serious harm, despite the potential it could at any moment, the more likely it is one is going to get reckless and subsequently, make a costly error in judgment. As I look at this situation, it seems clear to me that Syria, Hizbullah and Iran have become so bloodthirsty in their zeal to destroy Israel they've placed thousands of their own people, if not millions literally, in grave danger of destruction.

    Bible prophecy makes it clear that Iran is going to remain militarily viable until the prophesied battle of Gog-Magog foretold in Ezekiel 38-39 occurs, but Syria? It doesn't appear the Syria we're presently familiar with is going to be a participant. In due season we'll understand why that seems to be the case, but from where we are right now? It isn't hard for me to imagine Syria's role as a troublemaker in the Middle East being greatly diminished, potentially very soon.

    Keep looking up, Church! Jesus Christ is Lord and He is coming soon!

  2. #2


    gimme a break

  3. #3


    Rejoice, Christians! The end times are upon us! You'll be going home soon!

    "Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the LORD, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.

    But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap:" ~ Malachi 3:1-3

  4. #4


    Maybe if Israel would wake up, stop building settlements on land they don't own, and get serious about a Palestinian state, they wouldn't have to worry so much about people trying to destroy them.

    Just a thought.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by littlebuddy View Post
    Should Hizbullah proceed with a WMD attack on Israel, it would pose an existential threat, particularly at this time when Israel is piecing together the reality that it can't count on anything tantamount to genuine support from the United States under the leadership of Barack Obama. In my humble opinion, one of Israel's first moves, in response to an existential threat to its survival posed by weapons of mass destruction, will, by necessity, be to demonstrate its absolute willingness to do whatever it must to ensure the survival of its nation and people. And that, believers in bible prophecy, could spell doomsday for Damascus.

    As the old saying goes, if you play with fire long enough you're going to get burned. And why is that true? Because the more confident one becomes that tinkering with danger never results in any serious harm, despite the potential it could at any moment, the more likely it is one is going to get reckless and subsequently, make a costly error in judgment. As I look at this situation, it seems clear to me that Syria, Hizbullah and Iran have become so bloodthirsty in their zeal to destroy Israel they've placed thousands of their own people, if not millions literally, in grave danger of destruction.
    So you're telling us that Israel will use its nuclear stockpile on its neighbor.

    If it thought that the 1967/1973 Wars were bad, with Pres. B.O. running the show, I can safely say that they'll be disappointed at the assistance they'll get from us after that occurs.

  6. #6


    most people in that region just want a little peace and justice ...it's as simple as that....it's their right wingers, and ideologues who play politics over there...at the expense of populations...

    do those who want the end of days really think that their actions to hasten it will not be also judged...those who back this conflict to "Bring about the end" must not realize that their actions towards each other as humans will be something to deal with...

    The neocons love this manipulation of Evangelical Christians, Messianic Jews and Muslims and others- that somehow have not realized the reality of dragging the violations of all human rights- that is going on there out ... It must fill the war coffers for those who like our tax dollars flowing to build these conflicts...and what ever other agendas they have.

    We need to distribute the Goldstone Report then ask each other why? Why do we need to keep our collective heads in the sand...and yes all parties over there are guilty..

    Last edited by gibran; October-23-09 at 04:05 PM.

  7. #7
    ccbatson Guest


    Oh for crying out loud...even Gannon would scoff at this nonsense...right Gannon?

  8. #8
    Lorax Guest


    Again some posters here get it, others don't.

    It's the right wing fascists like Netanyahu and Liebermann who are running the show, that would like nothing better than to have an armed confontation with Palestinians.

    There is no difference between this band of thugs than the ones committing so-called "terror" acts in order to gain their freedom, and restoration of their state.

  9. #9
    ccbatson Guest


    Armed confrontation with the Palestinians? That is a joke...it is the instigator[[s) behind the scenes [[Iran, Syria, et al) are the threat of concern to western civilization via proxy wars with Israel.

  10. #10


    Again, maybe if Israel would man up and stop settlements on land it doesn't own and get serious about a two-state solution, then they might not have to worry about the behind-the-scenes instigators.

  11. #11
    ccbatson Guest


    If you believe that Elganned, I have some prime derivative packaged by Freddie and Fannie and endorsed by Barney Frank to sell you.

  12. #12


    *shrug* Israel doing the right thing might not help, but it certainly couldn't hurt.

  13. #13


    with leaders like this I seriously doubt they will do anything but the "right" thing...[[and keep their illegal activities going in the "right" direction)...with BiBI and their foreign mister, how can they do anything but the "right" thing..to the detriment of their country.

  14. #14


    What are they thinking?

    If they want the territories, why don't they just annex them? If they don't want the territories, why don't they just give them back to Jordan and Egypt and let them set up a Palestinian homeland? They have peace treaties with both states, so there shouldn't be any impediment.

    Stupider and stupider...

  15. #15
    ccbatson Guest


    Surrendering to an insatiable enemy intent on your destruction is not "doing the right thing"

  16. #16
    Lorax Guest


    Without the Palestinians as the proverbial "boogeyman" to hold up as a scare tactic, there would be no support for the fascist thugs currently in power in Israel now.

    Sort of like Tush/Cheeseney and Osama Bin Laden.

    First rule of opposition politics- have a boogey man ready to go at a moment's notice.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by gibran View Post
    most people in that region just want a little peace and justice ...it's as simple as that....it's their right wingers, and ideologues who play politics over there...at the expense of populations...
    and finger pointers

  18. #18


    Why do I get a deja vu feeling someone has been watching the latest season of the TV show SUPERNATURAL... where Lillith broke the 7th seal and Armageddon will soon be upon us...

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    Surrendering to an insatiable enemy intent on your destruction is not "doing the right thing"
    Surrendering land you don't own back to its rightful owners is, however, the right thing. Or does your "sacred right to property" only hold true if it isn't inconvenient?

  20. #20
    ccbatson Guest


    It is owned by Israel by virtue of them having seized it from the attackers invading in the Arab-Israeli wars. Only with the conclusion of that war [[victory or surrender), does the land go back to the original owner. For this I blame Israel for not completing the war in the first place.

  21. #21


    History will be revealed as time goes on...to many brave Israelis are speaking the truth..the land is not worth the collective soul of the justice that is/was the Jewish experience...The Jewish tenet to healing a fractured universe needs to recognized that with invasion/occupation comes responsibility. If you break you own it [[Colin Powell)...if you occupy it you can't blame the victims to get a little upset with the conditions that you set forth...the problem is after awhile the victims act up in ways that perpetuate cycles of violence..blaming the victim is an easy solution to a problem that doesn't want to be solved by powers that gain from this choas..those who build fences and settlements and in response those who shoot rockets.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by gibran View Post
    most people in that region just want a little peace and justice ...it's as simple as that....it's their right wingers, and ideologues who play politics over there...at the expense of populations...
    And who said Israel wasn't America Junior?

    And why do people get so pissy about Israels neighbors wanting nuclear weapons? If the biggest enemy in your region has them and has attacked you numerous times before with conventional weapons, don't you think you having 2-4 bombs might make those too the south reconsider coming after you again?

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    It is owned by Israel by virtue of them having seized it from the attackers invading in the Arab-Israeli wars. Only with the conclusion of that war [[victory or surrender), does the land go back to the original owner. For this I blame Israel for not completing the war in the first place.
    Ah, right of conquest. So much for your "sacred property", if anyone can take whatever they want and "own" it by virtue of having seized it by force.

    And in case you've been asleep, Rip Van Winkle, the war was over 42 years ago and Israel has peace treaties in place with both Jordan and Egypt, from whom they seized the land. So it's time to give it back.

    And exactly how would Israel have "completed" the war in the first place? Occupy Cairo? Burn Damascus? Level Amman? Do tell us, please.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by d.mcc View Post
    And who said Israel wasn't America Junior?

    And why do people get so pissy about Israels neighbors wanting nuclear weapons? If the biggest enemy in your region has them and has attacked you numerous times before with conventional weapons, don't you think you having 2-4 bombs might make those too the south reconsider coming after you again?
    That's exactly the point, d.mcc; Israel hasn't come after Iran or Syria ever. Just the opposite, in fact, in 1967, 1970, and 1973. And the fact that Israel has nukes may be the only thing that has kept it from happening yet again since then. If Syria gets nukes, too, they just might think it worth their while to drop one on, say, Tel-Aviv.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by elganned View Post
    That's exactly the point, d.mcc; Israel hasn't come after Iran or Syria ever. Just the opposite, in fact, in 1967, 1970, and 1973. And the fact that Israel has nukes may be the only thing that has kept it from happening yet again since then. If Syria gets nukes, too, they just might think it worth their while to drop one on, say, Tel-Aviv.
    Just like when Russia got one they went right out and dropped a few on DC?

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