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  1. #926


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    I'm frustrated and worried, especially for my elderly parents, about how many are still not vaccinated. Infection rates aren't yet like down South, but Wayne County only has a 42% vaccination rate. It's coming soon.
    I know what you mean Bust. The vaccination hesitancy is higher in African American community of Detroit, due to historic reasons.

    Oakland and Washtenaw Counties have higher rates of vaccination. Here in Macomb County the southern part where I live also has a higher rate of vaccination, but the rural red northern part of the county, they bring the total rate down.

  2. #927


    Quote Originally Posted by 401don View Post
    It's quite possible many of the vaccinated just happened to test positive but actually died of other causes.
    It's also true there are a lot of people who are immunocompromised or who take immune-system suppressing medicine. About 2.8% of us, more than 9,000,000 Americans. They don't benefit as much from vaccines. That could also go a long way toward explaining a few thousand outliers.

    You can bet most of them have been vaccinated, because if they're infected they'll be among the first to go. You can also bet they figure more highly than the rest of us among those who despite being vaccinated have become infected.

    People who still haven't done their part must not care much about them.
    Last edited by bust; August-07-21 at 01:30 AM.

  3. #928


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    I know what you mean Bust. The vaccination hesitancy is higher in African American community of Detroit, due to historic reasons.

    Oakland and Washtenaw Counties have higher rates of vaccination. Here in Macomb County the southern part where I live also has a higher rate of vaccination, but the rural red northern part of the county, they bring the total rate down.
    As your post suggests, low vaccination rates are not entirely attributable to race. I don't doubt shameful episodes in American history are part of the reluctance, but access to / benefit from quality education seems a bigger factor.

    Pointing that out certainly isn't an effective persuasion mechanism. Even though access to quality education, particularly in the Detroit area, is heavily determined by race.

    Other factors that may influence vaccination rate: access to convenient transportation, flexible work hours, daycare. With time I'd think of more.
    Last edited by bust; August-06-21 at 06:14 PM.

  4. #929


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    I know what you mean Bust. The vaccination hesitancy is higher in African American community of Detroit, due to historic reasons.

    Oakland and Washtenaw Counties have higher rates of vaccination. Here in Macomb County the southern part where I live also has a higher rate of vaccination, but the rural red northern part of the county, they bring the total rate down.
    The longer this goes on the harder time I having believing the historic reasons argument. Yes, some truly may believe that. But with all the African American healthcare workers - doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc. - do these people really believe it's a gov't conspiracy and a different type of dose is pulled out depending if a white or black person is next in line? I suspect it's mostly due to laziness, not believing in the pandemic, etc. for the most part. The same as for many white people.

  5. #930


    Quote Originally Posted by 401don View Post
    It's quite possible many of the vaccinated just happened to test positive but actually died of other causes. This happens with the unvaccinated as well of course, but there is much more likelihood of them having a true deadly covid outcome. Most gov'ts are still including anyone who tests positive in their covid death statistics. This is done so causes/effects of covid on other illness can be analyzed.

    A majority are age 65 and up with underlying conditions,which doesn’t change even from the start of it all.

    Not to body shame anybody but every time,no matter where in the world,the news shows hospital wards it is always very heavy people.

    If anything this virus likes to exploit health weaknesses,I am not one to talk as I continue smoking after 45 years but in general the state of most peoples health is not very good to start with.

    I drink a lot of cofffee though and some expert said that reduces your chance of catching it by 30%.

    On the reporting aspect,a lot of it is numbers compiled from volunteer sources,so we may never know the true numbers or reasons.

    They are still producing announcing daily numbers of positive cases but it takes 14 days to compile them,so one has to look at it as that is what it was then.

    But it is dramatization with the reporting,they say the hospital ICU is overwhelmed with Covid patients,the hospital closest to me has 14 ICU rooms,what defines overwhelming,the 15th person or the 60th person.

    Soon it will be going on 2 years into this thing and there is still no consistency or anybody that really seems to have a solid grip on it,they told us that children could not catch it or were less effected by it,but yet all of the sudden they want to shut schools down.

    It does not matter where it originates,nobody has a consistent straight answer to anything and there are to many agendas involved.

    Biden told the corporations,to clamp down or lose federal funding,so they have no choice,lose billions in Covid money or fire the nasty little non shot people and make everybody wear masks.

    Every thing is subject to change,day by day,stuck in the middle is the average citizen that are being kicked into the streets,going into a financial situation that will take years to recover,the impact on the lower income and those who were unstable before,far outweighs the impact of the virus.

    I think everybody should do what Chelsea did,grab a Canadian and American flag,take your top off and hit the ski slopes,people really need to chill out.

    For those who will not catch this,probably lost ten years of their life as it is by all the stressing out.

    Jennifer Aniston - I am getting rid of all of my friends that do not get the shot,how shallow can one get,it’s a moment in time we have been through wars,depressions,recessions,herein epidemics,crack epidemics etc

    In another year people will be moved on to the next thing,fir her she must not have had any true friends.
    Last edited by Richard; August-06-21 at 06:38 PM.

  6. #931


    ^^Did I have to scroll so far to skip this only a few minutes ago?

    When I edit a post it's for clarity. They get shorter. I don't add to them or edit once someone has responded.

    Not everyone plays by this rule.
    Last edited by bust; August-06-21 at 06:54 PM.

  7. #932


    Quote Originally Posted by 401don View Post
    The longer this goes on the harder time I having believing the historic reasons argument. Yes, some truly may believe that. But with all the African American healthcare workers - doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc. - do these people really believe it's a gov't conspiracy and a different type of dose is pulled out depending if a white or black person is next in line? I suspect it's mostly due to laziness, not believing in the pandemic, etc. for the most part. The same as for many white people.
    How do you get laziness out of it ?

    I do the same thing I always do as an adult who is responsible for my actions,I have a responsibility to my self and make decisions and are well prepared to except the consequences of those decisions.

    Lazy is allowing others to dictate how you will live your life and collecting money to stay at home while expecting others to risk their life in order for you to do that.

    Not everybody is in the group think of needing to be led,it has zero to do with being lazy.

    Did they not teach you in high school not to experiment with drugs,that is exactly what you are doing,useing peer pressure to convince people to use an experimental drug.

    Lawyers make hundreds of millions every year off of pharmaceutical companies every year for drugs that were put out to the public and found to be deadly with time,and those drugs actually spent the 10 years testing before being approved.

    Lest you forget this is still an experimental drug approved for emergency use,kinda nice if you are a pharmaceutical company,because you will have no future liability.

    It’s a bit more complexed then just calling everybody lazy.

    These 'inferior' people were seen as a threat to the purity and strength of the German nation. When the Nazis came to power they persecuted these people, took away their human rights and eventually decided that they should be exterminated.

    What is your next course of action in dealing with those lazy people that are polluting your air space.?

    Your choice to get the shot,but when you received it they told you,no longer necessary to wear a mask and immediately went out into the public when nobody said you should remain on lock down for 14 days because that is how long it would take for it to get into your system.

    Were you lazy in not continuing to remain on lockdown for 14 more days,did you not care about the lives of others when after receiving the shot you went out in public without a mask?

    You did the exact same things,without hesitation,that you condone others for.

    You got the shot then went out in the public at your most vulnerable time in over 5 months,and yet here you still are,amazing.

    I say you,but it is a case of if the shoe fits wear it.

    Usually knee jerk reactions born out of desperation,do not end well long term.

    Out of all the things to die from Covid is at the bottom of my list,I am more worried about some prick that cannot put their cell phone down long enough to drive a car,at least with Covid if it did happen,it would be a result from my action or inaction,if I was going to fear death,it would be paralyzed for life from an auto accident because of another morons actions.

    Some should probably get a basic understanding of human nature and what motivates people ,before passing judgment on those who you have no clue about.

    Watching how others react and treat others during a crisis,is actually worse then corona and it defines humanity when we pass judgment on others when we do not even attempt to try and understand others,as evidenced here,some do not care,they want to repeat history and eliminate those who they feel are not adapting to what they think should happen.

    A 3 year old can thump a keyboard and whine about others posts,it takes an adult to at the very least try and understand others motives.

    Millions are out there that spent every day for 4 years where they had a 5% chance of surviving,throw a virus at them and they see that threat at .025% as a non existent threat.

    It does not meen that they do not understand the gravity it plays in others,but lazy has very little to do with anything.

    Millions of drug addicts and alcoholics in this country,they do not care about a virus or a shot ,they care about the next fix or bottle.

    It is estimated 1 out of 4 Americans are thinking about committing suicide,and that number rises and will rise even more as the financial toll sets in in the next few months. They do not care about corona or a shot.

    Like I already posted,millions of illegals in this country do not even have acess to the shot,weather they care about corona or not.

    Thousands that are growing up in the violent neighborhoods of inner cities that most likely will not live to be 25 from the onset,they do not care about corona or a shot.

    Little to do with being lazy.

    Truth is there are most likely 50 million in this county who will never get the shot,only 43% ever got the flu shot that kills 60 to 80 thousand every year.

    You guys are not and have not been campaigning to eliminate them from society,or requiring them to have a flu shot in order to have employment and feed their families.

    But yet here we are.

    Let’s cut to the chase,how far are you guys really willing to go to remove those who choose not to get the shot from your society.

    I say yours because that is how you are treating it,it’s like you want your own little personal society,free from the ones who would dirty it by not following your direction.

    You certainly do not want to make the effort to understand anything outside of what you are told or believe based on information you are told.

    Now you have to make that choice,and you have to personally get your hands dirty in the process. Otherwise it is just going on the internet and talking crap about others,if you are that bored,start a reality show and make millions.

    You guys shut down proposition P - Why because you studied it and made the decision that there was an agenda and motives at work behind it,that were not in your best interests.

    Here you are now,dealing with a potentially deadly virus and you want to take it at face value,with a do or die outlook,without even attempting to look at motive and agendas in order to truly understand exactly what you are dealing with.

    Even worse is we are all going to die at some point and,nobody so far anyways,has stood at somebody’s grave and said - what an exemplary citizen,he or she went on the internet and complained to somebody about a long ass post.

    And then turn around and constantly say life is to short.

    I have not tried that new medical weed but apparently it is pretty potent,there is really no other logical explanation for it.

    But then again that motive and agenda seems to pop its head up a lot.

    Life is not about long or short,it is about how we govern ourselves and how we treat others while we are here.

    You do not have to read the long post but here is a interview with the head of infectious disease at the university of Minnesota as interviewed on PBS.

    A few things that we were told turns out to be not so much in our interests,at least there is some honesty there.


    Last edited by Richard; August-06-21 at 09:51 PM.

  8. #933


    Name:  f0s72.png
Views: 738
Size:  39.5 KB
    [Not a recommendation. Didn't read it.]
    Some wear their tie reeaally long.
    Last edited by bust; August-06-21 at 10:57 PM.

  9. #934


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    How do you get laziness out of it ?
    I only read the 1st line but I get lazy from listening to people. I know of friends/acquaintances who have said they simply haven't got around to it yet but they will eventually. I also saw an interview on tv where 2 people said they got vaccinated now that the gov't has given them some incentive. In this case, 50 bucks. That is laziness, plain and simple.

  10. #935


    One of the problems of trying to explain disinformation is that people searching for covid related info is that in their search terms it brings up the misinfo and they don't bother reading the entire post, just the part they prefer to see.

  11. #936


    It starts at the top,require a mask mandate,drone on about following the science when science says,the only mask that protects you against the delta variant is a KN95 mask,but when you look in public 95% of the public are wearing masks that are doing zero to protect them.

    It is making it look like you are doing something,without actually doing anything and giving people a false sense of security,and people are taking that false sense of security and using that against others.

    So some want others to wear a worthless mask,so they can feel better about wearing theirs.

    Sad part is the majority are not bothered enough to even take the time to even find out what they actually need to do,they just follow the lead.
    Last edited by Richard; August-07-21 at 08:46 AM.

  12. #937

  13. #938


    18% and 25% of the ones caught at the checkpoints, showing symptoms, and detained. If it takes 14 days to develop symptoms, how many were exposed on the journey and let though because they weren't showing symptoms? How many were infected and made it through by other routes other than the checkpoints?

  14. #939


    In real numbers,525 daily average unaccompanied children cross the border.

    They cannot hold by law over 72 hours,they do not have the space,budget,personal to quarentene anybody for 14 days of testing positive.

    Showing symptoms is as simple as a temperature check,if they fail,by law they cannot quarentene them for the 14 days,so they move them to the next city and let them deal with it.

  15. #940


    Some things require little commentary...
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  16. #941


    ^ my guess is if they ran a safe sex program and recommended useing condoms with holes in them,you would be all for it.

    Some take pride in making it look like they are doing something while doing nothing in the process,then wonder why others do not follow their stupidity.

    Seen the news clips? Pictures of wonderfully compliant children in the classroom wearing the blue face masks ?

    Even after the experts have said they do zero to protect against the current variant.

    Now children this is how you pretend to be a good caring citizen without actually being one.

    I wonder if I could still sue the school because 25 years ago my kid caught the flu while at school and masks were not required.

    Or maybe today a parent can sue the school district over a mask mandate that allowed the use of a mask that they know does zero to protect the child.

    O crap that will not work here,the governor said it is the responsibility of the parent to decide,which removes the liability from the school district.

    Which kinda sucks in away,I think the federal government should be in charge of all of the children,maybe just collect them all and put them in a large camp,you know,for their safety sake.

    Just call them Bitler youth camps,so the government can skip the middle man parents and condition them without somebody getting in the way.

    Schools cannot stop bullying,now we are to expect them to stop a virus with a piece of useless cloth,because it appeases a few Nancy’s with a false sense of security?

    No disrespect to anybody named Nancy intended.

    No surprise that somebody would post a political post after continually chastising others for doing the exact same thing.
    Last edited by Richard; August-07-21 at 05:06 PM.

  17. #942


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ My guess is if they ran a safe sex program and recommended using condoms with holes in them, you would be all for it.
    Well since I didn't make it past the first paragraph [like so many others]... you started off with a "false equivalence" analogy, which is a logically invalid argument...

  18. #943


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Well since I didn't make it past the first paragraph [like so many others]... you started off with a "false equivalence" analogy, which is a logically invalid argument...

    I hope you got a refund on those logic classes,of course you could be one of those really smart people that have zero common sense.

    So I have to take that into consideration when replying.

    But I will flat out ask - Why do you feel it is okay for you to post a political post when you chastise others for doing so ,even if it is made up in your mind?

    Apply your logic to that one.

  19. #944


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    I hope you got a refund on those logic classes,of course you could be one of those really smart people that have zero common sense.
    Yeah... that must be it...

    Well I believe that a picture says a thousand words... or in your case 10,000 words.

    I probably should have left the "DeSantis 2024" off of that image, but the rest of it is spot on.

    And I've exceeded the 2 paragraph Ray1936 imposed limit ... so that is all...
    Last edited by Gistok; August-08-21 at 12:08 AM.

  20. #945


    There's been a lot of talk and even some implementation of paying folks $100 and giving them a shot at million dollar lotteries if they'll get vaccinated.

    So I'm going to be contrarian and say, "Hell, no. You pay $100 to get vaccinated and that money will go to exhausted nurses and first responders whose jobs and lives have been made a living hell from the Covid your kind continues to spread! And don't you dare show up at their work sites for treatment when you get sick before then." Anyone else with me?

    Okay I'm just kidding but that is the frustration I am sensing from the world of the vaccinated.

  21. #946


    Lowell, you are soooo right about First Responders going thru hell. I was at my nieces birthday yesterday [we're all vaccinated]... and she [a nurse at DMC] broke into tears at her party when the subject of conversation turned to the discussion of Covid. She talked about how stressful dealing with all the Covid patients the past 1 1/2 years was on her and her coworkers... and was talking about how she often worried that she may catch it and not see her 2 young daughters again. I've never seen 2 young girls run up to a mom and hug her so quickly.
    Last edited by Gistok; August-09-21 at 10:35 AM.

  22. #947


    • "Just think we live in a country which is incapable of telling us the percent vaccinated or unvaccinated who require hospitalization for covid. No less any more data about them. Or track breakthrough infections. Thanks @CDCgov," tweeted Eric Topol, executive vice president of Scripps Research.
    • Public Health England published data collected through the end of July showing that vaccinated people are less likely than the unvaccinated to become infected with Delta, but once infected, they may be equally contagious.
    • Earlier last week, Imperial College London released a study that found vaccine's effectiveness against symptomatic disease had dropped significantly with the rise of Delta in the U.K.
    • https://www.axios.com/america-corona...733933a27.html

    When Covid first started spreading,it was spread by ejecting droplets sneezing or coughing etc.

    The Delta variant is spread a mist of sorts,they describe it like,if you can smell somebody smoking a block away,then you can catch the delta variant.

    Or if you put a mask on and you can smell anything through that mask,it is ineffective against the delta variant.

    So everybody that has received the shot and thinks they are protected,the science says you are not,if you are wearing a blue or cloth mask,you are not protected and you can still catch and spread the delta virus.

    I have a feeling that the spread is caused by people in public that have received the shot and are out there spreading the virus because they are not doing their part and wearing or if they are forcing others to wear a mask,they are wearing the wrong ones.

    Even those plexiglass shields,6 foot social distancing and all of the other protections put in place to stop the spread,have zero impact on stopping the spread of the Delta variant.

    People said others did not care if they were out in public without a mask,now they are out in public without a mask and thinking that the shot is 100% going to save them,and spreading the virus when the science says, nope.

    So if you pull out that shot card as your pass to society,you could very well be just as infectious as the person standing next to you that did not receive the shot.

    People are still judging others based on what they are told by the experts and that changes daily.

    Remember when they said after you get the shot you no longer need to wear the mask?

    Now they say you need to.

    Why did they lock the country down to stop the spread,then turn around and encourage the spread outside of lockdown,when they knew that the two different variants spread in two different ways?

    So it is probably not a good idea to judge others based on information that is not correct and subject to change.
    Last edited by Richard; August-09-21 at 05:42 PM.

  23. #948


    Vaxxed spreading it to anti-vaxxed??

    Yeah that's it Richard... all of us vaxxed people are in cahoots to make all the anti-vaxxed people rue the day that they decided not to get the vaccine...

  24. #949


    Quote Originally Posted by Lowell View Post
    ... Okay I'm just kidding but that is the frustration I am sensing from the world of the vaccinated.
    I hear now that the vaccinated are being asked to resume wearing masks to help protect the unvaccinated from the Delta variant.

    I am more than willing to comply with that request. However, it would make it so much easier if some appreciation were shown rather than continuing to call mask wearers "sheeple."

    Alex, what is an "ingrate"?

  25. #950


    The name calling on all sides needs to end! Especially where it's piggy-backed to already hard-wire political lines attempting, for example to define why some Americans remain unvaccinated/ or un-masked!

    The name calling doesn't engender compliance, motivate trust, or affirm much. Someone calling me lazy would've never motivated me. Or you 'right-winger!' you!! Nope. I'm black-not a republican--so much for that checked box!

    And NO, FEAR is not enough either-the news changes daily, almost hour to hour [an 'Official' just walked-back telling parents they should mask-up in their VERY homes to protect their children...]. Who was going to comply there unless perhaps they've fam members confirmed w/ COVID? ONLY the Texans would have questioned that? Yeah right....

    And NO, I am NOT negating the fact that COVID can kill. As a Detroiter, I saw that fact in action--up close and very personal at its peak.

    But this response? Shaming and naming? Applied to an already divided nation [federally and locally]? It's NOT going to work. Real information will do a better job at helping people weigh out and understand all risk factors!
    Last edited by Zacha341; August-09-21 at 08:09 PM.

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