Quote Originally Posted by softailrider View Post
I quit using Marijuana back in 1989. From what I understand the strains they’re producing now are WAY more potent then what I was smoking back in the 70’s and 80’s. I guess thats great for those who partake. I’m kind of torn regarding its legalization. Half of me thinks it’s fine, give everybody of age anything the want, including cocaine, heroin, speed balls…. Who cares? If you want to kill yourself go right ahead.
Coming from somebody who used to smoke it, I can’t see where using Marijuana does anybody a world of good. But again, I have nothing against those who use it
Hard drug use, just like alcohol, does a world of hurt to families, health care resources, etc. The problem is deciding which is worse, the cost of legalizing vs. vainly trying to prohibit it. Vancouver is looking at copying Portland on decriminalizing hard drugs. Both have huge drug users/homeless on the downtown streets. CBC did a report from Portland this week. It's become much cheaper and usage is way up there. Everyone, including social workers, they interviewed said not to do it.