Michigan Central Restored and Opening

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  1. #26
    Sludgedaddy Guest


    One should always anticipate break-ins when living in this wonderful wasteland and shitty economy and prepare for the enevitable.

    My cabin in the slums was broken into for the fourth time in the 30 yrs.I have resided there last month. I generally leave out "bait" in plain view for the unannounced guests. This time they took a broken pellet rifle which I had out in plain sight. Last time those oppressed folks took a chain saw with a seized engine.

    I don't have any modern tech gadgets or noise making devices. Fuckers always leave my analog TV and 8 track tapes alone. It seems that my "Battle Songs of the Luftwaffe" CD doesn't have much value in the local dope house.

  2. #27


    Hey John sorry to hear about the car break in. Glad you ended with a good experience. BTW ray1936 why haven't you gotten a life in your new digs?

  3. #28


    Maybe there's some bait car solution out there waiting to be discovered? Something legal, nonlethal, like a nasty stink bomb/dye pack ignited at the sound of breaking glass? I dunno, just dreaming.

    It needs a psyops approach. Something that will convince the perp that it's in his best interest to move on.
    Last edited by Jimaz; September-12-09 at 09:51 PM.

  4. #29


    hey Dorky, Since you new here, you get a pass for taking a swipe at Ray; however, just to let you know Ray is off limits in the fuck-with department.

  5. #30


    I have a vague recollection of someone posting a video here of a car rigged to emit something like lightning bolts if violated.

  6. #31


    I was going to head down and have a word with Shorty to see if he knows anything. He's the corner's defacto street security, and he knows me well enough to talk with the right motivation.

    I am too beat to drive, though, so it'll have to be tomorrow.

    At this point? I'd settle for those alarm warnings from a proximity sensor...with a count-down to a nice cloud of sleeping gas.

    I DID fantasize a bit about making my OWN decoy tonight, but am fighting this budding vigilanti-ism. Still.

  7. #32


    Is the Trunk Monkey still on the market?!

    You'd think this would be the perfect application...

  8. #33

  9. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Ryan View Post
    Im a lomg time lurker. these threads make me leary of ever entering the city limits ener again. I grew up on the west side [[Plymouth and southfield) moved to Dearborn Hgts and left in 87. Im sad because I see no redeeming values in Detroit period...I should say that I left Detroit in 76... I was no fortune teller but I didnt see a future then and took the steps and now live in the southwest corner of Livingston county. I sleep well at night...Its a hell of a thing when anyone who attends or parks at any event in Detroit should just expect to have their property vandalised or themselves a victim of crime as just another visit to the [[D) that is sick if not a complete outrage to a normal person and if the Detroit economy is to ever improve, and I dont believe it will be in my lifetime, That law and order nust be restored [[if that is possible) I havent seen it since the early 70s but until then Detroit will never see my money or many of others that I know. The FACT IS that Detroit is not SAFE and we all Know the TRUTH.
    Welcome [[I think) to DYes Dan Ryan. Can you help the situation in Detroit?

  10. #35
    DetroitDad Guest


    This is my neck of the woods eh? Sigh, there are some really inconsiderate vandals in my building, as well as the "nice" one down the street on Washington.

    Gannon, I have to ask, was it on or around my street.... where we walked the other night.... and saw a bunch of broken glass in the street every few feet? Strange thing, I feel really bad, I had the strange urge to point it out to you, but didn't, assuming it wasn't worth mentioning. I suppose I should be listening better to my "conscious/gut" when it talks to me.

    I had it happen to me right before I decided to move here in 2004, I was commuting to work in Detroit at the time. They broke in [[pouring rain) for the radio, over on Canfield outside Agave. I got to learn some shady moves then, at least I got that. Anyway, I got a replacement window from a junk yard for $40. If we need to put together a Gannon window fund, let us know!

    Anyway, I would normally assume it was some some savage loner, but it seems that there might be a more organized group targeting the CBD and Midtown again. The glass around Northwest Downtown in particular is getting excessive, and seems to be on off nights, where only a few small events are going on, usually alongside inactive buildings or in areas where streetlights are out. When you are out and about, try to pay attention to such areas, and remember where streetlights are out and where excessive broken glass is [[oddly, it seems to repeatedly be the same spots and streets targeted). If possible, park along a heavily travelled street, next to a building with a business is open and where people live or stay [[where there are eyes on the street), although, there is never any guarantees. If you aren't able to learn the area, or don't live/venture Downtown often than I'd suggest parking in a garage. The People Mover is open a little later nowadays, and the Greektown and other casino garages are free.

    I don't know why Gannon's car was targeted, other than the hope that it contained something valuable, or they thought something looked "hidden" in it?

  11. #36


    D'Dad, it was on Elizabeth a half-block off Grand River. I usually park much closer to the Park Bar, but on this night there was a Tiger's game.

    I was in a rush while moving to get down to see Buddy Smith sing for his record release party, and forgot I had stuff in the back from my move. The yellow toolbox was surely their draw...but they got change from the console once they got inside, which they had to roll back the console cover to find.

    No worries, lesson learned...and I found that Belle Tire greatly improved since the last time I did business with them. Replacing the tools will be an expense, if I knew they were all gone...I would've been more frugal with the window repair.

    As it was, it only cost $115, as long as I get it paid before the interest charges accrue!

    THAT is better than a 'no deductible' scam from the insurance company where they would then increase the rates for three years to punish me from daring to make a claim!

    I see broken glass all the time, that is why I've considered it raw material for something beautiful...turning an evil act around into art. I found great solace in the article linked by Gazhekwe, discovering others that feel a similar way.

    There will be good to come from all of this, and NOT only discovering detmich's base nature!


  12. #37
    DetroitDad Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Ryan View Post
    Im a lomg time lurker. these threads make me leary of ever entering the city limits ener again. I grew up on the west side [[Plymouth and southfield) moved to Dearborn Hgts and left in 87. Im sad because I see no redeeming values in Detroit period...I should say that I left Detroit in 76... I was no fortune teller but I didnt see a future then and took the steps and now live in the southwest corner of Livingston county. I sleep well at night...Its a hell of a thing when anyone who attends or parks at any event in Detroit should just expect to have their property vandalised or themselves a victim of crime as just another visit to the [[D) that is sick if not a complete outrage to a normal person and if the Detroit economy is to ever improve, and I dont believe it will be in my lifetime, That law and order nust be restored [[if that is possible) I havent seen it since the early 70s but until then Detroit will never see my money or many of others that I know. The FACT IS that Detroit is not SAFE and we all Know the TRUTH.
    Welcome D.R.,

    You know, I have a eight week old daughter and an apartment in North Downtown with great views in three different directions. My apartment has these huge shelves/tables in front of several windows, and a couple weeks ago I realized my daughter loves to see out the windows at night. So, to get her to calm down we prop up her bouncer so she can look out the [[securely locked) windows.

    My views are towards MGM/Old Tiger Stadium [[site of a body dump recently), the Masonic Temple area [[site of a violent mugging recently), and Downtown towards Greektown Casino [[site of a suicide jumper recently). Those three tragedies really got me sick when I thought about them happening right outside the windows. What are the odds my daughter saw one or all of these events? Her nursery in particular faces the old Tiger Stadium, and there isn't a week that goes by where there isn't flashing police, fire, or ambulance lights somewhere around Cass.

    Should I move to a nice safe suburb? Probably.

    But, then I thought about my new job, which has taken me past some real bad areas of the metro. Some of these places have beautiful homes among burned out shells, around garbage filled streets where many crimes supposedly dead end. There are kids being raised in those areas, kids that are going to be the ones causing the problems that her generation will one day have to deal with.

    I should probably move to a safe and isolated suburb... oh yeah, I know.

    My daughter shouldn't be exposed to this stuff... that's why I prop her up in front of the windows to make sure she sees it.

  13. #38


    Hi Detroit Dad. I like your attitude!

  14. #39


    Detroit Dad's advice is wise beyond his 5 year residency--most of what I was going to say he covered. I worked downtown starting 1979 did some 20 years in the restaurant biz...my hours were any where from 10am till 2am depending on the day and start time. More ofter than not we were out of work by 10p and would head out to a bar [[or restaurant) afterwards. If you work in a place for 10 years even if the food is great, trust me, it's the last thing you want to eat day after day. I have to admit that I never had a car b&e'd and I was lucky...never drove anything but a old car until I bought a new one after I quit downtown. Over the years the police have set up 'stings'--the most successful on was cameras and cops in the 3rd floor above Sweetwater Tavern and that led to a bust of several chop shops. That was a few years and a number of police chiefs and mayors ago. Today, I'm surprised if cars at 500 Clinton and St. Antione are not being hit. [[Are they?)
    Last edited by detroitbob; September-13-09 at 03:40 AM.

  15. #40


    I love Detroit, my neighbors and my neighborhood. I do believe however that zero police response fuels petty theft. My son once watched his van get emptied in Midtown. He called police from his cell phone repeatedly, saw a police car and flagged it down. The officer told him someone else was assigned. No one ever showed. My son, very angry, went to the precinct. He was told, Oh well, its shift change time. My son informed them "thanks, if I ever want to be a thief I'll know when to rob".

    Recently, a friend who is undergoing treatment for cancer got his car stolen. Tried to make a report over the phone, no dice. We went to the station for him armed with all the info, a notarized patient advocate form and a note from him. The station would not take the info from us but did grudgingly agree to send a scout car to his home. Five hours later a scout car showed up to take the report. What is it with the five hour response time?

    Here is a thought. Legalize weed and make it regulated like smokes and alcohol and provide free fixes to the junkies on crack and other seriously addictive drugs. Crime would plummet.

    I have no intent to scare people off from the city. It consists of some really great people dispite corrupt politicians and do nothing cops. Outside of downtown, the areas that are still viable, exist because of community involvement. True Grit, comes to mind, when I think of all the civic minded volunteers I know that prop up this city of ours.

  16. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    hey Dorky, Since you new here, you get a pass for taking a swipe at Ray; however, just to let you know Ray is off limits in the fuck-with department.
    I'm with you on that, Gnome! Cut it out, Cork.

  17. #42


    A couple of years ago I was leaving Menjo's bar on McNichols after the bar closed. I was on 6 mile stopped at a light in my dam expensive Mercedes, and this Jeep smashed into my rear and took off. It was probably stolen. I called the police and they said "Is anyone hurt?" I told them no, and they said they would not even come out to take a report. I had to go to the police dept the next day and file a report. You get slamed in a hit and run and they will not even respond? I told them it was a white Jeep Grand Cherokee, but they just didn't care. Detroit is just so obviously understaffed in it's police dept. The problem is, I think African Americans just have such a bad image of the police that they don't want to properly fund the dept with the right number of police. What do you guys think?

  18. #43
    Ravine Guest


    I think you're a transparent bullshitter, but I don't mean that in a bad way.

    And, Corky? I'm with Gnome & Stromberg2. Backoffa Ray. Ray is The Man. [[Har!!)

  19. #44


    I drive a 1997 Taurus. It has only 67,000 original miles. The poor thing looks terrible. First it got hit by a white SUV, probably stolen. Then, dumb me, leaves it parked on the street overnight and it get hit again, big time. A small consolation is that the car that apparently hit it left more parts in the street than I lost. Loaned my car to a friend and the idiot managed to hit a Courville container. The poor car is all tape now. The poor thing looks terrible but runs great.In regards to locking doors... many years back, I owned a 1967 VW. The car was a real money pit. I was a student at WSU. Never locked it because I couldn't imagine anyone stupid enough to steal it. Happened though. And yes, they were stupid. It was a stick shift, they put in in neutral, pushed it to the side street and tried to hot wire it. All they did was fry the ignition. Cost me lots to fix. For all their efforts though, they did steal a $12 dollar camera from the glove box. Duh!For all the Detroit bashers, yes, this happened in the city. Apparently no crime ever happens in the burbs.

  20. #45


    Only problem I've had in the five years before this was out in W. Bloomfield.

    Chased the guy while talking on the phone with police, and with my play-by-play descriptions over a ten-mile high speed chase three police agencies tri-angled and caught the guy.

    I'll never forget the entire shift change at the Bloomfield Hills station coming from the back room to meet the guy they'd been listening to over the radio.

    Then my tag line after a two-hour report session to the last two guys at the counter, "It would've been easier if I didn't have to SHIFT!"

    I think they bruised their jaws on the counter when they dropped 'em...

  21. #46


    Well Again Gannon sorry you had a bad experience at Cliff Bell's. Also very sorry to offend all the X-Detroiters. I would like to extend a heart felt invitation to each of you to return and enjoy the really great things that are Detroit!!

  22. #47


    My previous car was broken into twice in Detroit. They always came through the back, little triangular window that does not open. They smashed it and then reached for the door handle.

    One day I locked my keys in my car, and darn if I didn't even think twice about smashing that little triangular window to get back inside. And then went and got it fixed like I'm used to.

    Life in the D.

    Hopefully, if I'm short for change I won't mug myself or something.

  23. #48
    ziggyselbin Guest


    It is not that those of use not in Detroit think crime does not happen outside of the city. It is[[imo) the resigned manner in which so many of you accept it; or the badge of honor in which you wear it.

    Many of us don't want to live with the idea that not locking our cars[[ why not extend idea to houses)is better for the sad reasons given here. We won't compromise our quality of life. I realize quality of life is a subjective ideal. However lets be realistic, few people prefer living under those circumstances.

    The stress takes a toll physically, psychologically and spiritually.

  24. #49


    Some Detroiters enjoy the slogan about Detroit "Where the strong survive and weak are eaten".
    It's masochistic to accept crappy police response, poor public schools and even poorer city government. What's to enjoy if you are always looking over your shoulder or
    worried if your property will still be there when you return home?
    If the people of Detroit can't clean up their act, why should the rest of us care? You want the city, keep it.
    It's not like tons of money hasn't been spent to help stem the tide in Detroit. Bad management and bad attitudes won't entice anyone to move back.

  25. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by daddeeo View Post
    Some Detroiters enjoy the slogan about Detroit "Where the strong survive and weak are eaten".
    It's masochistic to accept crappy police response, poor public schools and even poorer city government. What's to enjoy if you are always looking over your shoulder or
    worried if your property will still be there when you return home?
    If the people of Detroit can't clean up their act, why should the rest of us care? You want the city, keep it.
    It's not like tons of money hasn't been spent to help stem the tide in Detroit. Bad management and bad attitudes won't entice anyone to move back.
    Something tells me that Detroiters aren't really that concerned about your opinion, and most probably don't care whether you ever move back.

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