As a Detroit Gen Yer, I have to say that after a few years of having a car, I would rather not deal with the expenses of having one.

Currently, my 1998 Ford Taurus sits in the driveway. You can even see it on Google Earth. It sits there because it won't start. My father offered to fix it but he doesn't have a lot of time to work on it.

I've been riding my bike as a main mode of transportation. Yes in the "automobile capital of the world".

Insurance is high everywhere but it is even higher here. Anyone who reads the paper already knows why. Gas isn't as high as it was here or currently is in California. However, it is too high for me when you barely have enough in your pocket after rent.

Personally, I'd rather live in a city where I can ride my bike, but also catch the bus, with my bike, without having to worry about motorists that don't pay attention when driving on the street, or jackasses who like to harass anyone that isn't in a vehicle.

I would like to make Detroit into that type of city. However, if I cannot, then living in Portland or Los Angeles near family would be decent enough for me.

Driving used to be something that I enjoyed, when I could afford it. Now it is just an appliance, I use it when I need it, and leave it in the driveway when I don't. In this case however, it would be more economically feasible for me, not to have a car.