I'd wonder if you could cram all of the office space/hotel into the central tower and the 500/600 towers to the east and turn the 4-39 story towers into residential. GM doesn't [[won't) say occupancy of the towers in the article so it's hard to tell what really makes sense. Rosetti comments in the article they have composed numerous design scenarios for the towers and potential uses [[though he references those are confidential), so GM has obviously been examining increasing the usage of these buildings.

It will probably be a few years post pandemic before GM has a grasp on how many workers they have/foresee at the Ren Cen and make a decision on how best to proceed on site. I wonder if DG still has any interest in purchasing it or if the East Riverfront rumored developments are still in play. If GM decided to downsize in the towers or sell to DG it could be a major departure from the current programming.