Giving more money to the Detroit Board of Education is like giving more crack to a crackhead: sure they'll use it, but that won't do anyone any good.

Over the years that I've been in Michigan, since the late 1970s, Detroit has had good City Councils and bad City Councils, but I've never seen a Board of Education that was any better than catastrophic. To paraphrase something William F. Buckley, Jr. once wrote, you couldn't do much worse picking names randomly from the phone book.

I'm not sure why that's been the case, and maybe some of my fellow bloggers would argue the point, but I strongly believe it's so. At least the Lions win a game every now and then.

The Detroit Public School system has done more to depopulate and destroy the City than any other force has or ever could. Enemy bombing of the City could not hope to do as much damage, nor for the damage to last as long.