Quote Originally Posted by PQZ View Post
See, I'm just funnin' around making up preposterous and over the top fake situations. I thought that was what this fnemecek fellow was doing and thought I would join in the shenanigans.
That's exactly what we were doing. Making up preposterous and over the top fake situations.

I mean, who would possibly believe that the DEGC might actually spend $125,000 to install plywood over some of the broken windows of the Metropolitan Building in downtown Detroit; a price that works out to approximately $700 per window, which is ridiculously out on line with normal costs.

I mean, really? What kind of an idiot would do that?

No, I was only kidding about my concerns over Mayor Bing's "turnaround plan". Granted, his plan does not cite the source for any of the statistics that he uses nor does it explain any how they arrived at any of the projected savings.

Cynics might argue that the noticeable absence of such things makes this "plan" little more than a feeble attempt to kick a proverbial can down the road so that Mayor Bing can deal with this in earnest after the mayoral election. However, I'm not a cynic.

I believe that would should close our eyes and put our complete faith in Mayor Bing's team. After all, they are professionals. Many of them were a part of the Kilpatrick Administration.

And we never had any reason to doubt the integrity or dedication of anyone associated with that administration, now did we?

Now, I forget: who am I allegedly having a torrid gay romance with again?