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  1. #101


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post

    Funny, yes; but makes an awful lof of since [[sic) to me.

  2. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    Agreed, we should consider it among other things. Mass murders are mostly an American phenomenon. So one question is why is there so much desperation in America?

    Here's the most definitive worldwide study of mass murders from 1900-2019: S0033291721000076jra 1..9 [[columbiapsychiatry.org)

    It makes a distinction between mass murders using knives, vehicles, poisons, bombs, etc., and mass shootings using firearms, based on psychological differences between perpetrators of the former and latter acts.
    It used to be that the police feared putting details of violent crimes in the media for fear of copy cats to that one particular crime. There's no doubt that mass shootings have increased because they have become normalized by that tiny segment of the population that now believes this is the way to act if you feel victimized.

  3. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Funny, yes; but makes an awful lof of since [[sic) to me.
    Academia will learn [sic] you how to spell some words. Just steer clear of the woke crowd and critical theorists, who aren't a large element but get lots of media attention.

  4. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    Be careful. Academia is a liberal hoax whose intention is to destroy America.
    when you teach sheep to become and act like sheep,they are easy to control.

    Liberals are not looking to destroy America,because they do not have the first clue about how they want things to be really are.

    Some of you get a nut off constantly reminding me that I do not live in Detroit,so I do not have a clue.

    Well you wannabe socialists and liberals have never lived under a socialist society,so how do you know how it actually works?

    Somebody just sold you a wet dream and you fell for it hook line and sinker.

  5. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Funny, yes; but makes an awful lof of since [[sic) to me.
    and that’s why things are so screwed up now,because people have lost perspective and have become complacent,then when something happens they are shocked.

    I can imagine somewhere somebody is worried how they are going to pay the rent and eat,somebody else is mourning the loss of a loved one,in Africa,a village lays down to sleep only to be slaughtered before they wake,in Ukraine thousands of people are in the front lines dying each day,leaving behind wife’s,children,mothers and fathers.

    At dawn in Libya the slave traders market will open up where you can purchase a slave,at the same time shipping containers are being loaded up with women and children to be sold in the sex trade,a lawyer in Cuba sells herself as a prostitute at night so she can buy some cans of paint for her apartment walls.

    But in first world countries,people sit on the computer and go out of their way to be disrespectful towards others and act like their crap does not stink in their perfect little world as they sit in their ivory tower looking down on others.

    As you got through life you learn about what is really important in life,what to be thankful for and when not to sweat the petty stuff.

    It does not matter what you have or how much education you may have,it does not make you a better person,at the end the day that’s what matters.

    People go through life acting like they do,they take pride in it and it helps them justify in their minds that they are a better person,when they are not.

    In case the concept escapes people,everybody’s life is measured in seconds,when your time is up,nobody gives a crap about your level of education,weather you can spell of not or have proper sentence structure,they will remember you based on how you treated others.

    People go on the Internet and go out of their way to be disrespectful to others and it carries over into the real world,they forget where they are and are disrespectful to the wrong person or towards somebody that is having a bad day and you just became the straw that broke the camels back and get your ass kicked or worse shot in the process.

    Of course the media will report it as a bad guy with a gun so it makes the narrative while the behavior of the victim is ignored.

    The way some people respond to posts remind me of the people in the fast food places where their order was wrong so they tear the place up,or those who yell and scream in public places while throwing a temper tantrum like a 2 year old.

    Nobody cares about your personal little world,the goal is to make everybody’s world a better place,you do not get a trophy for participating when you are not actually participating,just crying on the internet about how somebody else posts is elementary school stuff and reflects more on your character then the one you are trying to berate in order to make you feel better about yourself in your mind only.

    Others read it and think - what a fricking moron.

    Stands to reason though,get a group of 10 together and there is always that one that acts like an idiot.
    Last edited by Richard; February-19-23 at 10:37 PM.

  6. #106


    Richard, you are the voice of reason, I have no
    doubt about that.

    It's you against the world, Richard. But don’t get your derričre all sweaty over what the wokes and pinkos think about your literacy skills. All you need to do is model your unsheeplike self on Alex Jones, and confront the football kneelers and assorted unamericans. Revive the message that Sandy Hook, and all the other ones that followed are a hoax. You may not get sued like Alex Jones did, but if you repeat it enough times, it may become the truth for the Lord's little lambs.

    If you’re feeling a bit low, go get yourself a little purse gun tomorrow morning. A little treat, in case someone disrespects you. Now that’s a manly thing to do.
    Last edited by canuck; February-20-23 at 12:28 AM.

  7. #107


    ^ if I was going the manly route it would not be with a purse gun,it would be with a tank because all of the Canadians who like to drive 50 mph in the fast lane while messing about on their cell phones chatting with god knows who,majority of our radar is set at 83,it’s a passing lane not a lallygagging about lane.

    The rest of your post is akin to me saying that every Canadian jumps on their moose in order to head off to work or the socialist club,we can create all kinds of senários in our minds,they do not actually have to be realistic,they just have to sound good.

    Back to guns

    In the last couple of months the Supreme Court has handed down some major rulings that have judges and prosecutors in a tizzy when it comes to the constitutional right to bear arms,many of the rulings have cancelled out recent actions and feel good measures.

    For instance the red flag laws of if a person is suspected of being mentally unstable law enforcement cannot collect their weapons.

    The thing with guns is prosecutors,state and local governments have used them as a tool of leverage.

    If you do not do this,you cannot own a firearm,if you do this you can no longer own a firearm etc.

    What the Supreme Court has ruled is,you cannot do that with something that is constitutionally protected.

    It’s not a privilege like a drivers license,it’s a constitutionality protected right.

    When it comes to the constitution,it applies to everybody equally,and you cannot pick and choose who you are going to decide to allow to be protected under it.

    You also cannot add things to it that does not apply to everybody equally,you cannot give somebody rights over anybody else,it does not matter if the others are incapable of getting pregnant because of their gender.

    It does not matter everybody is equal and has the same exact rights and you cannot give some rights and others not.

    A lot of gun “laws” that were enacted before,are now not enforceable.

    And now every city and state has to go through their books and readjust everything.

    Politics is all about give and take,most responsible gun owners have no problem with common sense gun laws,but when somebody takes the stance of our goal is to restrict guns to to the point where their whole purpose is eliminated.

    Sooner or later a reality check will come in and it has,you guys with your anti gun stance of digging your heels in and the stance of my way or the highway,just got knocked back 50 years.

    You are back to square one.

    You did not even want to discuss it like adults,now you have nothing to discuss anymore and you have lost any leverage that you had or may have had in the future.

  8. #108


    As far as the constitution goes, it's only as good as the forthcoming amendment that would shape it for the modern Republic.

  9. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    As far as the constitution goes, it's only as good as the forthcoming amendment that would shape it for the modern Republic.
    Agreed, the Constitution can be amended. Hopefully, the 2nd Amendment if people ever come to their senses. Or SCOTUS can do it with a simple majority.

  10. #110


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    As far as the constitution goes, it's only as good as the forthcoming amendment that would shape it for the modern Republic.
    Amendments can be withdrawn as people found out recently,you cannot change the right to bear arms by creating an amendment to cancel it out,or any other right,you can add “rights” but you cannot take away the base rights,Kinda defeats the whole purpose if you give it the ability to change at will.

    There is a process to change it,it is a long drawn out procedure with no guarantee and Americans as a rule are only looking for instant satisfaction and only are drawn into things until the next news cycle.

    Remember the chant - what do we want - when do we want it - we want it now

    Delusional at best in thinking the government can change anything that fast.

    The 4th amendment safeguards the 2nd amendment,if you give up the 4th amendment,in theory it jeopardizes the 2nd because you would be also be giving up your rights to illegal search and seizure,which would allow the government to enter you home or property for any reason and seize what ever they like.

    Including you house or car or pretty much anything you own,kinda like how it works under a socialist or communist rule.

    Thats why the Canadian government stripped everybody of their rights,because he wanted the ability to seize the truckers assets including their homes,trucks and bank accounts in order to force them not to strike,with zero legal recourse.

    Imagine with all of the strikes in the U.S. that shut down production and cost the economy billions in the process if the government here had the ability to seize everybody’s assets at will,nobody would ever strike.

    And that’s also why the constitution says if an American president tried that crap it is considered treason and subject to immediate execution.

    So you got 1/2 the country burning cities because they felt their rights were violated, then you have the other crew that wants to give rights to who they pick and choose.

    Thats not the way it works - God bless America

    If the constitution was followed as it is supposed to be, the 60s would have never happened,because as U.S. citizens African Americans had the right to be treated equally.

    Look at what happens when people were allowed to play with the constitution and apply it to who they think deserves it,that’s why it’s to be followed and not messed with,otherwise people have a tendency to abuse others.

    But then again Jews in Canada were considered 2nd class citizens until the 70s and were not entitled to the same rights as Canadians,as fleeting as they apparently are.

    If people just followed the constitution like they are supposed to,we would not be having 1/2 the issues we do.

    It is the foundation of everything that comes after that.

    When dictatorships seize power the first thing they do in that process is throw that countries constitution in the trash,which then gives them total control.

    That will never happen in this country,hint hint to all the wannabe socialists and commies,because by design you have a bunch of citizens armed to the teeth that will not allow it by design.

    Look at how many Latin American countries especially,have bounced back and forth from dictatorship to democracy,how many millions disappear in the process.

    Thats the difference between a democracy and a republic,under a republic you have a consistent form of government that creates stability.

    That’s like these politicians that are up there yelling democracy is being destroyed in America,they are so full of it,American was designed not to be run as a democracy,so you can eliminate democracy in this country and never lose those base rights guaranteed under the constitution,that why you do not mess with them.

    Hypothetically if you cancel out the second amendment on its own,how are you going to enforce it?

    You cannot go around seizing everybody’s guns without canceling out the 4th amendment,if you thought stop n frisk was bad,have no protections from illegal search and seizure and it does not matter if you commit a crime or not,anything including the clothes on you back is subject to be seized on the whim of any police or government agencies.

    They will have the authority to walk into your home when ever they feel like it and there will be nothing you can do to prevent it.

    Next pandemic where there is a shortage of toilet paper,they will have the ability to search everybody’s home and take your extra rolls that you have stashed.
    Last edited by Richard; February-20-23 at 09:44 PM.

  11. #111

  12. #112


    Gendron and Crimo, the two young mass shooters will see their parents charged for helping procure firearms,
    and knowledge of prior violent and menacing behaviour.

    So, Kid Crumley's achievement in craving for notoriety will have at least opened the prosecutorial valve against aiding and abetting on the parents’ part in various parts of the US.

  13. #113


    Rick, You have a certain President Chump who entertains the delusion that the votes were stolen. He incites seditious behaviour, and you seem to be all gung ho behind the January 6th party. What part of treason and execution are you reserving, and for whom?

  14. #114


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Rick, You have a certain President Chump who entertains the delusion that the votes were stolen. He incites seditious behaviour, and you seem to be all gung ho behind the January 6th party. What part of treason and execution are you reserving, and for whom?
    So you have created scenarios in your mind and trying to apply them where they are not applicable.

    Do you honestly believe that if he did what you are accusing him of doing,with clear evidence,they would not be going at him full strength ?

    Every American citizen has the right to dispute elections,you are forgetting Stacy Abrams disputed Georgias election results for over 4 years,during the same time,but it is okay for one party to do it but not another.

  15. #115


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Gendron and Crimo, the two young mass shooters will see their parents charged for helping procure firearms,
    and knowledge of prior violent and menacing behaviour.

    So, Kid Crumley's achievement in craving for notoriety will have at least opened the prosecutorial valve against aiding and abetting on the parents’ part in various parts of the US.
    There is another case in Texas where they also are charging the father for murder after his young son shot somebody with a gun.

    What is happening is prosecutors are deciding to create their own rules as they go along which is outside of their realm,they are in place to enforce the rules on the books and not create new ones as they go along.

    The Supreme Court is also and has addressed this issue,so what actions you are seeing today most likely will not be in play very soon.

    If people support actions like that then they must also allow the police to make up the rules as they go along.

    When you have the police,judges,prosecutors,those charged with enforcing the laws,take the stance of creating the law,everybody by default is already guilty of something,you do not actually have to be guilty of anything,they can just make something up.

    Ask the African Americans throughout history how that goes,and now people want to make that an acceptable practice?

    That’s the irony of it all,you have cities trying to reduce the incarceration rates while turning around and creating ways to increase it with the ability to just make it up as they go along.

    Hey there is not law against that,there is one now,we just made it up,see you in court tomorrow 9 am.

    Well what is the punishment,we do not know yet,we will let you know when we do.

    So by that reasoning,get a heavy influenced KKK town and the police can say,walking while being black is a crime,the prosecutor can say okay new rule let’s go for it.

    But they cannot,because it will be taken to the Supreme Court where they will say,you have overstepped your boundaries this ain’t happening,you are not allowed to make up the rules as you go along.

    Imagine the chaos that it would create if it became the norm?

    Floridas governor removed a prosecutor from office,who was doing the same thing,deciding he was the one who would decide.

    State legislative branch is the only one tasked with creating new laws where the public is allowed to have input,not some person thinking they have the power to play god.

    The justice system is screwed up enough as it is,can anybody possibly come up with even more ways to screw it up even more?

    Easily enough when you have law enforcers thinking they are law makers.
    Last edited by Richard; February-20-23 at 10:26 PM.

  16. #116


    [QUOTE=Richard;631940]Amendments can be withdrawn.../QUOTE]

  17. #117


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    There is another case in Texas...

  18. #118


    Your claim that these charges are unconstitutional is your judgement call, Richard. The legal system evolves and is only a reflection of social tendencies, upheavals etc…

    You may disparage the work of the court appointed officials of your nation all you like, and call the system "crazy enough as is", but spare me the expertise on constitutional law.

  19. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    ...but spare me the expertise on constitutional law.
    As usual, Richard doesn't know WTF he's talking about.

    Anything in the Constitution may be amended except three things stipulated in Article V:

    "The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate."

  20. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    As usual, Richard doesn't know WTF he's talking about.

    Anything in the Constitution may be amended except three things stipulated in Article V:

    "The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate."
    So now all you have to do is show where I ever said the constitution could not be amended.

    I stand by what I wrote,the base of the constitution is there,you can add amendments but they can also be withdrawn.

    You cannot change the base set of rights.

    The prime example of that was the recent right to abortion that was rescinded,because it was not an amendment that gave everybody an equal right so it had no place there.

    It had zero to do with actual abortion,and put that argument on the individual states to decide,which is the way it is supposed to be,that’s how people get a voice,they vote on it.

    A man cannot have an abortion,so you cannot add an amendment that gives women right to an abortion because you are singling out one particular group when by design the constitution sees everybody as equals.

    As usual you do not know WTF you are talking about,but you have already shown your character when you told everybody to ignore my posts while you feel that you are that special where you can choose who does what and do not have to follow your own demands that you place in others.

    People like you are the very reason the constitution was created.

    stick that in your tdlr pipe and smoke it because you clearly do not want to understand it.

    Pretty lame fighting something that you have little knowledge about in the first place.
    Last edited by Richard; February-21-23 at 12:36 AM.

  21. #121


    Yes, when the constitution was written, the African Americans you care so much to commiserate with were certainly created equal under the law of the land, that is with ignominy. Only freemen and landowners were deemed fit to vote. If you take out the females, for a very long time taken for minors, the voting crowd was much slimmer than today. If it weren't for the ability to add amendments, the US wouldn’t be the admired country it is. But the taking away of rights to abort is not about equality for all under the constitution, that is a sham, and a convenient lie someone like you waves like a flag to pretend they are in the right.

    On the other hand, in spite of your claim of freedom loving in the extreme, you wrote a number of posts ago about amending that would enable you to throw the socialists/commies in the river with a weight around their waste. [[sic)


  22. #122


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post

    What, no mention of the nearly 700 killed in Chicago last year? Why? Because most were black? They have VERY strict gun laws there.

    And no mention of the 4 students killed in Idaho, with a knife?

    It's almost like you have a secret agenda you're not telling us about.

  23. #123


    ^ Who? Secret agenda? I have friends and family in Chicago and as a black woman I'm FULLY aware of their disproportionately high black murder rate. Withstanding their strict gun laws. I'm aware of the Idaho murders. This site doesn't focus on murders outside of Michigan. You know this!

    We have just had the murder of three young people here in Michigan -- others injured. Where and as applicable I will detail that. Others can/ and are discussing the politics of and rather guns will be allowed or confiscated.

    Sorry your 'assumption' that I am anti-gun didn't work out for you.
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-21-23 at 10:05 AM.

  24. #124


    Oh damn. Within all of the chaos and confusion of this thread Rocket hit another conservative with friendly fire. It must be hard to keep track of what is what and make your aim true when all of those verbal bullets are flying about.

  25. #125


    Because THIS thread is about the students killed at MSU, or at least it's supposed to be. Go start a thread about Chicago and it's gun issues preferably on a Chicago chat group.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    What, no mention of the nearly 700 killed in Chicago last year? Why? Because most were black? They have VERY strict gun laws there.

    And no mention of the 4 students killed in Idaho, with a knife?

    It's almost like you have a secret agenda you're not telling us about.

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