Quote Originally Posted by shock View Post
Okay so I'll repost....
Basicly what I said was, that I thought that the so called "Peace Prize" seems to have become no more than a way to puff up a political person for the gain of a political party, and that winning an election should not be the reason for winning this award.

Hitler gave great speeches too....... most of them he wrote Himself.
Its too bad that your post was deleted, however you act like the president was campaigning to get this award. The committee that gave this award to Obama could care less about the US Democratic or Republican party, they saw the potential in our president to bring about peace and felt him worthy of the honor regardless of actual accomplishments. Much of whats done in our society from winning a nobel peace prize to getting a multi-million dollar football contract is based on potential. Your comparison with Hitler was so out in left field, I guess thats what probably got your post deleted It was insulting