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  1. #76


    Quote: "Convenient place, sitting on the fence. Guess you have no positions, since you're not willing to take one. "

    Not aligning myself with a political party to blindly follow like some borg or zombie, is a position to take. And a responsible one. We need to get rid of the political parties. We've became a "house divided".

    Quote: "This is lunacy of the highest order. This country needs to come together, not fly further apart."

    I agree. But when a President appoints people that are openly biased, it is very damaging for the country as a whole. The civil rights struggle which I've watched blow by blow and has been hard fought, where progressions are in tiny steps and occasional loss of ground in leaps. Obama's actions are undoubtedly sending shockwaves through the south, many of the states he carried in the election. I think this guy can forget about a second term. If he ran today, he'd lose.

    ejames, you're spot on about these parents' double standard regarding what their children are subjected to.

    Quote: "And a hefty meat hammer"

    Two inches of dangling fury...
    Last edited by Sstashmoo; September-05-09 at 10:25 AM.

  2. #77
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "Convenient place, sitting on the fence. Guess you have no positions, since you're not willing to take one. "

    Not aligning myself with a political party to blindly follow like some borg or zombie, is a position to take. And a responsible one. We need to get rid of the political parties. We've became a "house divided".

    Quote: "This is lunacy of the highest order. This country needs to come together, not fly further apart."

    I agree. But when a President appoints people that are openly biased, it is very damaging for the country as a whole. The civil rights struggle which I've watched blow by blow and has been hard fought, where progressions are in tiny steps and occasional loss of ground in leaps. Obama's actions are undoubtedly sending shockwaves through the south, many of the states he carried in the election. I think this guy can forget about a second term. If he ran today, he'd lose.

    ejames, you're spot on about these parents' double standard regarding what their children are subjected to.
    No one is asking you to "blindly" follow one party or another. This is where you completely disconnect from the discussion.

    You claim neutrality, when this is impossible, and a non-position. I'm not asking you to support one party or the other. Issues are like menus, you pick and choose, and the leader of which ever party has the best set of menu items, is what you vote for. This last time around it was Obama, not McCain.

    I don't think Obama has gone far enough. He's more of a Republican in the mainstream view, than he is as a progressive. My candidate was Dennis Kucinich. You know where I stand. I wouldn't have rubberstamped Kucinich's decisions either, but he and I are more aligned politically, as is Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

    Your problem is you can't profess to have neutrality without running the risk of having no opinion. Your religion also dictates you choose what and how to worship. That was a decision. Politically you have one too, but claiming "safe ground" is disingenuous, and doesn't move the dialogue forward.

    Until you give up the either/or, black/white view of the world, you'll never get there.

    As for the "two inches of dangling fury", that was funny, but if that's what you're into, or what you're packin', we'll never be compatible, sorry to disappoint.
    Last edited by Lorax; September-05-09 at 10:33 AM.

  3. #78


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Obama shows where he hangs his hammer with his Green Czar appointee.

    This is not a right or left issue. This has to do with re-opening a can of worms, that has to be left closed. This country has made great strides in the area of racial equality and civil rights, the last thing we need is a President showing some sort of biased towards one or the other. Talk about a huge step backwards. Many folks died to get where we are now. Totally irresponsible.

    Granted, Obama probably has a very boilerplate speech to deliver to the nation's kids. But his actions are making me question his credibility in the area of racial equality. And quite frankly, his smarts as a person. He's got to be pretty stupid to appoint someone that is openly racist.

    As I said before, everything points to, he doesn't have a clue about being President.

    Is all your "openly racist" blather in reference to the guy being discussed here?



    What leads you to conclude that he's openly racist? Please be specific.

  4. #79


    That was an inspiring keynote speech. I think we should cut him some slack. Young people often spin their wheels on different causes until they find balance. He seems right now to be focussing strongly on the cause of energy transformation, which furthers some of Obama's most popular campaign issues. It is certainly understandable that the losers in this campaign would fear and hate a strong voice for change.

    As for openly racist, he took great care to outline many different groups and gender. He is advocating opening the gates and letting them into the changes.

    " We need to have a green economy that doesn't have any throw away people."

    We won't lock out anyone from the jobs. Wonderful to hear and very hopeful.

  5. #80


    Quote: "Young people often spin their wheels on different causes until they find balance."

    Simple party alignment and apology. If he is that young, he may not be qualified.

    Quote: "understandable that the losers in this campaign would fear and hate a strong voice for change."

    I was all for Obama, Check my posts as of 8-10 months ago. I have the openness to keep my head up and make changes where necessary.

    Quote: "" We need to have a green economy that doesn't have any throw away people."

    Clearly making the assertion that there are two types of people, "throw away's" and obviously "keepers". I can read through his rhetoric. This guy is proving himself to be a divider, not a uniter.

    There are no throw aways in our society, only those who take the initiative to change their life and those who do not.

  6. #81


    Your response is predictable. I don't happen to agree with you. However, I do have a bone to pick with the way this has been vetted. The reaction is predictable.

  7. #82


    What the hell is wrong with people? Honestly. The PRESIDENT of the U.S. wants to give a little encouraging speech to schoolchildren at the beginning of their school year. The same as George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan... But all of a sudden with this president - you know, the one elected by your fellow American citizens by a healthy majority - it's a "dangerous indoctrination" worthy of a hysterical reaction. Huh?!? That's some enormous gorilla in the room folks.

  8. #83


    If the Republicans hadn't thrown the election with Bush's dismal record and fielding McCain as a candidate[[Dole II), it would be the Dems trying to keep a Republican president off the tv.

    As long as we have a 1st Amendment, the President, Big Bird, and anyone else can make themselves available for tv watching. I doubt that the President will say anything too controversial. I expect he will tell the kids to study hard. Who can argue with that? Bill Cosby does the same thing.

    However, teachers, adminisrators, and boards all can choose to schedule the President's message or not. If anyone is worried about controversy, the program could be taped for later possible showing upon review.

  9. #84

  10. #85


    People are reacting this way because the President is Black.


    Once again proving on the world stage that America is full of country bumpkins.

  11. #86


    Quote: "People are reacting this way because the President is Black."

    Aaaaannnd out comes the race card.

    No they are reacting this way due to his recent actions. If your claim was true he would have never been elected.

  12. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "People are reacting this way because the President is Black."

    Aaaaannnd out comes the race card.
    But didn't you use it first, calling Obama a racist?
    No they are reacting this way due to his recent actions. If your claim was true he would have never been elected.
    I seriously doubt that the people reacting this way are the same people who voted for him. It's entirely plausible that he could have gotten elected but still have a lot of people who didn't vote for him reacting because he's black, which may have been the reason they didn't vote for him to begin with.

    I'm not claiming to know it for fact, but it is plausible.

  13. #88


    Quote: "But didn't you use it first, calling Obama a racist?"

    He's calling himself one.

  14. #89
    ccbatson Guest


    Out comes the race card being played in a very premeditated fashion by the Obama administration. Can they get much lower?

  15. #90
    Stosh Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    Out comes the race card being played in a very premeditated fashion by the Obama administration. Can they get much lower?
    I'll bet that you can though, right?

  16. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    ... after 8 years of Bush that SCHADENFREUDE was in store for Democrats...
    Keen of you Gistok. Apathetic Romney became a perfunctory act and he predictably allowed others to do the current tough work [[and take the requisite hits - schadenfreude).

    Patriotic of Romney? Redefining smart?

    Not at all. Simply strategic, much to his chagrin.

    Typically more discrete, the jockeying [[Romney and McCain) was and still is emblematic of C-level dynamics and boardroom shuffles. Observe and compare patterns of unstable corporate environments.

    How very quaint.

    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    I doubt that the President will say anything too controversial. I expect he will tell the kids to study hard. Who can argue with that? Bill Cosby does the same thing.
    Doctor Cosby angles differently. In the minutia, Doctor Cosby is controversial to many.

    Quote Originally Posted by ejames01 View Post
    I wonder how many of these concerned "parents" let their kids watch movies/television, play video games and listen to music filled with themes of violence, sex, drugs and profanity?
    Agreed. The unwitting woman crying and visibly shaken about the idea of her children hearing the speech almost made me cry for her naive affect.

    However, be it blithe racism, mere polarization, or other, it is their [[the parents) right. Let me suggest we remain steadfastly thankful for that individual right afforded each of us. There but by the grace of..., go I [[our society). Unfortunately, the dependent young suffering a missed opportunity is the cost in this instance.

  17. #92


    It is their right to think and say as they believe, but it is not their right to deprive my family's kids of their right to hear the speech. Over and over the school administrators say they got lots of calls. 25 calls from the whole district! That is a lot of calls. What is being ignored is the thousands who did not call because they don't see a problem with this speech. The correct reaction would have been more along the lines of excusing those students whose parents send written requests. The incorrect response? What is happening now.

  18. #93
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "People are reacting this way because the President is Black."

    Aaaaannnd out comes the race card.

    No they are reacting this way due to his recent actions. If your claim was true he would have never been elected.
    What in the hell are you talking about?

    What "actions"- did Obama invade your underpants or something? Geez, what a load of bullcrap cloaked in horse shit.

    The socially retarded Rethuglicans are listening to talk radio fomenting dissention and anarchy amongst the ignorant and toothless on the right. If some dumb broad starts crying hysterically because her precious little ditch-delivered drab has to listen to a non-policy speech by the President, then her problems are a helluva lot deeper than watching TV.
    Last edited by Lorax; September-06-09 at 09:59 AM.

  19. #94


    Some more common sense, this time from g:

    "...The correct reaction would have been more along the lines of excusing those students whose parents send written requests. The incorrect response? What is happening now..."

    It is hoped that the message from the president of getting an education and working hard to achieve personal and financial success is not drowned out by the silly and childish noise from those who don't like the him very much.

  20. #95


    All of this controversy will just make the kids pay more attention. Maybe the WH planned as such. Example: When I was in High School [[many years ago) some "concerned" parents tried to have "The Catcher in the Rye" removed from the school library. It was the talk of the town, with people on both sides. The book stayed in the library but the kids that never would have thought to read it were suddenly interested. The local libraries and book stores couldn't keep it in stock. Everyone wanted to know what was so controversial. My guess is this: If some kid has to stay home on Tuesday or is not allowed to see the President's address, they certainly will wonder what they are missing. Enter YouTube. Any kid that doesn't see it at school will certainly watch it else where. They will probably pay even MORE attention to it, listening for the so-called controversial remarks. So, thank you very much nut job lunatics for highlighting this event and raising the children's curiosity.

  21. #96
    ccbatson Guest


    Apples and oranges, this isn't a book written by a long dead author, this is the sitting President of the United States with a known liking for youth indoctrination of the fascist style seen in Hitler's Germany.

  22. #97
    Stosh Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    Apples and oranges, this isn't a book written by a long dead author, this is the sitting President of the United States with a known liking for youth indoctrination of the fascist style seen in Hitler's Germany.
    And you have a known liking for the writings of a raving lunatic,among other literary brainfarts, but we don't hold that against you.

  23. #98
    ccbatson Guest


    In your very misguided and ignorant opinion Stosh...yet, your opinion is noted.

    BTW, I do not, nor would I desire to have the power over peoples lives that Obama has. In that context, I am irrelevant and Obama is obviously not.

  24. #99


    Quote: "ignorant and toothless on the right."

    I think you'd find more dental vacancy and smoothjaws on the left. Just sayin'.

    Quote: "What "actions"- did Obama invade your underpants or something?"

    Ya'll must not get much news down there on the Redneck Riviera. Not everything involves situtations where statements like "Get off me Pa, yer crushin my smokes" would be appropriate. Ya' see, Obama went an hired a known racist, and the rest of us got awful upset about it. So much so, that that feller done up and quit.

    So when ya moving to Southfield?..hehe
    Last edited by Sstashmoo; September-06-09 at 01:31 PM.

  25. #100
    ccbatson Guest


    We will see who is, and who isn't toothless at the upcoming 2010 and 2012 elections.

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