Dan Okrent got one thing right on the nuts : John Dingell bears major responsibility for events leading to the crash of the US Auto Industry. His advocacy for the Big Three went way too far. If Dingell had been a responsible representative, held their feet to the fire once in a while, and they'd faced up to their responsibility to produce a wider range of autos and trucks, not just behemoth gas guzzlers, we might not be in as bad of shape as we are. Unions share some of that responsibility. I know it isn't quite that simple, but that's my basic idea. Okrent's demonizing of Coleman Young is the typical, simple, white, political, racial profiling that's commonplace since before Young took office. I'm not saying Young wasn't complicit - he had a terrible attitude and a bad mouth. I cringed every time he came on teevee. But he was completely surrounded by hostile suburbs and politicians. They wouldn't give him an inch. And then to top it all off, there's a picture of Patterson. What a pile of crock. Patterson was no better than Young, maybe worse, except in the language department. Patterson wouldn't bend over backwards for Detroit if all the poor residents were to disappear. Patterson had more money to work with at very worst times than Young and Detroit had at their best. After all, Oakland County was among the wealthiest counties in the country for many years. I don't think this qualifies as journalism. It's just another sensationalized, attention getter, designed to appear to analyze urban problems.