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  1. #1251


    [QUOTE=Bong-Man;606503]I bet the FBI has barely gotten to that point in their investigation. They're still following up on Trump followers who were stupid enough to take selfies, videos, and pre-advertise their intentions on social media. That doesn't include any follow-up from relatives, friends, and neighbors who were more than willing to place a call IDing such blatant bragging fools.]

    My point was that the FBI seems to be doing a good job of tracking down those who trespassed in the Capitol after doing about nothing for the last year when antifa was destroying and terrorizing Democratic cities all over the Country. It's good to see that the FBI is capable of doing its job but its not so good that the FBI seems to have become politically partisan.

    I'm not saying that the FBI did nothing last year. In fact, eight were arrested in Minneapolis. One turned out to be Linwood Kaine the son of former VP candidate Tim Kaine. Linwood was charged with two felonies and given probation. But I didn't see the fervor and intensity of the FBI doing all the follow up things you suggested in rounding up all the crepes who destroyed statues, post offices, and grocery stores.
    Last edited by oladub; January-19-21 at 01:32 PM.

  2. #1252


    Oh, no; the worst has happened!!!

    MyPillow CEO and ardent Trump supporter Mike Lindell says his products have been dropped by major retailers like Bed Bath & Beyond and Kohl's after his repeated false claims of voter fraud in the presidential election.Lindell told NBC Minnesota affiliate KARE on Monday that HEB Stores, Wayfair and Canada's Today's Shopping Choice channel had also stopped selling his products. MyPillow, the bedding company with commercials starring Lindell, is based in Chaska, Minnesota.

    In an email to NBC News Tuesday morning, Lindell said that "a group has attacked my vendors" and that the retailers called him saying they had been threatened with "a boycott if they don’t comply" and drop his products...
    A spokesperson for Bed Bath & Beyond said the decision to stop selling MyPillow was in the company's economic interest.
    “We are continually improving our product assortment," a statement said. "As previously announced, we have been rationalizing our assortment to discontinue a number of underperforming items and brands. This includes the MyPillow product line."

    Last edited by jcole; January-19-21 at 01:43 PM.

  3. #1253


    Trump provoked deadly Capitol riot, Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell says [[msn.com)

    The Turtle speaks, and starting tomorrow he'll be joined by others in his party.

    I am not looking for a trial at this point,I am looking for transparency,then if voter fraud is detected then we can move on with the trial.

    Because without transparency in the system first,there is no system.
    Lol....some more covfefe clarity from our poster abroad.

  4. #1254


    I had to go look that up: [[Covfefe) ! Hah!

  5. #1255


    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    Trump provoked deadly Capitol riot, Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell says [[msn.com)

    The Turtle speaks, and starting tomorrow he'll be joined by others in his party.

    Lol....some more covfefe clarity from our poster abroad.
    I am not a broad,Richard is a male name,well it was considered one when I was born anyways.

    Notice how McConnell flipped on a dime,he is scared of the power Trump holds over the GOP,now he is even more powerless in a democrat house and senate,of course he is going to say things to appease the socialists in power,otherwise they will destroy him,he is looking out for his best interests at this time.

    Or self preservation as a purple smurf.
    Last edited by Richard; January-19-21 at 05:08 PM.

  6. #1256


    Harris County, where Houston is located, is also the site where the Joe Biden campaign’s Texas political director Dallas Jones is accused of running an illegal ballot harvesting operation, according to two separate affidavits submitted to the Texas Supreme Courtby former law enforcement officials. Here is the GoFundMe page for private investigators who are busting what insiders say is one of the largest voter fraud rings in the United States. Here is a photo from the scene of the stack of driver’s licenses.

    Former Houston City Councilman and poll watcher Andrew C. Burks, a lifelong Democrat, came forward to private investigators to express his belief that the long-running Democrat voter fraud operation in Harris County, Texas is still in operation in the 2020 election, as sworn affidavits and photographic evidence has shown.


    Even the democrats cannot convince the democrats,that this was the most secure election in the history of the country.

  7. #1257


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Harris County, where Houston is located, is also the site where the Joe Biden campaign’s Texas political director Dallas Jones is accused of running an illegal ballot harvesting operation, according to two separate affidavits submitted to the Texas Supreme Courtby former law enforcement officials.
    You have to work pretty hard to be this bad. More failed evidence of massive voter fraud.

    1) Texas Supreme Court petition for relief was denied.

    2) One of your super-duper affidavit writers from the link was none other than Mark Aguirre. Name ring a bell? He was the asshole that ran an HVAC guy off the road claiming that the truck contained 750,000 illegal ballots and held the driver at gunpoint. The truck was full of...wait for it...air conditioning equipment and tools. What did the cops have to say? "A lengthy investigation … determined allegations of election fraud were unfounded and no evidence of illegal ballots was found."

    Aguirre is facing criminal charges.

    And you wonder why Trump and his allies went 1 for 64 in its quest to overturn the 2020 election.

  8. #1258


    Dominion [[the maker of the voting machines) is preparing lawsuits against Sydney Powell, Rudi Giuliani and even that Pillow Guy. Since the 60+ court challenges found no evidence of fraud... it will be interesting to see those that Dominion is suing come up with evidence that the Trump team could not.

  9. #1259


    Repeat after me

    Trump colluded with the Russians in order to win the 2020 election
    Trump is putting children in cages
    Trump is making children drink out of toilets
    Trump did quid pro quo in the Ukraine

    NY Times falsely claimed that 17 US Intelligence Agencies concluded that Russia meddled in the election to help the Trump Campaign
    [[The NY Times later corrected the story and admitted it was just 4 individual analysts and that “the assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community”)

    17 intelligence agencies said Trump colluded with the Russians

    A Totally false report by CNN claiming then-White House Communications DirectorAnthony Scaramuccihad ties to Russia.
    [[Report later retracted. Three CNN staff members – Pulitzer-Prize nominee Thomas Frank; assistant managing editor Eric Lichtblau [[who had recently joined from The New York Times and is a Pulitzer winner himself); and Lex Haris, the executive editor in charge of investigations – resigned)

    NY TIMES false report that scientists were afraid of the Trump administration planning not to publish a climate-change study.
    [[The study had actually been available to the public for seven months. In a correction, the New York Times lied, claiming that the report "was uploaded to a nonprofit internet digital library in January but received little attention until it was published by the New York Times", though the study had been previously reported on by the Washington Post.)

    WASHINGTON POST FACT CHECKER claimed President Trump has made 12,019 false or misleading claims

    [[this ridiculous number comes from including jokes and even campaign slogans, for instance the rally slogan ‘this is the greatest economy ever’, and then counting each time he said it in a rally, so that one slogan was counted as 700 lies)

    The NY TIMES claimed there was a new allegation of sexual misconduct by Bret Kavanaugh while a student at Yale University
    [[there was NO accuser and the Times was widely criticized by even the other Fake News outlets)

    One of the biggest fake news stories ever was that President Trump said about Charlottesville that there were good people on the white supremacists side. Never Happened. That is a doctored quote. Here is the full quote:
    "you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.....I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.

    This was the most secure election in history of the country

    False reported

    60+ court cases found no evidence of fraud

    Another spreading of fake news by parrots,nobody repeating that has ever even read the cases and why they were rejected to even know that 90% of them were rejected because of filing technicalities.

    But keep repeating the quote.

    Every example I posted was lies posted by the media and people took them as fact and repeated them.

    Either some are easily manipulated or they or repeating the false news because it is their intent to create division and work towards their own personal agenda.

    There were plenty that repeated the false narrative that 17 intelligence agencies concluded that Trump colluded with the Russians.

    What you are parroting now,you do not even know if it is true or false .

    Remember they told you 17 intelligence agencies.You believed it and repeated it in many discussions on this site just like a majority of the other false news that I posted.

    This was the most secure election in the history of the country

    Another false story put out by somebody who was not even involved in election fraud,they just said it.

    The press ran with it and you guys parroted it without even doubting it.

    When are you going to realize that you are being used as a tool ?

    More lies and accusations spread by the media that you guys all embraced

    • Trump is a long-time Russian agent, as described in the Steele dossier.
    • The Russians gave Trump advance access to emails stolen from the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign.
    • The Trump campaign based some of its activities on these stolen documents.
    • Trump received nefarious materials from the Russians through a Trump Campaign aide.
    • Trump laundered Russian money through real estate deals.
    • Trump was blackmailed by Russia through his financial exposure with Deutsche Bank.
    • Trump had a diabolical plan to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.
    • Trump changed the Republican National Committee platform to hurt Ukraine and benefit Russia.
    • The Russians laundered money through the NRA for the Trump campaign.
    • Trump’s son in law lied about his Russian contacts while obtaining his security clearance

    Here is another 10 false claims and lies that the media spread and you guys parroted them

    Easily enough to verify before you say anything about who is reporting it.


    Here is 101 claims made by democrats that said was impeachable offenses.

    Read them and think how they can also be used against the very same people making the accusations.


    Here is another of the 10 most outrages false claims made by the largest media sources in the country that were then redacted after they were called out in it.


    Shall I continue?

    After all a majority of that happened in just the first two years of his presidency,the false claims made by the media was ramped up in the next two.

    Of course I can list those also in a part two.

    Last edited by Richard; January-19-21 at 10:30 PM.

  10. #1260


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Repeat after me

    Blah, blah, blah... [[hint, nobody wants to scale Mt. Bullshit copypasta.)
    Liberals never want to give Trump credit that he went 98% of the way through his term before he incited an attack on the Capitol.

  11. #1261


    The following passage appears in a report entitled A psychological analysis of Adolph Hitler
    His Life and Legend
    , prepared for the United States Office of Strategic Services:

    His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.

    I guess Hitler thought like a democrat and the reason we just spent the last 4 years 24/7 orange man bad.

    Last edited by Richard; January-20-21 at 12:05 AM.

  12. #1262


    Oh, clutch those pearls, Traitor Rick is ending his last day of snuggling with his love pony with fruitless, spiritless, spineless impotence.

    Keep going, though, Traitor Rick. The more you object to truthy truth, the more you gum your way to blabbing insanity, the better the world likes it.

  13. #1263


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    Oh, clutch those pearls, Traitor Rick is ending his last day of snuggling with his love pony with fruitless, spiritless, spineless impotence.

    Keep going, though, Traitor Rick. The more you object to truthy truth, the more you gum your way to blabbing insanity, the better the world likes it.
    Its okay,I can only imagine what it must feel like to be shown the proof that you were used as a party patsy for the last 4 years by the powers that be.

    Remember your history,think back in time where your party told your women and children would be taken care of with a free house and food for survival,only no men allowed.

    You party literally destroyed the African American family nucleus by design,and created projects in every major city in order to keep you in your place,and you still think that they are looking out for your best interests?

    I provided the proof of how you have been manipulated for the last four years and the best you can do is attack me?

    Maybe a little soul searching is in order?
    Last edited by Richard; January-20-21 at 12:55 AM.

  14. #1264


    I don't remember who posted this or where this was posted, but THIS will be one of Biden's first acts:
    President-elect Joe Biden will issue an executive order to dissolve the 1776 commission, a panel stood up by President Donald Trump as a rebuttal to schools applying a more accurate history curriculum around slavery in the US, Biden's transition team announced Wednesday.
    Last edited by jcole; January-20-21 at 10:00 AM.

  15. #1265


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Its okay,I can only imagine what it must feel like to be shown the proof that you were used as a party patsy for the last 4 years by the powers that be.

    Remember your history,think back in time where your party told your women and children would be taken care of with a free house and food for survival,only no men allowed.

    You party literally destroyed the African American family nucleus by design,and created projects in every major city in order to keep you in your place,and you still think that they are looking out for your best interests?

    I provided the proof of how you have been manipulated for the last four years and the best you can do is attack me?

    Maybe a little soul searching is in order?
    As the Trump presidency glides into oblivion we are left with the argument 'City of Detroit, yes we tried to steal the election. We made it harder for you to vote. You need to be protected from yourself. In the end, we did it for your own good.'

    One hell of a closing argument.

  16. #1266


    [QUOTE=Bong-Man;606536]...covfefe clarity...[QUOTE]

    Trump has the vocabulary of an 8-year old child.
    Last edited by Henry Whalley; January-20-21 at 02:56 PM.

  17. #1267


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Its okay,I can only imagine what it must feel like to be shown the proof that you were used as a party patsy ....

    Maybe a little soul searching is in order?
    As a lifelong Republican who first worked doing lit drops for Goldwater, I did do a lot of soul searching and turned my back on the Party of Benedict Donald.

    tut-tut, off with you, you have no power here.

  18. #1268


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    As a lifelong Republican who first worked doing lit drops for Goldwater, I did do a lot of soul searching and turned my back on the Party of Benedict Donald.

    tut-tut, off with you, you have no power here.
    So the question becomes,how much of your hate for Trump the man and paying zero attention to his policies that helped the country.

    Is stoked by the fake and false accusations that the media provided you?

    Or did you actually have personal interventions with him before that stoked and encouraged the hate?

    I have not been a lifelong republican,I have always judged a politician based on what they have to offer and if they stick to their campaign promises.

    The suit meens nothing,anybody can throw on a nice suit and portray a nice image,you have to admit Obama looked sharp up there,while behind the suit millions were being thrown in the street.

    Now you have regular Joe,who’s net worth has gone from 1 million to 15 million in the last couple of years and who has a history of signing off on policies that have reaped destruction on our American cities for the last 47 years,that it took Trump to fix.

    So you agree and support the guy that helped destroy your city and state,but hate the one that reversed those same policies.

  19. #1269

  20. #1270


    Quote Originally Posted by RO_Resident View Post
    As the Trump presidency glides into oblivion we are left with the argument 'City of Detroit, yes we tried to steal the election. We made it harder for you to vote. You need to be protected from yourself. In the end, we did it for your own good.'

    One hell of a closing argument.
    You do realize that it is not about you or I,and once again,if they are now arresting and charging those with voter fraud from 2018 and it takes two years,how can we say there was no voter fraud?

    They probably said there was no voter fraud in 2018,but as we can see now there was.
    Last edited by Richard; January-20-21 at 11:24 AM.

  21. #1271


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    I don't remember who posted this or where this was posted, but THIS will be one of Biden's first acts:

    Why not let rioters tear down some more statues of Washington and Jefferson too? Identity politics is a racist form of anti-racism. 1619 predates the United States by 157 years. The left excels at tearing things down.

    I went to a parochial school until grade 8. I swore to myself that I would send my children to public schools so they wouldn't have to put up with all the ideology. They went to public schools. Now public schools cram ideology while math scores decline.

  22. #1272


    Well, Bernie did attend the inauguration:
    Name:  bernie.jpg
Views: 196
Size:  55.7 KB

  23. #1273


    Yeah. I've noticed this 1619 curriculum additive being pressed and endorsed as but another additional litmus test [[believe this 100% or you're a racists, supremacist). I will be carefully watching the changes and demands made upon education at the K-12 and college level. It's going to be a bumpy ride! With more litmus tests forth-coming!

    What's the end game here? Agenda with regards to children??

    The really big rub will be that parents [[even some of the most liberal ones - finally having had enough) challenge what's forced upon their children, against their values. And not just the eh' white folks [[quickly dismissed as racist, alt-righters, or residual trumpsters).

    Muslim communities here in the US for example, WILL NOT subject their children to the deep ends of left indoctrination, negating their values. Nope.

    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Why not let rioters tear down some more statues of Washington and Jefferson too? Identity politics is a racist form of anti-racism. 1619 predates the United States by 157 years. The left excels at tearing things down.

    I went to a parochial school until grade 8. I swore to myself that I would send my children to public schools so they wouldn't have to put up with all the ideology. They went to public schools. Now public schools cram ideology while math scores decline.
    Last edited by Zacha341; January-20-21 at 12:37 PM.

  24. #1274


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Well, Bernie did attend the inauguration:
    Name:  bernie.jpg
Views: 196
Size:  55.7 KB
    He looks pissed because his agenda did come to reality,but it left him behind in the process.

    He is probably thinking,these assholes stole my platform and left me sitting here by myself.

    I give him credit though,through all the nastiness that politics have thrown at him,he still continues on,I do not agree with him,but admire his tenacity.

    Trump fought the swamp for 4 years,this guy has been doing it for 40.
    Last edited by Richard; January-20-21 at 12:31 PM.

  25. #1275


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Well, Bernie did attend the inauguration:
    Name:  bernie.jpg
Views: 196
Size:  55.7 KB
    He's comfortable! LOL

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