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  1. #101


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    Hope for who? Those that want to go backwards in time?

    Hope for the GOP, which was the topic of mjb3's post that I replied to.

    Pretty much everyone agrees that Gov Whittmer has been totally ineffective.

    Fix the d roads was her battle cry, yet she didn't have a single workable idea. Her only suggestion was a 75 cent per gallon gas tax, and there was NO way that was going to make it passed the voters.

    The previous admin worked long and hard to find a way to fund the roads, removing sales tax from gas and adding a bigger tax JUST for roads. Moving money here and there to not hurt any single constituency too much. And even that failed at the voting booth.

    So when Mrs. Whittmer was running on 'fix the d roads', everyone knew it wasn't actually going to happen.

  2. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    Pretty much everyone agrees that Gov Whittmer has been totally ineffective.

    Fix the d roads was her battle cry, yet she didn't have a single workable idea. Her only suggestion was a 75 cent per gallon gas tax, and there was NO way that was going to make it passed the voters.

    The previous admin worked long and hard to find a way to fund the roads, removing sales tax from gas and adding a bigger tax JUST for roads. Moving money here and there to not hurt any single constituency too much. And even that failed at the voting booth.

    So when Mrs. Whittmer was running on 'fix the d roads', everyone knew it wasn't actually going to happen.
    You really aren't paying attention, are you?

    Under the Snyder Administration, the Republican led house/senate didn't do very much to make progress in funding road repairs. Hence Whitmer's slogan.

    Currently here is the 23 page list of road repairs... and these are just at the state level... it doesn't include road repairs at the county level.

    Now granted, we all know additional roads that need work bad... but it took years for them to get this bad, they're not getting fixed overnight.

    So when you say "pretty much everyone agrees...", what you really should have said was "a minority of members on this URBAN forum" don't want to give Whitmer [who loathes your cult leader Trump] any credit at all.

    You can spin all you want... even though she's no angel... she has a decent approval rating in the states urban areas... which is enough to get her re-elected... especially with what's left of the potential challengers.
    Last edited by Gistok; May-30-22 at 02:23 PM.

  3. #103


    ^ you can spin all you want but the only reason the current infrastructure or road work is going on is because of the COVID relief package.

    What was her plan before COVID,absence of federal funding that would not had been there,to fix the roads?

    I can patiently wait for that link.

    Because she sure did not support the previous administrations infrastructure plan,which would have put you 6 years ahead of the fix,and not at the most expensive time in 60 years,so you get less bang for the buck.

    So without COVID,you would still be saying - what about the roads?

    What do people look at during elections?

    The economy
    Wars - we are in 3 now and gearing up for the 4th,with 2 hot spots that could trigger WW3 in a matter of moments,something we have not seen sense the Cuban missile crises.
    The Economy
    Violence factor
    The economy

    So how are those box’s checked in her favor?

    When people are struggling to pay the bills,put gas in their cars,put food on the table,loyalty takes a back seat.
    Last edited by Richard; May-30-22 at 04:35 PM.

  4. #104


    Yeah, those 3 wars Gretch got us in sure are a problem. Much like the Covid epidemic she started. And is there a difference between "The economy" and "The Economy" that you mentioned above? Explain please, with citations and footnotes.
    What do people look at during elections?

    The economy
    Wars - we are in 3 now
    The Economy
    Violence factor
    The economy

  5. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Under the Snyder Administration, the Republican led house/senate didn't do very much to make progress in funding road repairs. they're not getting fixed overnight.
    Well, the truth is, NO administration has the power to fund road repairs. Any new tax MUST be approved by the voters. So says the state's constitution.

    So if we're going to rate Syder's and Whittmers attempts, Snyder's might be a 7 out of 10, and Whittmers a 1 out of 10? [Her only attempt was a passing mention some 2 years ago about a 75 cent per gallon gas tax hike, and nothing since].

    If the voters were unwilling to approve the complicated and even-handed plan proposed by the Snyder admin, then they're unlikely to approve anything.

    Which is why Whittmer's campaign was such a farce. She was promising to do something neither she or any other gov had the power to do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    So when you say "pretty much everyone agrees...", what you really should have said was "a minority of members on this URBAN forum" don't want to give Whittmer [who loathes your cult leader Trump] any credit at all.
    My cult leader Trump? Why the personal attack? For the record, I'm not a member of any cults.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    You can spin all you want... even though she's no angel
    You have my vote for Understatement Of The Century . She is responsible for Killing thousands of seniors by forcing Covid patients INTO nursing homes. And her positive accomplishments are???? Genuinely asking, because I can't think of any. And I'm cutting her some slack, as covid messed up part of her term, but really, has she done or even proposed anything positive?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    ... she has a decent approval rating in the states urban areas... which is enough to get her re-elected... especially with what's left of the potential challengers.
    Yes, with what's left of the field. Craig was up 6 points on her and gaining ground as of a couple weeks ago. This signature collecting fiasco may doom Michigan to another 4 years of leadership vacuum in Lansing.
    Last edited by Rocket; May-30-22 at 06:00 PM.

  6. #106


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    Well, the truth is, NO administration has the power to fund road repairs. Any new tax MUST be approved by the voters. So says the state's constitution.

    So if we're going to rate Syder's and Whittmers attempts, Snyder's might be a 7 out of 10, and Whittmers a 1 out of 10? [Her only attempt was a passing mention some 2 years ago about a 75 cent per gallon gas tax hike, and nothing since].

    If the voters were unwilling to approve the complicated and even-handed plan proposed by the Snyder admin, then they're unlikely to approve anything.

    Which is why Whittmer's campaign was such a farce. She was promising to do something neither she or any other gov had the power to do.

    My cult leader Trump? Why the personal attack? For the record, I'm not a member of any cults.

    You have my vote for Understatement Of The Century . She is responsible for Killing thousands of seniors by forcing Covid patients INTO nursing homes. And her positive accomplishments are???? Genuinely asking, because I can't think of any. And I'm cutting her some slack, as covid messed up part of her term, but really, has she done or even proposed anything positive?

    Yes, with what's left of the field. Craig was up 6 points on her and gaining ground as of a couple weeks ago. This signature collecting fiasco may doom Michigan to another 4 years of leadership vacuum in Lansing.
    And speaking of Snyder, his a$$ should be in jail for the Flint Water Crisis. Got off scott free. He knew about them switching over to use the Flint River as a water source for those mainly black citizens and children of Flint. The Emergency Manager at the time, Darnell Earley took the fall for him he went to jail as well as the others who resigned soon after, yet he continues to live the good life..
    Last edited by Cincinnati_Kid; May-30-22 at 07:23 PM.

  7. #107


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    My cult leader Trump? Why the personal attack? For the record, I'm not a member of any cults.
    It might be that when you saw 19 kids were murdered your initial response was to blame the left in a wild and baseless conspiracy theory that insults their memory. Seems like cultish thinking to me.

  8. #108


    interesting how Darnell was brought up because the same arguments that are being used here apply.

    He himself said he should have checked the reports,others went to jail because they hid evidence and altered records,the city Council approved the switch 7 months before he came into the picture,Snyder told him not to do the switch when he read the reports,but he said he was bound by the city councils decision to switch.

    It was a Dem prosecutor,Nessel and Kim Worthy that handled the case apparently not very well.

    But as long as you have him on the line,ask Mr Earley what happened to the city taxpayer assets that were transferred to untraceable offshore companies,they still belonged to the taxpayers.

    Or about the large number of properties that were bought up at rock bottom prices based out of Ann Arbor in the months preceding the bankruptcy when only a few knew what was coming up.
    Last edited by Richard; May-30-22 at 08:19 PM.

  9. #109


    [QUOTE=Rocket;625152]Well, the truth is, NO administration has the power to fund road repairs. Any new tax MUST be approved by the voters. So says the state's constitution.

    So if we're going to rate Syder's and Whittmers attempts, Snyder's might be a 7 out of 10, and Whittmers a 1 out of 10? [Her only attempt was a passing mention some 2 years ago about a 75 cent per gallon gas tax hike, and nothing since]./QUOTE]

    Well apparently the orange barrels are up all over the state... so something is getting fixed, based on funds already allocated.

    As for your rating system of Snyder vs. Trump... that's not some general consensus among the state voters... that is your personal opinion. Period.

    At least I will admit that neither Snyder nor Whitmer deserve super high marks, but they both had an intransigent legislature to deal with when it comes to fixing the roads.

    As far as Craig goes... if his petitions aren't valid, there's no amount of protesting or claims of voter fraud that will get him back on the ballot. It looks like several candidates had some serious trouble with the folks they had garnering petitions. If the candidates made poor choices in soliciting canvassers, then that is likely not a political problem... a criminal problem? Maybe.

  10. #110


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Yeah, those 3 wars Gretch got us in sure are a problem. Much like the Covid epidemic she started. And is there a difference between "The economy" and "The Economy" that you mentioned above? Explain please, with citations and footnotes.
    I notice you could not provide a link of her plan to fix the roads had she not received the COVID money,maybe because there was not one.

    Zoom out instead of playing a wannabe internet spelling police,you are an example of why she stands a good chance of losing,your party leader has a 40% approval rating,nothing good is happening,all across the country Dems are losing the rural and suburbs that they gained when they voted for Biden.

    The only support they are barely receiving is from the dense urban communities,You might be thinking that Detroit will be the deciding factor.

    I think the opposite because they have been making wiser choices the last few years and it is not hard to see or deny what is going on.

    Thats also why I believe the only chance the Dems had in Michigan was to undercut the leading republicans and remove them from the race,because they do not have any other merits to run on and they worry about spelling on the internet instead of things that really matter.

    People do not go out of their way to side with the losing team,unless they are looking for more of the same,it’s not bad now compared to what it will be like just in time for the polls to open.

    The road repairs going on now was actually set in motion with a tax increase in 2017 by Snyder to raise $1.2 billion and was not set to be in motion until 2021 by law,so they were planned and funded long ago.

    To do a major road project,it takes at least 5 years before the shovels hit the dirt,so without having those billions sitting there,there is no way she could have promised major road works in her 4 year span.

    It took from 2017 to 2021 to come up with the $1.2 billion being spent now on current projects.

    She can now say - Look I am fixing the roads but without the COVID funding,people would have caught on to the road funding part that was already in place when she took office.

    Thats why you cannot produce the plan,or will not,because it was already in place before she took office,she just had to bide her time until late 2021 when the funding was available and say - look what I did.

    Notice the plan was for state roads? The COVID funding will fix more roads as it is allocated to the individual cities,but nobody will be able to allocate it into shovels in the dirt that fast,so come fall those urban voters that do not regularly travel the interstates are going to be saying what roads.

    The current road projects that are ongoing ,would you say they are in predominantly Republican areas or predominantly democratic area's?

    I paid $450 for my phone and from day 1 the OLED screen has been screwed up so it inputs all sorts of weird things when I type,let alone spell check,they want $250 to change the screen and I am not putting $700 into a phone to appease spelling whiners on the internet,so you are going to have to suck it up or if it bothers you guys that bad pay the $250.

    Its y’all’s fault anyways,phones hung in the wall or sat in the desk for decades with no problems,that’s why people cannot afford to pay the rent or buy a house,because they want a $800 phone over a $20 one and force others to buy the same useless crap.
    Last edited by Richard; May-30-22 at 09:14 PM.

  11. #111


    ^ When all is said and done IMO Whitmere will win handily. Especially as COVID [and variants therein] has become far less pathogenic [lethal] and people forget her fumble[s] re. COVID [particularly the nursing home shannigans].
    Last edited by Zacha341; May-30-22 at 09:04 PM.

  12. #112


    ^^ What are you rambling about now Richard? Seesh...

  13. #113


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    ^^ What are you rambling about now Richard? Seesh...
    What part are you confused on?

    Or are you just having a hard time believing that not everybody will just lay down and follow your personal narrative?

    I will type slowly so you can keep up

    What are the odds that 5 political candidates made the same mistakes?

    Who benefits the most of the viable republican candidates are taken out of the race?

    Chief Craig had over 2 million in his war chest,is he really going to go with a team that made such a blatant mistakes?

    The average war chest for a governors race ranges from $10 million to $80 million.

    The current road projects,are they in predominantly democratic realms or predominantly republican realms? .

  14. #114


    Richard's latest word salad is the roads...

    All that the people who "actually use Michigan's roads give a rats ass about is that [[unlike what Rocket says) they are being worked on... and ... WHEN the road funding was started, and WHERE the road money funds come from... is minutiae that is of fleeting interest... as long as the damn roads get fixed...
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by Gistok; May-31-22 at 11:19 AM.

  15. #115


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    ........ give a rats ass about is that [[unlike what Rocket says) they are being worked on... and ... WHEN the road funding was started, and WHERE the road money funds come from... is minutiae that is of fleeting interest...

    as long as the damn roads get fixed...
    I never said that Whittmer voters were smart enough to realize that the major projects going on now weren't because of her.

    I only said that neither she nor her predecessor had the power to fix them, without approval of the voters, and that she hardly even made an attempt, despite that being pretty much her only campaign issue.

    Also, the current work [save for the 17 year I-75 rebuild] isn't "Fixing the roads". At least not more than normally occurs during every orange barrel season [April to November].

  16. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Richard's latest word salad is the roads...

    All that the people who "actually use Michigan's roads give a rats ass about is that [[unlike what Rocket says) they are being worked on... and ... WHEN the road funding was started, and WHERE the road money funds come from... is minutiae that is of fleeting interest... as long as the damn roads get fixed...
    Dont be such a spoil sport when your narrative gets crushed.

    Like was mentioned,she made a promise to fix the roads,while knowing full well the legislature had to approve it first because it involves taxpayer money.

    Sp what she was really saying is ,I have the ability to work across party lines in order to get things accomplished that need to be done.

    You cannot give or take credit for something that was already approved and funded before she took office while saying look what I did.

  17. #117


    All WHOSE fault? I never told anyone to get rid of desk or wall phones.
    As to your $450 phone with the bad screen; didn't it occur to you to take it back while it was under warranty?
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    I paid $450 for my phone and from day 1 the OLED screen has been screwed up so it inputs all sorts of weird things when I type,let alone spell check,they want $250 to change the screen and I am not putting $700 into a phone to appease spelling whiners on the internet,so you are going to have to suck it up or if it bothers you guys that bad pay the $250.

    Its y’all’s fault anyways,phones hung in the wall or sat in the desk for decades with no problems,that’s why people cannot afford to pay the rent or buy a house,because they want a $800 phone over a $20 one and force others to buy the same useless crap.

  18. #118


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ............... knowing full well the legislature had to approve it first because it involves taxpayer money.

    Not just the legislature, but the voters.

    The legislature DID approve a massive plan to fix the roads, [Nov 3, 2015], and Gov. Snyder signed it a week later on Nov 10.

    BUT, the legislature and the governor are forbidden from raising taxes.

    So before it could go into action, it had to go on the ballot and be approved.

    But the voters voted it [Prop 1] down 80% to 20%. on May 5th, 2015.

    So in essence, Michigan voters want the roads fixed, but not if they have to pay for it.

  19. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    All WHOSE fault? I never told anyone to get rid of desk or wall phones.
    As to your $450 phone with the bad screen; didn't it occur to you to take it back while it was under warranty?
    It did not occur to me to have it covered under warranty because I bought it used and used comes within no warranty.

    It was me going off subject,sense 1991 I have spent over $100,000 on phones and related bills,I could have bought another house and made money on it,everybody getting sucked up into technology does not realize how expensive it actually is long term.

  20. #120

  21. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    It was me going off subject,sense 1991 I have spent over $100,000 on phones and related bills...
    OK... the grammar police in me doesn't even want to touch this sentence... but any mathematicians out there want to tackle the fuzzy math here...
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by Gistok; June-01-22 at 12:14 AM.

  22. #122


    I am positive I am not imagining it, since, I drive the whole lower peninsula constantly, in fact the last week and a half I’ve been from one side to the other of the lower peninsula as well as north and south, there’s road construction everywhere I have been, and major road construction, seems like it’s been going on for a couple years now ,where ever I drive, …fix the roads? Somebody’s doing something that’s for sure.. This certainly wasn’t being done several years before that. This is a big state and you’re not going to fix every road in the state in several years , it’s going to take longer than that ,but our roads are significantly in better shape than they were several years ago, just look at I 75 coming from downtown all the way up to Auburn Hills, huge difference.

  23. #123


    Quote Originally Posted by DetBill View Post
    ............, just look at I 75 coming from downtown all the way up to Auburn Hills, huge difference.

    True, but governor Whittmer deserves no credit for that.

    The I-75 modernizing project was pushed for and engineered in 2000, at the behest of L. Brooks Patterson, the former Oakland County Executive.

    However, it didn't get it's final funding by the Feds until 2006, and construction didn't begin until 2016.

    Governor Whittmer didn't take office until Jan 2019, some 13 years after Patterson started the project, and some 3 years after construction was begun.

    Initially it was slated to take 17.5 years. Later reduced to 14 years. And I just read a story from a few years back where MDOT thought that they could trim off 10 years from that? Obviously that didn't happen, as its already been 6 years of work and they're not done.

    But yeah, get north of 12 mile and it's smooooth sailing.
    Last edited by Rocket; June-01-22 at 10:29 AM.

  24. #124


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post

    It was me going off subject,sense 1991 I have spent over $100,000 on phones and related bills,I could have bought another house and made money on it,everybody getting sucked up into technology does not realize how expensive it actually is long term.
    As PT Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute."

  25. #125


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    As PT Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute."
    PT Barnum never said that. A quick search of the internet will give you the answers. But your post brings up a good point. People keep repeating things because they've been programmed the mantra.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; June-01-22 at 11:18 AM.

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