All WHOSE fault? I never told anyone to get rid of desk or wall phones.
As to your $450 phone with the bad screen; didn't it occur to you to take it back while it was under warranty?
Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
I paid $450 for my phone and from day 1 the OLED screen has been screwed up so it inputs all sorts of weird things when I type,let alone spell check,they want $250 to change the screen and I am not putting $700 into a phone to appease spelling whiners on the internet,so you are going to have to suck it up or if it bothers you guys that bad pay the $250.

Its y’all’s fault anyways,phones hung in the wall or sat in the desk for decades with no problems,that’s why people cannot afford to pay the rent or buy a house,because they want a $800 phone over a $20 one and force others to buy the same useless crap.