Quote Originally Posted by gazhekwe View Post
I can vouch for police response. They are here in five minutes or less, whatever you call about. In my case, I called about open windows on an empty house across the street twice. Once the front double sliders had fallen in. The police were there in minutes, thoroughly inspected the place, and had the boarders there by morning. The other time, a front window was wide open, and I thought the place was empty. Police came, went in and found a guy sleeping upstairs. Turns out, he had the owner's permission to be there, but the power was off so no lights were ever on. Another time, the police woke me up at 2 a.m. to see if the dog they found was mine. No, but I knew whose it was, and they went there and returned the dog. Southfield is a great place to live.
I've never lived in Southfield myself. But if your a fan of really large Ranch homes, Southfield has some great huge ranches. I've seen some really cool ones from the 50s and 60s. Another great thing is that many of them are on really large lots. I'm a real estate appraiser and I've seen some really cool ranches for sale [[foreclosures) for cheap. You can get yourself one hell of a big cool ranch with a huge basement on a large lot for cheap.
