Yes I understand that,but we all know the future of the gas tax,when we talk about 53 million today,that is a long term commitment on payback based on a tax that will continue to dwindle,at least by 30% 2030.

Kinda of an example,the refrigerant that I was paying $180 for 6 months ago is now $485 and will go up another $200 come January,that increase was 100% taxes,the price of the actual product is still the same.

Public transportation will need to increase because by the time EVs become mainstream they will be bearing the brunt of transportation taxes which will make them unaffordable to the average or low income city dweller who is already seeing a increase in COL.

We can only tax stuff so much before it becomes a luxury verses necessity,Ray LaHood under the first Obama administration was actually the first one in a long time and what we have not seen sense,that was really serious about addressing transportation needs,that is what helped the Qline becoming a reality.

There is a whole 55 gallon barrel filled with new taxes coming down the pike,we need to step up mass transit options,but I think sticking in today’s outlook of it can be paid back in gas taxes is going to come back to bite really hard 5 years down the road.

The new bridge was based on increased auto manufacturers increased movement as a way to pay for it,that’s not happening,so it will have to be paid for by increasing the gas tax.

We need to step up the mass transit game,by a lot,but we also need to become creative as to how it is accomplished,we will be looking at transferring that commitment over to EV owners,which is already billions in legacy,otherwise you may be able to buy an EV for $30,000 in 2030 but you will be paying 20,000 a year just to be able to drive it in taxes alone.

We have to remember,this $53 million,Detroiters will be paying it back for another 25 years on top of everything else that comes along.