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  1. #51
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    Looks like everyone is crucifying Barack Obama in the American flag for the socialist views. I say let him speak at the school. Let him explain to the American People about his health care reform. Give him a chance. Most Americans are acting like J.P. McCarthy and The House of Un-American Commission. You all voted for him so deal with it for the next 4 years.

    Obama is now your first premier of the Pre-federative Socialist Democratic Communist United States of Amerika and all will salute his wonderous Pre-Soviet ideology that is changing this free nation.


    Yes we can!

    For Neda Soltani
    Problem with your premise, is that you think he intends to make this a policy discussion. Where did you hear that? Nowhere. Since it's not true. Quit deluding yourself, you're not winning any points by spreading rumors.

    The content of all his speeches are revealed before he actually makes them, but the White House did say it was NOT a policy speech.

    I guess you were as radical against the Bush Crime Family and the fascist agenda they shove down our throats for 8 years?

  2. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by 9mile&seneca View Post
    Hitler said "give me the children..." I know he[[Obama) didn't kill 6million jews,[[all in good time) but he is damn sure a national socialist[[NAZI). Of course I don't think the public babysitting service should even be allowed to call itself an education system.Anyone stupid enough to send their kids to these indoctrination centers is probably thinking along the same lines anyway, so what does more indoctrination matter
    And who indoctrinated you with the "Obama is a Nazi" nonsense? Sadly, logic and facts aren't on your side of the argument.
    Last edited by ThaFuzz; September-04-09 at 10:45 AM.

  3. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    Yes, President Bush read to a classroom of elementary students, but that was maybe thirty students, max. Yes, government classes in high school have their students listen to presidential speeches by President Reagan and others, but there is a direct connection between the speeches and the subject of the class.
    So, on a smaller scale, it is appropriate and that message is approved? Space Shuttle broadcasts?

    There is a direct connection between encouraging scholarship and the associated curricula.

    Regardless of politics they may not understand, in general, most children and young adults [[at their own level) do have an understanding of and respect for the President of the United States of America. Unless, of course, they are instructed or advised to do otherwise [[there is a term used for that kind of activity).

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    Students don't get enough instruction time as it is ...
    Schools constantly adjust daily routines.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    ... and the President wants to claim a slice of it ...
    He's the President of the United States of America!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    ... the President wants to claim a slice of it with a message that cannot possibly be tailored to engage an audience that is as widely different as elementary and high school students.
    The general value of scholarship is global to K-12.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    The timing for this speech couldn't come at a worse time of the school year ...
    Arguably the most opportune time. Level-set, standard expectations and goals.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    ... defenders of President Obama's speech would have to admit that they would have complained if President Bush had proposed a similar method of addressing the students in all classrooms across the country.
    Nope. Never attempted to disrupt, dismantle and destroy any and every act or words of any President of the United States. Again, there is a term used for doing that however.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    It was back in Oct. 1991 and President George H.W. Bush asked students to “take control” of their education and to write him a letter about ways students could help him achieve his goals. Democrats complained about it it back then and I think they were right to denounce it.
    Regardless your politics then or now, did you denounce vocally or in type back then? Why not?

  4. #54



  5. #55


    For all any of the Usual Wingnuts know, Obama's speech next week will be something like this:




  6. #56


    Personally I find it amazing how fast the rabid right went from : "if you criticize the President in any way on anything you are a traitor and are in league with the terrorists" to "kids should not trust the President."

    But this is what you get from a party run by Limbaugh and Beck.

  7. #57
    9mile&seneca Guest


    Lorax, you got me all wrong. I was going along with your gag. Many rednecks pronounce it Libary. Also, ever hear Jimmy Carter try nuclear? He says nuceur.

  8. #58


    My Niece was "forced" to watch the Space Shuttle Endeavour at school in 1992. Lesson guidance plans were included. How dare they do such a thing. My Niece was so damaged, she wanted to thereafter become a NASA Astronaut just like the beautiful Mae Carol Jemison. Just terrible.

  9. #59


    I just cannot believe the "making a meal out of a morsel" silliness of some of you people. You'd think they were being made to watch the 1986 Challenger Space Shuttle disaster all over again.

    And yes... the kids might miss out on study hall in watching this....

    I swear the blatant absurdity of this and so many other dumb examples of "faux indignation" that many here are showing is just too stupid to believe...

  10. #60


    If this was a white President that had made appointments of persons that were openly racist, making derogatory statements about blacks, blaming them for crimes against whites, you can all bet your ass it would be problems. Why is it that minorities have a free pass to call racism when it is perceived, the other way around they want to sweep it under the rug? Obama shows where he hangs his hammer with his Green Czar appointee.

    This is not a right or left issue. This has to do with re-opening a can of worms, that has to be left closed. This country has made great strides in the area of racial equality and civil rights, the last thing we need is a President showing some sort of biased towards one or the other. Talk about a huge step backwards. Many folks died to get where we are now. Totally irresponsible.

    Granted, Obama probably has a very boilerplate speech to deliver to the nation's kids. But his actions are making me question his credibility in the area of racial equality. And quite frankly, his smarts as a person. He's got to be pretty stupid to appoint someone that is openly racist.

    As I said before, everything points to, he doesn't have a clue about being President.

  11. #61
    UFO Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    If this was a white President that had made appointments of persons that were openly racist, making derogatory statements about blacks, blaming them for crimes against whites, you can all bet your ass it would be problems. Why is it that minorities have a free pass to call racism when it is perceived, the other way around they want to sweep it under the rug? Obama shows where he hangs his hammer with his Green Czar appointee.

    This is not a right or left issue. This has to do with re-opening a can of worms, that has to be left closed. This country has made great strides in the area of racial equality and civil rights, the last thing we need is a President showing some sort of biased towards one or the other. Talk about a huge step backwards. Many folks died to get where we are now. Totally irresponsible.

    Granted, Obama probably has a very boilerplate speech to deliver to the nation's kids. But his actions are making me question his credibility in the area of racial equality. And quite frankly, his smarts as a person. He's got to be pretty stupid to appoint someone that is openly racist.

    As I said before, everything points to, he doesn't have a clue about being President.
    Excellent points

  12. #62
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by 9mile&seneca View Post
    Lorax, you got me all wrong. I was going along with your gag. Many rednecks pronounce it Libary. Also, ever hear Jimmy Carter try nuclear? He says nuceur.
    You could have mentioned it in your post.

    Also, why Jimmy Carter? A more recent "president" George Bush always pronounced it "nouk u lar", which I thought was really funny for a supposed Yale grad.

  13. #63
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    If this was a white President that had made appointments of persons that were openly racist, making derogatory statements about blacks, blaming them for crimes against whites, you can all bet your ass it would be problems. Why is it that minorities have a free pass to call racism when it is perceived, the other way around they want to sweep it under the rug? Obama shows where he hangs his hammer with his Green Czar appointee.

    This is not a right or left issue. This has to do with re-opening a can of worms, that has to be left closed. This country has made great strides in the area of racial equality and civil rights, the last thing we need is a President showing some sort of biased towards one or the other. Talk about a huge step backwards. Many folks died to get where we are now. Totally irresponsible.

    Granted, Obama probably has a very boilerplate speech to deliver to the nation's kids. But his actions are making me question his credibility in the area of racial equality. And quite frankly, his smarts as a person. He's got to be pretty stupid to appoint someone that is openly racist.

    As I said before, everything points to, he doesn't have a clue about being President.
    What a load of crap. Racist? And George Tush wasn't a racist? I have one word for you:


    Now that I've taken the wind out our your faux argument, don't give me this crap about Obama being a racist, or appointing racists to positions in the White House.

    We've had racists galore in all Rethuglican regimes, which is no excuse for continuing a bad policy, if that were the case. But it's not. Just more Fuxed Noize claptrap you've been listening to.

  14. #64


    Many parents are concerned the president will indoctrinate the students with socialist views, according to some reports.
    Hyperbole. So they want to deprive their very own children of the motivation provided by a speech from a sitting President of the United States?

    There is most definitely indoctrination afoot here. It's not of the children but rather of those parents.

    Those parents who are raising this fuss are willfully depriving their own children of an opportunity because they don't have the common sense to recognize that they themselves are being used to manipulate their own children for other's political ends.

    Ignorance begets ignorance.

    Let them go. They are beyond redemption. It's just too bad that the children didn't deserve their parents morally corrupt estate but that's all their parents deemed fit for them.

  15. #65


    Your quote:
    "...So if George W. Bush gave a speech [[one single speech) to schoolchildren telling them to support the war in Iraq, no one would have a problem with that?

    The big problem for me is that no one knows what Obama is saying in this speech. The parents have a right to know..."

    The former president did give a speech that was broadcast to school children, not for support for the war effort, but for his own personal agenda regarding "No Child Left Behind".
    There was no loud outcry from the right wingers then.
    Now, when another president that they don't like wishes to give a speech encouraging students to work hard and achieve success from their efforts, they attack the messenger who is supporting conservative values.
    Disingenuous, defined...
    Last edited by Bobl; September-04-09 at 09:02 PM.

  16. #66


    Quote: "Tush wasn't a racist?"

    He didn't knowingly appoint someone that is openly racist by their own words. Sheesh lay off the coffee.

    I don't watch Fox news, listen to Limbaugh or claim either political party. I know you need some place to "stick" everyone. You don't have a folder for me sweetheart.

  17. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    There is most definitely indoctrination afoot here. It's not of the children but rather of those parents.

    Those parents who are raising this fuss are willfully depriving their own children of an opportunity because they don't have the common sense to recognize that they themselves are being used to manipulate their own children for other's political ends.

    Ignorance begets ignorance.

    Let them go. They are beyond redemption. It's just too bad that the children didn't deserve their parents morally corrupt estate but that's all their parents deemed fit for them.
    Sobering, but accurate. A really sad turn.

  18. #68


    Ok...when Reagan spoke to children it was ok, when Bush one spoke to children it was ok...now we have a sitting president whose back to school speech is being twisted by those who want to scare us into hate [[by the way was released with only one area asking for kids to write down what they want in their schools) is being crucified [[oops wrong words- Messiah thingy).

    He is spreading such dangerous messages as "stay in school" and "Don't do drugs".

    Why is the work hard and stay is school messages so frightening to those who are always criticizing minorities and the poor for not "pulling themselves up by the boot straps [[when they can't afford boots) . This outrage is hypocritical [[as usual) coming from the "pull yourself up gang"..this is why every-time these folks open their mouth verbal diarrhea flows...why is not obvious to us that this outrage is from the same people who criticize minorities for not staying in school etc;. We should be grateful to have a president that wants to talk to children and they make it into this....

    These are people tearing part America and claiming to be patriotic..this is the least patriotic messages since the fifties and Mccarthyism. He is a sitting president of all Americans and who is trying to communicate and reach-out to people..and the right is too busy tearing apart America with the hate and anger to acknowledge this.. I am ashamed of what these people are doing to America- yelling and screaming socialism, fascism and whatever labels [[some don't even understand the real definitions of what they are yelling) and not even engaging in real debates. I am ashamed of the republican party that I used to support- [[at times) has lowered themselves to this form of debate and descent.

    Are they that stupid that they have forgotten to compromise or negotiate...do they not realize that all these recent debates have room for compromise. Do they forget the humanity in Universal Care, Education and Programs for the poor? Or are they so worried about themselves that they forget we a nation of many. That we will be judged by how we treat each other..some "values" these people are professing...

    Whiler I dont agree with everything OUR president has done..this is getting a little ridiculus.
    Now..a welcome back message to schools by a president who wants to communicate is being used to tear us apart even more...if Bush spent half this time communicating and listening we wouldn't be in this mess..yet now we are so afraid of change that we are throwing the baby out with the bath water. You really have to ask yourself is this racial [[there I said it) or just so partisan [[and forget America) ...maybe it is both.

  19. #69
    ccbatson Guest


    Bush and Reagan were not radical socialists following the playbook that is "Rules For Radicals" by Saul Olinsky...Obama on the other hand...

  20. #70


    I wonder how many of these concerned "parents" let their kids watch movies/television, play video games and listen to music filled with themes of violence, sex, drugs and profanity?

  21. #71
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "Tush wasn't a racist?"

    He didn't knowingly appoint someone that is openly racist by their own words. Sheesh lay off the coffee.

    I don't watch Fox news, listen to Limbaugh or claim either political party. I know you need some place to "stick" everyone. You don't have a folder for me sweetheart.
    Neither did Obama.

    I'll drink all the coffee I want- what? Trying to control my caffeine intake? Sounds like Rethuglican tactics to me.

    Convenient place, sitting on the fence. Guess you have no positions, since you're not willing to take one. But, then again, that unto itself is another deflection tactic by the not-so-secretive Reich.

    We're sweetharts now? Gee, thanks- I can't think of another I'd rather spoon with- hope you like a knife and fork with that spoon. And a hefty meat hammer, if you know what I mean.
    Last edited by Lorax; September-05-09 at 09:02 AM.

  22. #72


    Gibran said it so well itis worth repeating.

    These are people tearing part America and claiming to be patriotic..this is the least patriotic messages since the fifties and Mccarthyism. He is a sitting president of all Americans and who is trying to communicate and reach-out to people..and the right is too busy tearing apart America with the hate and anger to acknowledge this.. I am ashamed of what these people are doing to America- yelling and screaming socialism, fascism and whatever labels [[some don't even understand the real definitions of what they are yelling) and not even engaging in real debates. I am ashamed of the republican party that I used to support- [[at times) has lowered themselves to this form of debate and descent.

    The way the media has picked up the screams of the lunatic fringe and ignored the millions of parents who did NOT call their schools to protest because they think it is a good thing that the president wants to give the kids a pep talk shows loud and clear how the media has fallen into fallaciously thinking SENSATION IS NEWS! They don't have to examine and present both sides of any story. The right is hysterical, so they get all the press. It is sad.

  23. #73
    Stosh Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by gazhekwe View Post
    Gibran said it so well itis worth repeating.

    These are people tearing part America and claiming to be patriotic..this is the least patriotic messages since the fifties and Mccarthyism. He is a sitting president of all Americans and who is trying to communicate and reach-out to people..and the right is too busy tearing apart America with the hate and anger to acknowledge this.. I am ashamed of what these people are doing to America- yelling and screaming socialism, fascism and whatever labels [[some don't even understand the real definitions of what they are yelling) and not even engaging in real debates. I am ashamed of the republican party that I used to support- [[at times) has lowered themselves to this form of debate and descent.

    The way the media has picked up the screams of the lunatic fringe and ignored the millions of parents who did NOT call their schools to protest because they think it is a good thing that the president wants to give the kids a pep talk shows loud and clear how the media has fallen into fallaciously thinking SENSATION IS NEWS! They don't have to examine and present both sides of any story. The right is hysterical, so they get all the press. It is sad.
    I agree completely. This is lunacy of the highest order. This country needs to come together, not fly further apart.

    It seems to me that the complacent and silent need to get involved at some point. There's a majority out there that need to speak up, demonstrate, whatever it takes, to show something needs to be done FOR this country, in opposition to the past 8 years being done TO this country.

    People are being led about like sheep by the right wing media fear mongers.

  24. #74


    I don't even think the media are necessarily right or left. You hear the right screeching about leftwing media all the time. They are just reporting on the screaming , not presenting other viewpoints equally. If, as in this case. it is the right doing the screaming, they have the microphone and no other views are ever presented, or more temperately expressed opposition to the screaming is presented with less colorful reporting so it seems of lesser impact. I have some background in old school journalism, so it seems really obvious to me. What passes for news these days would be sent back to the reporter for balance.
    Last edited by gazhekwe; September-05-09 at 09:33 AM.

  25. #75


    Other schools in Metro-Detroit area don't want to release Obama's Educational Address; FEARING that his words are blend of socialist/communist doublespeak.

    What of Obama decided not to accept the health care reform? Would Americans have to stay with the private insurance companies sometimes 'empty promises' of a full health coverage? Would medicare and medicaid be same old junk coverages?Surely Hillary R. Clinton, Ted Kennedy and Michael Moore's dream of the Universal Health Care would die and soon, more Americans are going to be without a decent health coverage.

    Most people of America has spoken. They do NOT want government to be in the health care business, government should stay out of it and never be spoke of health care reform ever again. Socialize medicine does not exist in Unites States just as the Metric System, socialism, dictatorship, monarchy and communism should not exist.

    However I will support Obama's health care reform. It may be socialist, but it help me and lot of people recieve medical treatements.


    Yes we can, for Neda Soltani's sake.

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