This article regarding the "High Court looks at hands guns" article in the Detroit News was almost painful to read. Let me point out a few anti-gun jabs:

The Supreme Court says it will take up a challenge to Chicago's ban on handguns, opening the way for a ruling that could set off a vigorous new campaign to roll back state and local gun controls across the nation.
Or, much more likely, will follow the lead of the other 48 states currently supporting gun rights.

The court has previously said that most, but not all, rights laid out in the Constitution's Bill of Rights serve as checks on state as well as federal restrictions. Separately, 44 state constitutions already enshrine gun rights.
Or, you could say that 44 other states simply support the constitution of the United States. Enshrine gun rights? Really? They worship these rights as sacred? LMAO! I may enshrine a good beer, a burger, a sweet classic car, but I'd hardly say I "enshrine" any of my guns, or right to own/carry them.

Though faced with potential limits from the high court on their ability to enact laws and regulations in this area, 34 states weighed in on the gun-rights side before the justices agreed to take the case Wednesday, an indication of the enduring strength of the National Rifle Association and its allies.
Or, you could say it is the enduring strength of the People of the United States to protect and preserve their rights. The NRA is only as strong as it's membership, which consists of us lowly citizens and all. Let's not forget the ever growing number of people carrying in most every state that allows it.

Alan Gura, who led the legal challenge to the Washington law and represents the plaintiff in Chicago, is suing to overturn the District of Columbia's prohibition on carrying firearms outside a person's home. Illinois and Wisconsin have similar restrictions.
....and the other 48 states don't? HMmmmmmm.

This is why I'll continue to read my Detroit News and Freep online, and when the day comes when they start charging us to read online? Well, let's just say that neither one will be all that missed.