Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
... Someday we may come to regret overambitiously burying society under a thick blanket of technology.
Over the years I've noticed that when too much technology creates a problem, the reflexive reaction is to turn to even more technology for a solution.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"
— {often misattributed to?} Albert Einstein

In the following video about the accumulation of space junk orbiting the planet, at 3:15, they discuss solutions involving — wait for it — launching experimental debris hunters into orbit to try to capture fake debris. So they're going to add junk in an attempt to remove junk?

Clearing the heavens of space junk

Okay, to be fair, there must be more to the story but at 5:17 Iridium's Matt Desch says "We think the most important thing is don't create any more while we're still trying to figure out a technical solution for it."

The solution will have to involve removing junk at a faster rate than it's added.