Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
No I am in the south,gulf coast,I monetize my findings which is more of a hobby.

I have a 24” circle with 6 of those magnets on and a power winch,it is surprising what is on the ocean floor and rivers.

I do not know how to swim so I have several retrieval methods,I plucked a boat motor out that I sold for 25,000,other then that it is like metal detecting,a lot of time spent finding nothing.

That company has a small camera that probably would be more suited for you that is like $200,maybe as a suggestion,if you take thin braided stainless steel cable,secure it to the magnet,wrap it around your cord going through the camera mount and up the rope,it quadruples your pulling strength and it will be hard to lose any of it.

I like those cameras because you can throw them against a brick wall and they will still work,they can take some serious abuse.

You are spending quality time with your daughter,that is priceless,the YouTube monetize aspect takes awhile to build up the viewers,some of those guys have been in there for years.

I chuckled when I saw you retrieve that paint gun cartridge in the video,I must have found thousands of those,I do not know why people have to chuck them into the water.

I will follow you,best of luck.
We will hit 1000 subs on youtube this week I believe. We currently have 45,000 on tiktok. I'm not sure what paint gun canister you are referring to. The Whip-it cannisters? Those are used for getting high if that is what you are talking about. I'm really intrigued with this camera you have shown me. People ask me often if I metal detect too and the answer is yes and I get about the same stuff as I do magnet fishing just a lot less....rusty metal.