Michigan Central Restored and Opening

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  1. #151


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    agreed,but I also cannot help but to think if the shoe was on the other foot they would be demanding a go over.

    There are 5 or 6 states that do not require signature matching,they would have got away with it in those states.

    I still say the guy was hired by the DNC to infiltrate the Republican Party in order to throw the election,water boarding has its advantages.

    Conspiracy theorist much Richard?

  2. #152


    Hah! It's just five? Who-da-thought? Are we relegating this to just the repubs?

    Anyway, Governor Witmere will win a-ok withstanding her own COVID-19 shannigans. I wasn't a Craig fan either. Michigan for now will not go too far left of right IMO - that's an advantage.

    Witmere knows full well [one local media person that comes to mind never lets her forget] that not all black people in the Detroit, Flint and other parts of Michigan reflexively circle-the-wagons of protection about her just 'cause she says so. Nope. We don't. She knows this and that we are watching - considering some of her past policies and promises.

    This factor remains rather we vote for her or not. Thus, one of the reasons she tends to be fairly quiet on certain subjects, lately.

    Gotta love the purple, swing state!

    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    James Craig is one of those five crooked Republicans. I told you all, he already lost the election for governor of Michigan. Better luck next 4 years, NOT! Enjoy your retirement, Craig.
    Last edited by Zacha341; June-05-22 at 01:19 PM.

  3. #153


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    Conspiracy theorist much Richard?
    No like others just have seen how low some will go to bend the curve.

    Russian collusion that millions got suckered into believing, hook line n sinker.

    Clinton destroying Hati,throwing millions into poverty just to get more support in his own state.

    Look at what is happening country wide now,workers forgetting to upload 1000s of votes from flash drives,1000s of votes “found” laying about.

    Nothing was learned from 2020,local elections count because they can be won with 5 votes.

    Do you believe the Union has a zero history of doing what it takes to alter elections?

    Politics is dirty,always has been,you have been around long enough to know that.

  4. #154


    If Betsy DeVos' pet candidate becomes governor, Wayne State University will be replaced by Trump University.

  5. #155


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Clinton destroying Hati,throwing millions into poverty just to get more support in his own state.
    I call BS... you must not have Googled this very well. Haiti has been a basket case for most of its' 182 year existence. A combination of factors lead it to be the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, among them crooked politicians. I don't believe Clinton did anything to make it worse or better. Millions were already in poverty long before Clintion.

  6. #156


    ^ it does not matter what you call it ,Hati was 80% suburban,poor broke farmers that did not have a penny to their name,but they had food on the table and a roof over their heads and land to till.

    Clinton put tariffs on their only export,rice,then flooded the country with rice from Arkansas and undercut them,they all went broke and were forced to move into the cities that could not support them,both in jobs or housing.

    You do understand there is a massive difference in being poor but happy in poverty verses destitute?

    You can live in poverty in those countries and survive,millions do it all the time.

    Policies that proved to destroy this country wreaked havoc on other countries,then to add injury to insult,Mrs C raped the country during the earthquake.

    That is why you will not find immigrants[[South America) that support the Dems,they been there done that in more ways then one.

    Most wise up after spending generations being beat down and strive to do better,unless it is in this country.”,then they support their oppressors and vote them into office while calling the opposition the evil ones.

  7. #157


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    I call BS... you must not have Googled this very well. Haiti has been a basket case for most of its' 182 year existence. A combination of factors lead it to be the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, among them crooked politicians. I don't believe Clinton did anything to make it worse or better. Millions were already in poverty long before Clintion.
    it didn’t happen in Haiti. It happened in Hati. That’s where you went wrong.

  8. #158


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    I call BS...
    Ditto. Funny, I was just reading 'Our Man in Haiti: George de Mohrenschildt and the CIA in the Nightmare Republic' by Joan Mellen. An interesting book about Haiti's dictators and the CIA.

    It states that the CIA assigned George de Mohrenschildt to be the babysitter for Lee Harvey Oswald in the months leading up to Kennedy's assassination to ensure that Oswald was framed as the sole gunman. Later he handled CIA political assassinations in Haiti. Apparently, the CIA liquidated de Mohrenschildt as he was preparing to testify to the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations. Poor Haiti didn't need enemies with friends like de Mohrenschildt.

    JFK Assassination: George DeMohrenschildt was Murdered : MyNews1951 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

  9. #159


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    No like others just have seen how low some will go to bend the curve.

    Russian collusion that millions got suckered into believing, hook line n sinker.

    Clinton destroying Hati,throwing millions into poverty just to get more support in his own state.

    Look at what is happening country wide now,workers forgetting to upload 1000s of votes from flash drives,1000s of votes “found” laying about.

    Nothing was learned from 2020,local elections count because they can be won with 5 votes.

    Do you believe the Union has a zero history of doing what it takes to alter elections?

    Politics is dirty,always has been,you have been around long enough to know that.
    That last paragraph is very true - politics is a dirty business.

  10. #160


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    I'm still not sure the candidates or their campaigns knew anything about this.
    I don't think they did. But the none-the-less, this is real fraud. Not the kind of fraud you try to insinuate and manufacture to overturn a result that wasn't in your favor. Not the kind of fraud that got thrown out as fake fraud by court after court.

    Here we have the Republican party, who has been beating the eLeCtIoN fRaUd drum, but yet they used an obvious fraudster to collect signatures and then they submitted those signatures without scrutiny of their own.

    Then they tried to appeal so that their election fraud wouldn't keep them off the ballot. They want to hold Biden accountable for the election fraud that didn't happen but want to be insulated from the real, actual fraud that they themselves committed.

    Yes, the candidates didn't commit fraud intentionally, but instead did it through gross incompetence and lack of due-diligence throughout the process.

  11. #161


    Quote Originally Posted by Scottathew View Post
    ... They want to hold Biden accountable for the election fraud that didn't happen but want to be insulated from the real, actual fraud that they themselves committed....
    Well said.

    I'd really like to know who introduced Shawn Wilmoth{R} to these candidates. Was it Wilmoth himself? But Wilmoth has a record. The fact that multiple candidates used his First Choice Contracting services suggests that the candidates didn't independently select that company themselves.

    Astroturfing stinks.

  12. #162


    Quote Originally Posted by Scottathew View Post
    I don't think they did. But the none-the-less, this is real fraud. Not the kind of fraud you try to insinuate and manufacture to overturn a result that wasn't in your favor. Not the kind of fraud that got thrown out as fake fraud by court after court.

    Here we have the Republican party, who has been beating the eLeCtIoN fRaUd drum, but yet they used an obvious fraudster to collect signatures and then they submitted those signatures without scrutiny of their own.

    Then they tried to appeal so that their election fraud wouldn't keep them off the ballot. They want to hold Biden accountable for the election fraud that didn't happen but want to be insulated from the real, actual fraud that they themselves committed.

    Yes, the candidates didn't commit fraud intentionally, but instead did it through gross incompetence and lack of due-diligence throughout the process.
    Interesting enough it is not Michigans first rodeo when it comes to this. 2016

    GRAND RAPIDS, MI - A group seeking to repeal Michigan's prevailing wage law is suing a company for conducting what it calls "the worst petition drive" in state history.

    Protecting Michigan Taxpayers, or PMT, filed a federal lawsuit against Silver Bullet LLC of Nevada after it turned in an estimated 161,781 invalid signatures, dooming the initiative.


    What is even more interesting is there are 26 states that allow pay per signature,the rest flat out ban it or limit it,due to its potential for fraud.

    Wanna guess who allows it and the argument used to keep it in place?

    There are 5 signature collecting companies in the country,every state holding elections and referendums that require signatures,slim pickings out there from the start.

    In 2000 after Floridas hanging Chad fiasco our election process was revamped to remove as much fraud potential as possible,sense then,there have been no uncontested elections,little if any voter fraud attempts and one of the largest states to submit total uncontested vote counts during presidential elections.

    So it is entirely possible to create a fair system,but yet for some reason certain states like to be able to keep that door open,wonder why?

    Stacey Abraham D Georgia has been contesting her last loss at her run at governor for over 4 years as she runs again,and she never conceded.

    The D party has just as much as a history as the R party in contesting elections with the same vigor,why is it good for the goose but not the gander?

    Every citizen has that right,but some only want to allow it when it suits them.
    Last edited by Richard; June-06-22 at 10:06 AM.

  13. #163


    Craig was on Fox News Sunday claiming that people are trying to steal the election from him. Of course there is no proof of this, but he knows his target demographic, many of whom have already hinted at a non-existent conspiracy in this thread.

  14. #164


    Quote Originally Posted by Scottathew View Post

    ............ They want to hold Biden accountable for the election fraud that didn't happen but want to be insulated from the real, actual fraud that they themselves committed.
    Not sure how you can know that.

    The AZ audit proved that there were 350,000 fraudulent ballots counted there.

    The data strongly indicates that there were hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots in Michigan. Many counties with more votes than people on the voter rolls, and that's AFTER huge numbers of dead people and people that had moved were added BACK on the voter rolls. So that many counties had 20% more votes than eligible voters.

    Then the documentary 2000 mules proved that thousands of mules were used to take tens of thousands of alleged votes from the DNC to drop boxes in Georgia.

    Mules were also used in Arizona, some are now being prosecuted.

    Vote counting centers being closed down for the night, and once poll watchers had left,m they turned the lights back on and started counting again.

    Suitcases of ballots being brought out from under tables early in the morning, after everyone had left for the night.

    Video from the same counting center of election workers running the same stack of votes through the counting machine repeatedly.

    Hundreds of ballot envelopes in a row with the same exact signature on them.

    Tens of thousands of supposedly mailed in ballots being counted WITH NO CREASE ! Meaning they could never have been folded and put into a ballot envelope.

    Granted, there's no way to know what votes were associated with those fraudulent ballot envelopes, as once they're separated from the envelopes, there's no way to go back and remove the fraudulent votes.

    Biden may have still won, or perhaps won by an even bigger margin, but FOR SURE there was MASSIVE fraud in the last presidential election. You simply CANNOT say there was no fraud.
    Last edited by Rocket; June-06-22 at 09:54 AM.

  15. #165


    Dinesh D'Souza is your proof? The guy who was convicted of campaign finance fraud and whose movies are easily debunked including the one you mentioned. That is your proof? Lmao.

    You'll say that aliens showed up from outer space and changed the results before admitting that a candidate sucked or was incompetent. There is no proof if fraud and experts regard the 2020 election as the most secure in history. The tin foil hat may be on a little tight, try loosening it up.

  16. #166


    Careful,people called those who believed in UFOs tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist,and yet now the government is admitting there is something to that after all.

  17. #167


    Totally the same. Now if you are saying Dinesh D'Souza is an alien I might agree.

  18. #168


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    ...I'd really like to know who introduced Shawn Wilmoth{R} to these candidates. Was it Wilmoth himself? But Wilmoth has a record.
    It suggests that former DPD Chief Craig and Michigan State Police Capt. Mike Brown aren't good investigators. LOL!

    Maybe they played hooky from police academy on the day the school taught criminal investigations?
    Last edited by Henry Whalley; June-06-22 at 12:30 PM.

  19. #169


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    Not sure how you can know that.

    The AZ audit proved that there were 350,000 fraudulent ballots counted there.

    Video from the same counting center of election workers running the same stack of votes through the counting machine repeatedly.

    Hundreds of ballot envelopes in a row with the same exact signature on them.

    Tens of thousands of supposedly mailed in ballots being counted WITH NO CREASE ! Meaning they could never have been folded and put into a ballot envelope.

    Biden may have still won, or perhaps won by an even bigger margin, but FOR SURE there was MASSIVE fraud in the last presidential election. You simply CANNOT say there was no fraud.

    In Detroit, certainly the mail-in envelopes, probably
    the ballots, and possibly even the Qualified Voter File
    entries had BARCODES on them all. Running a
    stack of ballots with BARCODES through a machine
    multiple times, so long as the machine is working
    and reading the BARCODES as it should, should
    simply recount the ballots and not nefariously run
    up the votes for a particular candidate or proposal
    on the ballot. One machine counting one stack
    of ballots should give the same counts for everything
    every time.


    This would make it easier to audit the election,
    and harder, but not impossible, to cheat. The
    privacy of the ballot might be less though.

    In earlier elections the temporary hired staff
    at the precincts tended to miscount precinct
    votes by counting test ballots run through the
    machines to be sure they were operational.
    This and other similar kinds of errors caused
    many precincts in Detroit not to be able to
    be recounted.

    While he was serving as Chief of DPD, James Craig
    frequently appeared in the media in regards
    to high profile police cases. There was some
    controlling of the narratives going on.
    This could be felt to be fraud to some [Rocket?]
    if they felt that other narratives were more
    truthful and complete than the ones Chief Craig
    and his officers were giving.
    Last edited by Dumpling; June-06-22 at 12:50 PM.

  20. #170


    Quote Originally Posted by Scottathew View Post
    ... but want to be insulated from the real, actual fraud that they themselves committed.

    Yes, the candidates didn't commit fraud intentionally, ...
    You don't proofread your posts do you? Maybe the candidates didn't proofread the petitions? I'll say it again, there is no sign so far that the campaigns did anything wrong other than mismanage the petitions. There is more indication so far that they were defrauded.

  21. #171


    Jeez, I'm glad I moved out of Michigan and into Nevada; I don't miss all that political niff-naw one bit. Ain't much in the way of political skirmishes out this way since Harry Reid died.

  22. #172


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    ...Jeez, I'm glad I moved out of Michigan and into Nevada; I don't miss all that political niff-naw one bit.
    Ray, you gotta' admit it's a hoot that both cops running for governor were scammed by Shawn Wilmoth.

    Police chiefs were smarter than that in the old days? Right?

  23. #173


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    Ray, you gotta' admit it's a hoot that both cops running for governor were scammed by Shawn Wilmoth....
    Or worse if they knew Wilmoth's record but went along with it anyway!

  24. #174


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post

    Police chiefs were smarter than that in the old days? Right?
    Well, yeah, but then there was Bill Hart.

  25. #175


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    Well, yeah, but then there was Bill Hart.
    Forgot about him.

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