You aren't by yourself with that kind of comment, Gnome, they are all over the 'net, criticizing Susan's gait, hair, amount of hair, perceived clumsiness, dowdiness, lonely lifestyle and on and on.

I don't know what it is in us that makes us think that is funny. I believe most of us have to beat that down on occasion. Ever notice how America's Funniest Home Videos shows a lot of people hurting themselves and we are supposed to laugh our collective butts off at their expense? Tsk tsk at us, I say. I heard a report on NPR yesterday about the concept of empathy. They studied people's brains while watching videos of things happening to other people. Most people's brains jumped right to empathy when watching something showing an obvious injury. The synapses took longer and longer the less obvious the physical injury, and took the longest, if they happened at all, with psychological injuries. I guess we are wired to help with physical injuries, but not with those hurtful mental ones.