While downtown Detroit continues to bloom in exciting and unexpected ways, its' neighbor Windsor faces one blow after another. Latest news out of Windsor has the Windsor Star closing its' downtown news room on the corner of University and Ouellette. "With a whimper not a bang" the paper has decided to have its' employees work from home. For those of you old enough to remember, the Windsor Star once operated from its' iconic circa 1920s head office on the corner of Pitt and Ferry Streets, which included a printing plant next door where the copies of the Windsor Star were printed for distribution. Maybe Dan Gilbert can step in and take over the empty space on Ouellette like he did with the abandoned Fish Market across the street from the old Windsor Star HQ. Come on Dan, you did a great job bringing the old Fish Market to life, maybe you can do something with 300 Ouellette or even the Paul Martin building aka post office, which has been empty for over a decade.