Quote Originally Posted by DetroiterOnTheWestCoast View Post
There are so many reasons that I, a former Catholic, am now a Unitarian Universalist.

[[In the 59 years between the formation of the UU church in 1961 and 2020, nine ministers were permanently disfellowshipped, seven of whom were expelled for reasons related to sexual misconduct or the possession of child pornography. In the three years since 2020, five ministers, including Eklof, have been disfellowshipped — for much less serious transgressions.)

Why are Unitarian Universalists so bad at singing hymns?’ goes one joke. ‘Because they’re always reading ahead to see if they agree with the lyrics!’

“ White people are born guilty of racism.”

UU is the progressive party that identifies as a religion.

I guess at the end no religion is perfect because there is a human element involved.