Quote Originally Posted by 401don View Post
... How does that prevent the spread if they're worried about Canadians contracting it in the U.S. and bringing it back? ...
It never had anything to do with virus control. If you listened to the Prime Minister he was really clear that he didn't want Canadians to travel south. There was a big issue when it was noticed by the press up there that Canadian Snowbirds figured out how to get to FL/AZ. They responded with lots of silly rules like their mandatory hospital quarantine at usurious rates.

There are also $1m fines, and electronic location monitoring programs in place. Yet thousands of truck drivers / 'essential services' cross the border each day if not every hour without PCR tests.

It was all a game to discourage travel. Effectiveness of virus control was only incidental to the game.

It polled well.

If they really wanted to control viral spread, all they'd have to do is require a Rapid Antigen Test at the border for EVERYONE. That they prefer an expensive PCR test that tells you nothing about infectiousness rather than a perfectly targeted test that does, tells you what you need to know here.