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  1. #1

    Default James Craig Running For Governor - What Does this mean for Detroiters?

    Why Craig’s campaign for governor is more than Michigan focused...


    Former chief... running for Michigan governor


    Thoughts, ideas, concerns?

  2. #2


    Only he has to do is...

    1. Don't support former president Donald Trump.

    2. Stop being a Republican

    3. Stop being a cop.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Why Craig’s campaign for governor is more than Michigan focused...


    Former chief... running for Michigan governor


    Thoughts, ideas, concerns?
    Where it concerns folks who reside in Detroit proper, I suspect at this point, pre-primaries, pre-actual-official-campaigning against GOP rivals, I'm sure there will be mixed reactions and responses. There's obviously a vast cohort who highly respects Mr. Craig for his overall tenure, with "no" complaints. There will be those who are generally supportive but who do have certain "moderate" criticisms, whether it's regarding department policy or how it was executed in XYZ given cases. As news articles, bloggers and others have pointed out, Detroit *proper* has in its modern history had a problem of a vast cohort of over-age-18 folks who simply don't participate. Not easily pegged as mainstream "liberal" or "conservatives" but also not passionately committed to civic participation, period. Based on whatever news reports or inner-social-circle discussions they pay attention to, they may "like" or "dislike" a political figure but that's as far as it goes. Reliably giving Kwame a holler if they see him, but, nah, they didn't vote.. not their thing.. Duggan? eh.. s'okay.. "they all cheat". "they all steal". "they all do dumb stuff"... Voting time again? eh... These tend to be folks who simply see their lives existing outside the context of dutifully filling out ballots, reading through campaign literature *or seeking it out*, etc. For those of a certain take, "why not" James Craig as governor, despite his currently having a lack of a discernable platform?

    Whether we want it or not, we'll be forced to see how this goes. Already based on his public speeches, there's rhetoric not unlike *more to the point, pretty lock-in-step with* the Tea Party era GOP, including nods to the Trump era and evangelical conservatives.

    Generically, I'd be inclined to ask, okay, you were the executive over one of the public safety branches of the state's largest city.. what about that tenure over that bureaucracy makes you prepared to be the top executive over the entirety of state government and its bureaucracies? If he's running on a "law and order" ticket, okay, what all cities were "out of control" in crime, statewide? What other fellow chiefs "didn't get it right"?

    What is his specific vision to manage:
    economy/job development: what industries need to grow here? what needs a push?
    environmental concerns: how to manage this to prevent "the next" Flint, etc.? Since he owes his original appointment to Rick Snyder/Kevin Orr, I doubt if he will have much to say about any criticisms of the former governor.

    Civil rights? What areas need more vigorous support? Does he support the "Georgia/Texas" style voting-limits bills or no?
    Education- what is a better funding model for public education systems across the state? How does one address modern day "austerity" approaches?
    Public Health: Arresting the spread of a virus is different than arresting a convenience store burglar. he's griping about how "queen Gretchen" has handled it. He needs to lay out specifics on how he would have done it and what he would do in the future for epidemic breakouts. Does he support the recently reinstated limits on executive power during emergencies?

    sidebar-- CRT is a graduate studies college course. If anybody in this campaign starts dwelling on that as a pretext to what "might" be going on in elementary and high schools... miss me with everything else you have to say.

    Without overreacting at the moment, I'm mindful that Craig's major post-chief political speeches so far have been in Jackson and Grand Rapids so far. Not Detroit. If he's running a "national" campaign to bring in as much PAC money from wherever else, I guess it's legal, and the ongoing Fox appearances have ingratiated him to become this quasi-"America's police chief" figure in conservative social circles.. But what, exactly, does he have to say to the built-in audience in his current city?

    I'll wait until he gives more speeches and interviews to get a better assessment of where he's trying to go with this. Really trying to get into office, or mainly to build up a rep that will allow him to get on the paid lecture circuit, 'consultancy' gigs or a "permanent" news-media role [[on Fox or wherever else)?
    Last edited by Hypestyles; July-27-21 at 02:48 PM.

  4. #4


    Bottom line is what are his intended policies,policies being the key word,everything else is irrelevant,then what odds are that they will have the post election support in order to implement them,and how are they prioritized.

    On the high end the country of Hati was destroyed by the implementation of one policy by a US President pandering to his consistency,cities across devastated across this country effecting millions because of not well thought out policies.

    People pay more attention to weather they like the person,how they react on social media,their skin color,their gender,their political affiliation,but it is not enough to just vote somebody in and then not provide the community support afterwords.

    Politicians are human and none will have a perfect track record on everything,even once they are elected to just go back to life and let things happen as they may is not really a good idea either.

    I do not think Chief Craig can run on a platform without being judged and not having an open mind in order to make decisions.

    You already see it,he is being judged on party affiliations,who he may have supported in the past,if he supported someone one does not like that is points against him from the get go,it does not really matter what he says anymore,because people have already made their decision,the election will be a formality.

    And that is why we are where we are at
    ,to many individual personnel emotions in a game that has no room for emotions.

  5. #5


    If Craig ran as a dem he'd have a better 'chance' as there exists Detroiter's who retain conservative views/ values yet not republicans [a befuddling factor for the far left when we refuse to skip a-jolly down ALL their roads of policy].

    But as he running as a republican, read as GOP standard - he will not win.

    Whitmere may be STILL be in trouble if a viable dem candidate comes forth as she was never a super-favorite, but no one wanted Schute. Further, while she received some 'circling' of the wagons in response to her battles with Trump, it was not a ton of wagons - default as she may have assumed! There are Detroiters not quite galvanized in their support of her relative to promises, and other policies applied to Benton Harbor, and even residuals of Flint, etc. How she handled the Lansing capital protests didn't set well with many Detroiters either.

    And let's not even bring up her mishandling of the COVID/ Nursing home situation! Where we DO see the wagon circling of protection at a whole another level -- enforced to prevent further investigation.
    Last edited by Zacha341; July-28-21 at 01:48 PM.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    ...he will not win.
    Agreed. He may not even survive the Republican primary.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    If Craig ran as a dem he'd have a better 'chance' as there exists Detroiter's who retain conservative views/ values yet not republicans [a befuddling factor for the far left when we refuse to skip a-jolly down ALL their roads of policy].

    But as he running as a republican, read as GOP standard - he will not win.

    Whitmere may be STILL be in trouble if a viable dem candidate comes forth as she was never a super-favorite, but no one wanted Schute. Further, while she received some 'circling' of the wagons in response to her battles with Trump, it was not a ton of wagons - default as she may have assumed! There are Detroiters not quite galvanized in their support of her relative to promises, and other policies applied to Benton Harbor, and even residuals of Flint, etc. How she handled the Lansing capital protests didn't set well with many Detroiters either.

    And let's not even bring up her mishandling of the COVID/ Nursing home situation! Where we DO see the wagon circling of protection at a whole another level -- enforced to prevent further investigation.
    I'm tentatively curious on who all Craig is consulting with, formally or otherwise, on this campaign. In particular, I'm wondering if he plans to have any black consultants. Locally, certain GOP-affiliated people come to mind like Wayne Bradley or Kerry Leon Jackson. Between the two, I'd say that Jackson is more steeped in the "nuances" of African American conservative leanings and could potentially guide Craig toward a more "moderate" conservative platform. But again, those speeches come across more as salvos in support of the Tr_mp-era enthusiasts. As of the moment, I'm hoping someone asks him directly what he thinks of the testimony of the Capitol police in this congressional investigation of the January 6th insurrection. The "usual suspects" of Fox-Land [[and select public officials in Washington) are openly attacking and dismissing their testimony.
    Last edited by Hypestyles; July-28-21 at 06:09 PM.

  8. #8


    I think Mr. Craig would be great as a Governor.

    But if elected, I think Chief Craig's departure would be bad for Detroit.

    I can't imagine anyone doing so great a job as he has as our police chief.

    Keeping a force together in these times, with so little pay?

    No riots?

    Busting dope houses by the dozen?

    I hope he stays chief forever.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    I think Mr. Craig would be great as a Governor.

    But if elected, I think Chief Craig's departure would be bad for Detroit.

    I can't imagine anyone doing so great a job as he has as our police chief.

    Keeping a force together in these times, with so little pay?

    No riots?

    Busting dope houses by the dozen?

    I hope he stays chief forever.
    You seem to really like the guy so you must know he's already retired, right?

  10. #10


    Cutting his own throat?


    Former LGBT Ally Wants 'More Aggressive' 'Don't Say Gay' Bill in Michigan

    Four years ago, leading GOP candidate James Craig helped raise the rainbow flag at Detroit's Motor City Pride Festival ...


  11. #11


    CS/CS/HB 1557: Parental Rights in Education

    AKA The 'Don't Say Gay' Bill

    The Bill as per the Florida Senate:

    Parental Rights in Education; Requires district school boards to adopt procedures that comport with certain provisions of law for notifying student's parent of specified information; requires such procedures to reinforce fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding upbringing & control of their children; prohibits school district from adopting procedures or student support forms that prohibit school district personnel from notifying parent about specified information or that encourage student to withhold from parent such information; prohibits school district personnel from discouraging or prohibiting parental notification & involvement in critical decisions affecting student's mental, emotional, or physical well-being; prohibits classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain grade levels; requires school districts to notify parents of healthcare services; authorizes parent to bring action against school district to obtain declaratory judgment; provides for additional award of injunctive relief, damages, & reasonable attorney fees & court costs to certain parents.


    Last edited by Zacha341; April-13-22 at 05:34 PM.

  12. #12


    ^ two things come out of that,children in kindergarten,1st,2nd and 3rd grade should be concentrating on being children instead of wondering if they are a boy or girl.

    The other addresses what I was posting about the school shootings and the no snitch policy,if your kid gets molested or assaulted in school,you should have,as a parent,the right to be informed about it,have we not seen decades of covering up that crap already?

    Do not say gay has actually little to do with it,it was just a marketing ploy,not sure how it actually D-gays anybody.

    The only reason people opposed common sense moves,that should have never have to have been addressed in the first place,is because they think it had to do with being gay.

    How many kindergartners are wondering if they are gay?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    I keep seeing ads for this guy. Never heard of him.

    Home - Perry Johnson for Governor [[qualitymichigan.com)

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    I keep seeing ads for this guy. Never heard of him.

    Home - Perry Johnson for Governor [[qualitymichigan.com)

    If you do a Google search on him, a big-time smear campaign has already been started against him. I haven't processed all the facts to comment one way or the other.

  15. #15


    At our church, St Charles L’Wanga Catholic Church, on Livernois just north of Grand River, the parishioners do not have any fondness for Mr. Craig. I would not expect he would garner a single vote.

    So in answer to the original question, NFW

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    At our church, St Charles L’Wanga Catholic Church, on Livernois just north of Grand River, the parishioners do not have any fondness for Mr. Craig. I would not expect he would garner a single vote.

    So in answer to the original question, NFW

    No kidding! With the City, State, and the Fed doing such a bang-up job of governing, Why change anything at all?

  17. #17


    Zacha asked what Craig means to Detroiters, HT.

    I confined my answer to how my fellow parishioners feel about Mr. Craig.

    I understand it is difficult for you to stay focused with all that Cheeto dust covering your glasses, but really, try to keep up.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    Zacha asked what Craig means to Detroiters, HT.

    I confined my answer to how my fellow parishioners feel about Mr. Craig.

    I understand it is difficult for you to stay focused with all that Cheeto dust covering your glasses, but really, try to keep up.

    Wow, big man. No, only a little gnome. She asked what it means for Detroiters not to Detroiters. You been hitting the methanol again?
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; April-14-22 at 05:13 AM.

  19. #19


    Former LGBT Ally? That's becoming less unusual even among some gays as 'ally' status requirements [full 100% agreement] and demands ramp-up! With more groups and interests [+,+, etc] signing on - adding their agendas.

    Believing that only the GOP-brand 'conservative' Floridians are pushing, or would push back is to apprehend little as to how many Detroiter's may respond, or agree with areas covered within HR 1557. However, I doubt DPSCD, in the short term, will roll the dice too hard to challenge parental authority.

    They need ally's too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    ...Former LGBT Ally Wants 'More Aggressive' 'Don't Say Gay' Bill in Michigan

    Four years ago, leading GOP candidate James Craig helped raise the rainbow flag at Detroit's Motor City Pride Festival...
    Last edited by Zacha341; April-14-22 at 02:40 PM.

  20. #20


    He endorsed and voted for Dump. Nuff said...

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    He endorsed and voted for Dump. Nuff said...
    And that's all he'll need to get a number of outstate counties. They won't have any interest in anything else.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    And that's all he'll need to get a number of outstate counties. They won't have any interest in anything else.
    Pretty pathetic how far right he has turned to try to get the nomination - both between his positions and bowing to Trump. Even more pathetic will be if he doesn't even get the nomination.

    Even if he's nominee, I think he's got an uphill climb against Whitmer. She's been quite wise over last year or so as she's prepped for reelection.

  23. #23


    He’s black and Michigan has never had a black governor,so in the interest of equality,he should be governor.

    Or sense some think the homeless should have to take a second mortgage out on their cardboard boxes in order to survive,keep things how they are,it seems to be going so well for the average consumer,Thank god that other guy is out,policies that dictate things like food,gas,electricity are way overrated,who really needs that stuff anyways,it was well worth it to throw millions into poverty,small price to pay.

    People can play the blind game all they want,Stevie wonder can see how we are in a totally different place then we were in 2 years ago,then they act like it is how it should be and is normal,that is called living in denial over something that they wished for and made happen to millions.

    The states and country needs a firm hand,you all screamed from the highest mountain how bad the other guy was,he was going to destroy the economy and bring us into WW3,you and your choices have brought that wrath upon us,most cities people cannot even ride public transportation without the fear of death.

    Like orange or Craig policies or not,your brand of a dystopian society is clearly not working.

    What is even funnier is for 4 years all people said,including here,African Americans do not support the orange guy,but yet here we are with people making an argument about a African American and how he may have supported orange polices.

    There is no counter argument for that.
    Last edited by Richard; April-14-22 at 08:29 PM.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    He’s black and Michigan has never had a black governor,so in the interest of equality,he should be governor.

    Or sense some think the homeless should have to take a second mortgage out on their cardboard boxes in order to survive,keep things how they are,it seems to be going so well for the average consumer,Thank god that other guy is out,policies that dictate things like food,gas,electricity are way overrated,who really needs that stuff anyways,it was well worth it to throw millions into poverty,small price to pay.

    People can play the blind game all they want,Stevie wonder can see how we are in a totally different place then we were in 2 years ago,then they act like it is how it should be and is normal,that is called living in denial over something that they wished for and made happen to millions.

    The states and country needs a firm hand,you all screamed from the highest mountain how bad the other guy was,he was going to destroy the economy and bring us into WW3,you and your choices have brought that wrath upon us,most cities people cannot even ride public transportation without the fear of death.

    Like orange or Craig policies or not,your brand of a dystopian society is clearly not working.

    What is even funnier is for 4 years all people said,including here,African Americans do not support the orange guy,but yet here we are with people making an argument about a African American and how he may have supported orange polices.

    There is no counter argument for that.
    What the hell did I just read?

  25. #25


    ^ what is your area of confusion,context or reading comprehension,narrow that down and maybe I can help you to understand the obvious.

    Do you have any actual issues with policies that Craig may have followed or implemented or you just do not agree with him because you have issues with somebody else?

    That would be the common sense basis of discrediting him,verses,he talked to somebody I do not like.Bad man.

    You do not like the opposition,which is fine,but how is your way of doing things working out for the country now?
    Last edited by Richard; April-14-22 at 11:22 PM.

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