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  1. #1
    4real Guest

    Default Tea Party's a huge success accross the country

    Hundreds of thousands gather across the US in peaceful protests of our out of control government encroachment.
    The quiet majority is finally waking up.

  2. #2


    4real, you don't want to be around when the 'quiet majority' really wakes up.

    For real...

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by 4real View Post
    Hundreds of thousands gather across the US in peaceful protests of our out of control government encroachment.
    The quiet majority is finally waking up.
    Who is saying "hundreds of thousands?" Faux news? Beck? pajamas media released 60,000 nationwide, and they were one of the promoters

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Try parties.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Try parties.
    See, now you're just throwing your elitist liberal education in 4real's face. Uncool.

  6. #6


    Dear Friends,

    For all those that think that the tax protesters were all disaffected Mccain/Bushies You might want to look at the attached web site.

    What you will find that on September 16th 2008 the election was essentially a dead heat [[46.3 obama to 45% mccain). The September 18th Wall Street collapse was the clear tipping point in the election. From the 16th forward, the voters turned enmass from the Republican candidate and embraced the promise of Change.

    Those voters are now looking at the continued bailouts of Insurance Companies, Investment firms, Banks and Auto Companies with a jaundiced eye towards Change as they see the same continued policies of the Bush era.

    Now, do partisan mouthpieces like Faux News, Rush Limbaugh and the rest have a small hand in the call to arms? A little. But it takes a lot more than Rush's jawing to get 4000 people to drive to Lansing and throw teabags around.

    Cluck your tongues all you want, look down your noses at the protesters, but the fact of matter is is that more folks came out yesterday to protest taxes then ever protested the wars in Iraq or Afganistan.


  7. #7


    More people show up to see the Lions lose every week than for all the teabagging parties combined.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by 4real View Post
    Hundreds of thousands gather across the US in peaceful protests of our out of control government encroachment.
    The quiet majority is finally waking up.
    The real reason for these bogus demonstrations is all about winning elections.
    The right has to find something,anything they can use so they can start winning elections again. The 2006 and 2008 election cycles was brutal to them and it looks like the 2010 cycle will be the same if not worst.

    They will manufacture anything to come up with something to regain political power.

    The reason government is out of control is even with Republican tax cuts, spending was out of control on there watch. Now with Obama in office they can project that failure on him and he hasn't been in office 100 days yet.

    Once the right comes up with some economic polities that makes sense and work they can have all the teaparties they want. Just make mine Earl Grey!

  9. #9


    And more people show up for a NASCAR then go to all NFL games. More people vote for American Idol than in Presidential elections ... so what?

    The point of the tax protestors is that the promised Change isn't happening. To dismiss the thousands of people around the country who wagged their teabags as solely disgruntled Bushies to put blinders on.

    In fact to blind yourself to facts, is very Bushian.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    And more people show up for a NASCAR then go to all NFL games. More people vote for American Idol than in Presidential elections ... so what?

    The point of the tax protestors is that the promised Change isn't happening. To dismiss the thousands of people around the country who wagged their teabags as solely disgruntled Bushies to put blinders on.

    In fact to blind yourself to facts, is very Bushian.

    Oh no, you're right there are more than just disgruntled Bushies, I mean you got your religious fundamentalist, your NRA types, your aryanization types and people who are just pissed that a black man is president. Oh yeah, don't forget the defense contractors and lobbyist to help keep us safe from ourselves.
    a very eclectic group.

  11. #11


    The only reason any of this crap got media coverage was because Fox News promoted the hell out of it. Grassroots, for sure!

    The protestors at Lafayette Square in DC didn't even dump their teabags, because they were informed that they did not have a permit to do so. One disgruntled teabagger decided instead to throw a box of tea bags over the fence onto the grounds of the White House, setting Secret Service into an immediate frenzy.

    I'm not even sure what the message is supposed to be. Do they think their tax rates are too high? Or do they just not like the idea of taxation at all? I know the original Boston Tea Party had something to do with "taxation without representation".

    Taxes are still far lower than they were under Reagan. But you wouldn't expect any of these zealots to know that. All they know is that when they receive a distribution from their trust fund, the government takes a healthy cut out of it first.

  12. #12


    Interesting that none of these "teabaggers" were protesting how the government went deeper into hock over the past several years. The majority of the people that were shown here had more anti-Obama signs than anything dealing with taxation. And with the illustrious governor of my state giving a speech applauding these "patriots" only invalidates the "grassroots" movement claim even moreso.
    The bottom line is they lost & have no solutions other than to continue the same policies that got us here in the first place.
    A piece of advice for them: Quit yer bitchin' & get on with your lives.

  13. #13


    Seems to me that if you want more money in your pocket, you just work harder, right?

  14. #14
    cheddar bob Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    Dear Friends,

    What you will find that on September 16th 2008 the election was essentially a dead heat [[46.3 obama to 45% mccain). The September 18th Wall Street collapse was the clear tipping point in the election.
    Oh please, Gnome...That was right after the Republican National Convention. One would expect to see a spike for the Repubs at that time and that was the only time they made a dent in Obama's lead. Obama's lead quickly returned to previous levels and the elecetion was never in doubt IMO.

    If the Wall Street problems were such a tipping point, why didn't it tip in favor of the republicans, a party that is more associated with financial rigidity?

  15. #15


    Why is it so hard for people to understand that at one point, the upper echelon of society paid their dues for making top percentiles of money. And much of that money was given back to the Federal Government to help with other areas in need. Through the years, reduced tax rates have shifted so much money into so few peoples hands. In essence we have placed a brick of gold atop a house of cards.

    Here is what baffles me the most. Why do people think that excessively taxing the rich is socialism? Can you not still make oodles of money in this country?

    Like mentioned above, the harder you work - the more you make. That is the American Dream.

    The United States boasted plenty of shared prosperity back in the 1950s and 1960s, years when high tax rates on high incomes discouraged speculation and nurtured a vibrant middle class economy. But those high tax rates on high incomes have disappeared over the past three decades, and the top-heavy economy that emerged from that disappearance has now gone and crashed.


    n 1955, the first year April 15 marked the IRS filing deadline, America’s 400 richest taxpayers swallowed hard and did their civic duty. They paid their taxes. A good bit of taxes. On average, the 1955 top 400 paid 51.2 percent of their total incomes in federal income tax — and that was after making sure they were taking advantage of every deduction they had coming to them.

    How much of top 400 income will go toward taxes by April 15 this year? Nothing close to 51.2 percent. Nothing even remotely close. In 2006, the most recent year with IRS stats available, our 400 most financially favored paid a mere 17.2 percent of their total incomes to Uncle Sam.


    A half-century ago, the rich and powerful — the foremost beneficiaries of the bounty the American economy creates — made a substantial contribution to the fiscal resources the nation needed. They can certainly afford to make that contribution again.

  16. #16


    DetroitRoch - I only hope you are not from the town I grew up in. You have found a place to vehemently attack anybody else who opposes you're views. Congratulations, I hope you find an alternate understanding. We do discuss.

    In my entire life[[and its been pretty long) never have I witnessed a bunch of moronic zombie grunts as I have in todays liberal/democratic/socialist/communist/nazi party .
    You people will stoop to any low to hurt others who disagree with you. You lie, cheat, brainwash kids through your bs media networks, lie about the opposition every waking breath.You have no morals whatsoever.
    You are all brainwashed and you silly people blindly follow as if you are going to somehow benefit from all of this massive change.
    Last edited by Bigb23; April-16-09 at 02:42 PM.

  17. #17


    Brutal ?

  18. #18
    cheddar bob Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitRoch View Post
    These so called tea bag people are protesting the massive expansion of government. The massive waste that Bush and the democratic and republican congress started and Obama is gladly finishing.
    The massive entitlement programs that are about to be instituted on the backs of hard working people while others sit all day on their rumps.
    They are protesting America going from a social democracy staringt into oblivion and into complete socialism.
    They are protesting what we all know is coming. The ridiculous tax increases across the board which only the working people will really suffer.
    And you want to try and tie all of this into the republican party simply because Fox news commentators are with the program?
    In my entire life[[and its been pretty long) never have I witnessed a bunch of moronic zombie grunts as I have in todays liberal/democratic/socialist/communist/nazi party .
    You people will stoop to any low to hurt others who disagree with you. You lie, cheat, brainwash kids through your bs media networks, lie about the opposition every waking breath.You have no morals whatsoever.
    You are all brainwashed and you silly people blindly follow as if you are going to somehow benefit from all of this massive change.
    Sorry, that is for the haves, not us have nots and especially not you have not grunts which do their dirty work.
    At least with capatilism each and everyone of us have a chance to become somebody. With your agenda, it will only bring despair,more pverty,and in the end sure violence.
    Sounds like someone's taxes are going back up.
    Attachment 627

  19. #19
    cheddar bob Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitRoch View Post
    These so called tea bag people are protesting the massive expansion of government. The massive waste that Bush and the democratic and republican congress started and Obama is gladly finishing.
    The massive entitlement programs that are about to be instituted on the backs of hard working people while others sit all day on their rumps.
    They are protesting America going from a social democracy staringt into oblivion and into complete socialism.
    They are protesting what we all know is coming. The ridiculous tax increases across the board which only the working people will really suffer.
    And you want to try and tie all of this into the republican party simply because Fox news commentators are with the program?
    In my entire life[[and its been pretty long) never have I witnessed a bunch of moronic zombie grunts as I have in todays liberal/democratic/socialist/communist/nazi party .
    You people will stoop to any low to hurt others who disagree with you. You lie, cheat, brainwash kids through your bs media networks, lie about the opposition every waking breath.You have no morals whatsoever.
    You are all brainwashed and you silly people blindly follow as if you are going to somehow benefit from all of this massive change.
    Sorry, that is for the haves, not us have nots and especially not you have not grunts which do their dirty work.
    At least with capatilism each and everyone of us have a chance to become somebody. With your agenda, it will only bring despair,more pverty,and in the end sure violence.
    Oh, and Chuck Adkins Or Not Chuck Adkins?

  20. #20


    It just cracks me up whenever a new dittohead pops up here and we get to hear the same tired nonsense all over

  21. #21


    Cheddar on your 72nd post..., the Repub convention was Sept 1-4 and McCain peaked on the 8th, when rumblings of the Wall Street collapse started to be heard By the 18th it was all over. Just look at the interactive chart I provided above.

    Your supposition is based on a "what if" or "why not" arguement, I'm just pointing to what actually happened.

    Your premise that the Repub Convention giving a September bounce is the exact reason the fat cats chose September. It is not a question if this or that could have happened, because it didn't. The Wall Street situation stuck a pin in that thought balloon.

    I seems that many here think that the tea parties started this year, not true. They have been growing in popularity for at least a decade. yesterday's event was just it's best promoted.

  22. #22


    Yeah, like my father. He sits on his rump all day long. Probably because he is in his 80's and is retired after working hard all his life. Or my friend Billy. Billy never worked a day in his whole life and yet he gets checks from the government, can you believe that? They pay for his housing, his medical, everything! What a lazy bum! Of course, the fact that Billy has Down's Syndrome might explain why he hasn't been able to find work to support himself.
    What a bunch of parasites!
    Speramus....... I don't think DetroitRoch was referring to the elderly and the disabled. Granted those people deserve all the help that society has to offer. That type of compassion is what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.

    Admit though that there are many, many more people out there who take advantage of the systems that have been put into place to help the impovershed and needy. One only needs to look at welfare to open that book of despair.

    While I believe in helping the needy off their feet, I do not condone forever supporting them. There is a fine line there that needs to be interpretted and solved by out leaders.

  23. #23
    cheddar bob Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    Your supposition is based on a "what if" or "why not" arguement, I'm just pointing to what actually happened.
    We agree on what happened. The why it happened is where we differ.

    After the RNC, it would take roughly until the following week for the people to gestate their opinions and then take polls on those preliminary numbers. The source you posted to the poll average even supports this.

    On the last day of the convention, McCain was at 43%. Four days later [[9/8/08), his numbers peaked at 48.3% but then quickly slid after that. By September 18, his numbers had already slipped to 45.2%. They were already going down and that downward trend would have continued regardless of what happened on Wall Street. Surely you would agree that McCain's numbers were on the way back down and would have continued had there not been issues on Wall Street.

  24. #24


    ohhh....i thought that was the Glen Beck comedy tour....

  25. #25
    cheddar bob Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    What you will find that on September 16th 2008 the election was essentially a dead heat [[46.3 obama to 45% mccain). The September 18th Wall Street collapse was the clear tipping point in the election. From the 16th forward, the voters turned enmass from the Republican candidate and embraced the promise of Change.
    To be totally clear, my contention is that "The September 18th Wall Street collapse" was not the tipping point. It was just a coincidence. On 9/16, McCain was already on the way back down from his convention bounce, something that would have happened anyway.

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