^ it makes you wonder what is going to happen next year,the UK is already projecting a 8.5% inflation rate by end of summer and extra consumer costs between an additional $700 to $1000 per month,not seen sense the 1950s,they were still under war rations at that time.

So what happens in the next few years when the current windfall is spent and city revenue drops.

Detroit is on stable financial ground now but I think there is going to be a lot of cities hurting really quick,one would hope they would stick some back and prepare for it but cannot have it burning a hole in their pocket.

The sad part is the money is counterproductive in a way because the costs have increased so much the dollar value is low,it would be nice if they could bank it,collect the interest for a year and when the economy drops they could probably spend it at double the impact verses today.

Detroit already cleared the books from the pandemic,so it is kinda of a wish list slush fund of sorts, as long as the proper priorities are there.

Being in the government in a past life,that is the way it works though,get $50 million,you better spend it,even if it is by paying $1000 for a toilet seat,if you do not then you will not get it next year.

There always comes a time when that piper wants to get paid.