I lived in Detroit for the first half of my life. Over the years, I've worked in the CBD for over ten years - on and off. Currently I am once again working downtown. I love it. I would strongly consider looking for an apartment downtown except for one thing. I'm a middle aged white woman who would be living alone. I would not feel safe at night. Perhaps if I could afford to live in one of the newer high rises with secure parking, it would be different. As much as I love the city and all it has to offer - entertainment, culture, dining, etc. - it can't offer me the security I feel going home to the suburbs at night.

Now, if any of you feel safe where you live, that's great. I've never been one of those 'doom & gloom' people saying 'you should be afraid' to go into Detroit. I just prefer not to live there. Well, based on where 'I' could afford to live, anyway.