I do agree that most people, myself included tend to have a short memory when it comes to living through what seems to be a life changing event. This one is rolling out as what I see as a life changer that I haven’t
experienced before.
I’ve mentioned this before, but I grew up a little on the poor side. Raised primarily by my grandmother, who was born in the 1880’s. While most parents would read their kids bedtime stories, she would lecture me about the Great Depression, the 1918 pandemic, World War 1, World War 2, alcoholism and even gambling. I had grey hair and an ulcer by the time I was nine, but I was cautious, and still hear, a penny saved is a penny earned bouncing around in my head continuously.

I think a reasonable amount of people will glean something from this ordeal. The fact that it’s a world wide situation is, I believe going to have profoundly deep ramifications on our day to day lives. I hope it will be a wake up call for how fragile our day to day living situation is if we aren’t paying attention.
I don’t think we should worry, but respond to the situation. Create new jobs. I hate terms like “think outside the box” but hey, this is a wake up call.