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  1. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ what is your area of confusion,context or reading comprehension,narrow that down and maybe I can help you to understand the obvious.

    Do you have any actual issues with policies that Craig may have followed or implemented or you just do not agree with him because you have issues with somebody else?

    That would be the common sense basis of discrediting him,verses,he talked to somebody I do not like.Bad man.

    You do not like the opposition,which is fine,but how is your way of doing things working out for the country now?

    Your repeated attempts at providing« reading comprehension support » shines a light on your jumbled thoughts and hastily slapped together posts. Just edit yourself and try and make sense of what you write for your audience’s sake, and your posterity. The posterity bit I added for effect.

    p.s.: I liked your mention of the Orange One.

  2. #27


    ^ it depends how one looks at things,some view my posts in a singular moment in time,most live in a bubble but what happens in one place effects every place in the bigger picture.

    My post was in response to the thread as a collective while zooming out,people take politics too personal,it does not matter what suit one wears,who they support or have supported in the past,In the case of chief Craig what were his policies in the past that were implemented that proved to be destructive,did they outweigh his constructive policies.

    As an example CODs mayor,he is not perfect and may have skeletons in his closet and not do what everybody wants,but in general has he brought the city to a better place through the policies that he has implemented?

    Kinda off topic but when we look at leadership,we look for consistency and how policies enacted for short term goal's have long lasting unintended consequences.

    Here is another policy in leadership based on a spur of the moment decision.

    You had a trucker protest,it was deemed destructive to the economy so measures were taken that involved the stripping of every citizens rights in order to deal with it.

    That action gained support on both sides of the border based on economic decisions.

    I will bet that you did not even know that for the last week,Mexican truck drivers had done the exact same thing at the southern border?

    They have stopped the flow of goods across the border,auto manufacturers cannot get their parts,no different then at the northern border.

    But yet nobody has said anything,no actions have been taken,no countries have stripped the rights of every citizen based on how the actions were so critical to the Economy,nobody has called those truckers far right nazis,frozen their bank accounts,portrayed them as the scum of the earth.

    It’s an example of 2 exactly the same senários but 2 totally different responses.

    The reaction and policies put in place in Canada may have addressed the immediate concern,but what about the long term impact ramifications?

    Clearly with Craig’s background,he is tough on crime,just as the orange one was.

    So people did not like that tough on crime stance and pulled back the reins,it does not matter who took that stance,what matters is now that you have a view of what life is under during a soft on crime policy rein,which do you prefer ?

    You cannot have or show weakness in leadership,because by nature people will prey on the weak,good leadership shows strength while also showing a balance of restraint while not making decisions based on spur of the moment.

    With Craig you have the advantage of a long term in public service,so overall has his record remained consistent,has his policies held water long term without overly negative impacts,or has he done more good then harm,has he shown strong leadership qualities in the police departments that he has run in the past ?

    You can call out my posts all you want,but when you choose to support posts that simply based their views on who a potencial candidate supported in the past is the decision base as to his qualifications,makes about as much sense as calling an essential worker a hero one week while calling them the scum of the earth the next.

    That is not consistency in leadership.

  3. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Just edit yourself and try and make sense of what you write for your audience’s sake....
    Face it... he likes to torment his audience... until they can't take any more, and then make generous use the "scroll" button.

  4. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Face it... he likes to torment his audience... until they can't take any more, and then make generous use the "scroll" button.
    It must be frustrating for you when you cannot implement your final solution on everybody that you do not agree with in life.

    Did you have anything of substance to post in relation to the topic at hand?

  5. #30


    James Craig might be a stalking horse. Someone who is selected probably by the Democrats to oppose the Governor to ensure a sure win for her. Not that I am for or against her

  6. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by stasu1213 View Post
    James Craig might be a stalking horse. Someone who is selected probably by the Democrats to oppose the Governor to ensure a sure win for her. Not that I am for or against her

    That's actually an interesting thought.

  7. Default

    From today's Free Press... What happens when a rank political amateur plays with the pros--he gets shot in the front and the back. All he can do is own it and hope for the best.

    Craig acknowledges possible fraud
    Campaign says he should still appear on ballot in August primary
    The “allegation that a handful of circulators defrauded the Craig campaign and Michigan voters is troubling, [[but) the proof will ultimately be found in a careful comparison between petition and qualified voter file [[or master card) signatures.”

    Craig's campaign submitted 21,735 signatures, meaning that if 6,736 were rejected, his petition to get on the primary ballot would come up short. Craig was seen as the early front-runner in the GOP race to take on Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in November.

    Craig's campaign faces two challenges one from a Michigan resident represented by lawyer and former Michigan Democratic Party Chair Mark Brewer and another from Michigan Strong PAC, a conservative group supporting GOP gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon's campaign.

    The complaint filed by Brewer alleges that of the signatures Craig filed, nearly 7,000 signatures were forged, over 300 were duplicates, nearly 200 came from nonregistered voters, 30 came from deceased voters and nearly 2,000 were otherwise defective. As a result, Craig failed to file sufficient signatures to appear on the August primary ballot, the complaint asserts.

  8. #33


    Alls fair in love,war and politics.

    Unless there was some kind of covert actions going on with the opposing party,that’s a pretty high number comparatively,almost like somebody went out of their way.

    A few weeks back Dixon,who I kinda think is the chosen one,made this comment in reference to the current governor.

    She also just VETOED a common-sense election reform that would have forced cleaning up the voter file to delete dead people + those moved out of state.


    Which kinda brings to question,when we know what instills doubt in minds,why double down on it?
    Last edited by Richard; May-12-22 at 07:10 PM.

  9. #34


    Craig needs to step away from the table at this point. Pretty daff to not see how much of this was laying out on HIS table for any surface investigation to reveal?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lowell View Post
    From today's Free Press... What happens when a rank political amateur plays with the pros--he gets shot in the front and the back. All he can do is own it and hope for the best...

  10. #35


    Not defending him but at that level politicians become a face they are not really hands on involved in every aspect,outside of showing up for press events,their people handle everything.

    Its pretty clear,even though exploits in the voting process are well known,there is little incentive to change them in order to prevent their use in the future,so those tools seem to be advantageous to be left in the table.

    There seems to be a lot of opposition to removing those deceased from the voting register,even going to court to prevent it from happening.
    Last edited by Richard; May-14-22 at 11:05 AM.

  11. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Not defending him but at that level politicians become a face they are not really hands on involved in every aspect,outside of showing up for press events,their people handle everything.

    Its pretty clear,even though exploits in the voting process are well known,there is little incentive to change them in order to prevent their use in the future,so those tools seem to be advantageous to be left in the table.

    There seems to be a lot of opposition to removing those deceased from the voting register,even going to court to prevent it from happening.

    Richard conveniently left out things besides purging the voter database besides "removing those deceased from voting"...

    Such as....

    Republican Party officials and right-leaning organizations across the state have broadly coalesced behind the "Secure MI Vote" petition. It would require voters to present their IDs to vote in person and to request absentee ballots, and remove an exemption that allows those without IDs to submit affidavits. It would also require partial Social Security numbers for voter registration.... and prohibit the Michigan secretary of state or local elections clerks from "sending or providing access to" mail-in ballots unless they are specifically requested by voters.

    So what the Republican's in Michigan want, is to make Michigan voting laws more closely resemble those measures already enacted in Texas and Florida....

  12. #37


    ^ I understand why you dislike voting requirements,and if I had not known Craig’s leanings I would have thought,Meh,just another Dem looking to cheat the system nothing to see here.

    Are you mad because my great great great grandfather can no longer do his civic duty and vote,so you will make sure he still gets a voice 100 years later ?

    A large percentage of the country was up in arms because they had zero clue about how votes were counted during a presidential election and now they want to hang on to any means necessary in local elections where 2 votes can take the win?

    We see exactly who it is that instills distrust in the voting system,it is the Dems unions that have been twisting elections for generations,if you really want free and fair elections,you have to weed out the nonsense,but why do that when you can use it to your advantage,right?

    Florida and Texas implemented common sense laws,but in order to do that,you have to have a little common sense to start with.

    Not for nothing and even more so with Florida,80% of the population is yankee transplants,what does that tell you?

    Thats why it is always windy at the Florida- Georgia border,all the people breathing that sigh of relief as they escape the oppression.

    If your way is best,why are so many leaving?

    Maybe it might be a bit more prudent to take a deep look in the mirror instead of always placing blame on others for the messes and circumstances that you create.

    If I remember correctly,do to the redistricting Talib now represents a majority of the city of Detroit,how is that working out?

    Quiet as a church mouse as everybody’s COL has at least doubled in the last 2 years.Your representation spent 4 years in front of the cameras yelling at the top of their voices that they were doing it in the name of their constituents ,notice how once they get there,crickets,they cannot even get a pothole fixed,but it is the republicans in Michigans fault.

    You threw yourself to the curb,maybe if you play nice the republicans can work to get you out of the mess you helped create before the country becomes an official 3rd world,when a mother cannot buy baby formula off of the shelf,hate to be the bearer of bad news but,that is 3rd world status right there.

    And you fight to keep the status quo because you think there might be a homeless person with a dollar left in their pocket and you will not be happy until you squeeze that out also.

    Outside of the commys and socialists a majority of Americans only seek freedom and opportunity,that is their constitutional right,but there is always that group that wants to keep that from them so they can control them from cradle to grave,it’s not the republicans.

    Not for nothing I live in a typical corrupt Dem controlled city,they have their quirks but they still take care of the public and fix the potholes in between the shenanigans,that is the difference,make better choices in your representation,it does not matter D or R ,politics is going to be politics,you have to figure out how to make it work for you,running around playing the blame game does not work,in case you have not noticed.
    Last edited by Richard; May-14-22 at 03:09 PM.

  13. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Florida and Texas implemented common sense laws,but in order to do that,you have to have a little common sense to start with.
    I skipped most of your fluff text, since most paragraphs bounce around to more topics than are relevant to the debate.

    I think you are confusing "common sense" to "return to Jim Crowe" laws of the 1950s. Voter suppression is under the seemingly valid disguise of "ridding dead people from the voting rolls"... but it's much more than that.

    Just look at Abbott's Texas... I don't know which is redder, the stripe on the Texas flag, or the back of his neck. Having a voter suppression law that limits 1 absentee ballot drop off location in each county is not a matter of voting security... it is to make it harder for minorities to cast a vote. Whether your 4.6 million population of [Houston, high minority] Harris County, or 64 population of Loving County, the State of Texas would allow no more than 1 absentee ballot drop off point in each state.

    You may call that logical and fair, but then again, many southern politicians used to call the Jim Crowe laws fair.

    You can call extoll the virtues of these laws, but the end result is not just as simple as removing dead voters and eliminating voter fraud... those laws delve deep into voter suppression, and God forbid some old person who is in a voting line looking dehydrated... any attempt at giving them water is now a punishable offence... "America the free"... my ass!
    Last edited by Gistok; May-14-22 at 05:00 PM.

  14. #39


    Perhaps it means more Detroiters will vote.

  15. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    I skipped most of your fluff text, since most paragraphs bounce around to more topics than are relevant to the debate.

    I think you are confusing "common sense" to "return to Jim Crowe" laws of the 1950s. Voter suppression is under the seemingly valid disguise of "ridding dead people from the voting rolls"... but it's much more than that.

    Just look at Abbott's Texas... I don't know which is redder, the stripe on the Texas flag, or the back of his neck. Having a voter suppression law that limits 1 absentee ballot drop off location in each county is not a matter of voting security... it is to make it harder for minorities to cast a vote. Whether your 4.6 million population of [Houston, high minority] Harris County, or 64 population of Loving County, the State of Texas would allow no more than 1 absentee ballot drop off point in each state.

    You may call that logical and fair, but then again, many southern politicians used to call the Jim Crowe laws fair.

    You can call extoll the virtues of these laws, but the end result is not just as simple as removing dead voters and eliminating voter fraud... those laws delve deep into voter suppression, and God forbid some old person who is in a voting line looking dehydrated... any attempt at giving them water is now a punishable offence... "America the free"... my ass!

    Quit using minority’s as your scapegoat,before you and I were even born they used to walk 10 miles and risk being beat or shot by your party in order to practice their right to vote.

    Stop downtrodding people in order to make it look like you are their savior,you keep portraying minorities like they are some kind of weak group that cannot find their way to the polling office like they have been able to do for the last 100 years.

    I am willing to bet that you have never volunteered to drive around and offer those a ride who cannot find a way to make to the polling office.

    I never have,because I do not need to because in Florida a ride to the polling center is a phone call away,so how exactly is the vote being oppressed,if it was, Tampa and Orlando and most of the other major cities in Florida that are democrat would be republican.

    That is the favorite catch lines

    Minorities and oppression from the vote.

    If somebody wants to vote they are going to find a way come hell or high water as history proves.

    What you are using as a basis is detached from reality.

    The republicans in Michigan must really suck at oppression and minorities,because you have a democrat governor and Detroit has a Democrat mayor.

    Seems to me the facts outweigh your narrative.

    Feel free to read what you want and ignore what you do not want to hear,hate to see you break a pattern.

    You do not think America is free?

    Maybe you can join your comrades that oppress the vote by simply killing all of the opposition,or starving the population and then tell them they get food if they vote for the chosen one.

    Remember Marços in the Philippines,and his wife that had over 2000 shoes because as a dictatorship he stole 20 billion from the country as everybody starved,he killed an estimated 60,000 people because they did not vote for him.

    2 weeks after his wife was released from prison,they voted her back into the legislature and last week their son took power with 78% of the vote in a country that was over 90% democratic 2 months ago.

    You do not have a clue as to what voting oppression really is or have a right to make the claim America is not free,the only thing your ass has to do with anything is when you let it speak for you.

    You need to stop brainwashing the Japanese that you teach if that is your stance,it appears as if you are actually conditioning them with your anti American propaganda,you said you teach them logic,from your posts here it would appear as though you are pushing your anti American views on them and indoctrinating more then teaching,does the state department know?
    Last edited by Richard; May-15-22 at 12:39 AM.

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