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  1. #726


    ^ lmao his contempt for whistle blowers seems to mirror the democrat party’s contempt for whistle blowers,I recollect you made comments towards quite a few you also did not agree with recently.

    The thing of it is foreigners seem to know how the power structure works in this country, more so then a large percentage of Americans,what part of the president had no power over the individual state governments control over the corona virus and how it was handled,are you having a hard time in understanding?

    If you are looking for death count blame,you need to be looking at who was in control of it in your state,because that was who had the power over it and not the president.

    You can bet if the sole power was on the president,then he would have told her to step aside,instead of pandering in front of the cameras while others were dying.

    It was her decision to pander to you with the orange man bad,you sat there and gave her your approval,you are just as complacent.

    You were so happy to see her every day in front of the cameras because she was sticking it to the orange man,and the deaths were the price you paid,or others paid,for that moment in glory.
    Last edited by Richard; December-15-20 at 10:51 PM.

  2. #727


    Blah Blah Blah...

    The Federal Republic of Germany has the 15 states, each of which was in charge of the pandemic... a major difference being the Chancellor was serious about it, while Trump was ineffective at best, and uninterested at worst.

    A BBC article that talks about Trumps legacy... which also talks about many of the worst tendencies about all modern presidents, sounds rather fair and balanced...


  3. #728


    Bla bla bla

    I guess it is who you talk to

    Germany has squandered the gains it made this spring in dealing with the coronavirus. A series of miscalculations by politicians in the fall has contributed to a sharp increase in COVID-19 infections in recent days. A second lockdown is coming.


    Let me guess,Trump is a secret world president.

    BBC a more then left leaning broadcast,Kinda like your state run media sources.

    You guys are funny,6 months ago all of your state run media was claiming,what a moron the president is to even think of having a shot ready in under 5 years.

    How much you want to bet they want to be first in line.Orange man bad,unless he sends me a fat check in the mail or saves my life because he mandated a rapid response.

    Then again if people really hated him and wanted no part of anything he does then they would forgo the shot,otherwise it would seem a bit hypocritical.

  4. #729


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Then again if people really hated him and wanted no part of anything he does then they would forgo the shot,otherwise it would seem a bit hypocritical.
    That makes about as much sense as Democrats foregoing the Polio vaccine in 1955 because they disliked Eisenhower.

    Like I keep telling you Richard... logic is not your strong suit. Nice use of the "strawman fallacy".
    Last edited by Gistok; December-16-20 at 01:09 AM.

  5. #730


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    That makes about as much sense as Democrats foregoing the Polio vaccine in 1955 because they disliked Eisenhower.

    Like I keep telling you Richard... logic is not your strong suit. Nice use of the "strawman fallacy".
    When has he ever said anything logical on this board? He's continuing to "Fight The Good Fight" for Trump, so that should tell you what you need to know.

  6. #731


    I can't wait for a Trump movie comes out in 2025. It's going to be more satirical then the film W.

  7. #732


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    That makes about as much sense as Democrats foregoing the Polio vaccine in 1955 because they disliked Eisenhower.

    Like I keep telling you Richard... logic is not your strong suit. Nice use of the "strawman fallacy".
    You keep pushing looking at things while using logic

    I showed you where while under lockdown Michigan had a higher death rate then Florida who is not under lockdown.

    Your claim is the president is responsible for corona deaths.

    Is he sitting up there with a big board of the states and deciding who dies where?

    That is your logic.

    Back to voting.

    The media and mantra has been the vote surge was because the majority of Biden voters voted by mail in ballots and Trump supporters voted in person.

    So 80 million Trump supporters voted exclusively by going to the polls in person.

    The media reports on large gatherings rona virus clusters centered around specific events and even down to a specific restaurant.

    80 million Trump supporters hit the polls with in one day and zero reports of rona virus clusters as a result of.


    So there have been zero cases of rona virus directly tied to physically going to vote,but yet you were told to use mail in ballots or you will die.


    Lots of media footage showing 80 to 100 year olds at the polls practicing their right to vote,but 20 somethings stayed home and mail in voted because if they went to the polls in person they were scared that they would die,like they were told.


    Yesterday the CEO of dominion testified to your state committee,he stated that the system was secure because there are observers from both parties watching every move.

    But yet there is video evidence and witnesses where observers were not allowed to actually observe and also video evidence where votes were being processed with zero observers present.

    Do we have a different definition of what is logical or not?

    Maybe that is the disconnect.

    He also said it was common for states to do a post election audit of the machines to insure that they performed post vote like they did pre vote.

    How come that applied to every election but this one ?

    Would it have been logical to do that immediately after the election,like they did after every other election in the past,in order to dispel any claims of fraud?

    So what did they do,lock down the machines and say nothing to see here while buying time to wipe the machines clean,Hillary style.

    Is that why the media and party was able to claim there was no fraud the day after the election,because they already knew the machines were being wiped clean while destroying the evidence,without even thinking about digital footprints.
    Last edited by Richard; December-16-20 at 09:07 AM.

  8. #733


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    You keep pushing looking at things while using logic

    I showed you where while under lockdown Michigan had a higher death rate then Florida who is not under lockdown.

    Your claim is the president is responsible for corona deaths.

    Is he sitting up there with a big board of the states and deciding who dies where?

    That is your logic.

    Back to voting.

    The media and mantra has been the vote surge was because the majority of Biden voters voted by mail in ballots and Trump supporters voted in person.

    So 80 million Trump supporters voted exclusively by going to the polls in person.

    The media reports on large gatherings rona virus clusters centered around specific events and even down to a specific restaurant.

    80 million Trump supporters hit the polls with in one day and zero reports of rona virus clusters as a result of.


    So there have been zero cases of rona virus directly tied to physically going to vote,but yet you were told to use mail in ballots or you will die.


    Lots of media footage showing 80 to 100 year olds at the polls practicing their right to vote,but 20 somethings stayed home and mail in voted because if they went to the polls in person they were scared that they would die,like they were told.

    Since I cannot use logic with you... I see no reason in replying to your trolling.... can't wait until Jan. 20!!

  9. #734


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    I can't wait for a Trump movie comes out in 2025. It's going to be more satirical then the film W.
    I hope it's finished by 2023 Danny...

  10. #735


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Since I cannot use logic with you... I see no reason in replying to your trolling.... can't wait until Jan. 20!!
    Nothing to do with logic,it shows that you would not care if the city burned down around you as long as the one that you do not like was in the center,the rest are acceptable losses for the cause.

  11. #736


    I'm thinking the article is not solely talking about the relocation of black people affecting the vote, but CHOICE.

    Some voted Trump, some abstained from voting, others chose third party candidates, etc. From my observation and engagement within the community, increasingly more black people are challenging the 'view' that we'll support the dem party as a default.

    Or agree to everything on the parties grocery list [[a list which will sell whole-cloth as a repudiation of all things Trump and SHOULD therefor not be questioned!). Especially as the far-left acquisition of the dem party increases.

    I think Detroiter's will be particularly active in this push-back and analysis of policies and politics coming [[regardless to the debate of voter fraud either side). We're not Seattle. Nope.


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    And the west side of the state
    Last edited by Zacha341; December-16-20 at 09:54 AM.

  12. #737


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Nothing to do with logic,it shows that you would not care if the city burned down around you as long as the one that you do not like was in the center,the rest are acceptable losses for the cause.
    You just need to stop.

  13. #738


    And I'm simply talking about where the votes for Biden came from if not Detroit. Someone else said the burbs, and I've heard some of it was from the area around Grand Rapids and KZoo flipping blue.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    I'm thinking the article is not solely talking about the relocation of black people affecting the vote, but CHOICE.

    Some voted Trump, some abstained from voting, others chose third party candidates, etc. From my observation and engagement within the community, increasingly more black people are challenging the 'view' that we'll support the dem party as a default.

    Or agree to everything on the parties grocery list [[a list which will sell whole-cloth as a repudiation of all things Trump and SHOULD therefor not be questioned!). Especially as the far-left acquisition of the dem party increases.

    I think Detroiter's will be particularly active in this push-back and analysis of policies and politics coming [[regardless to the debate of voter fraud either side). We're not Seattle. Nope.


  14. #739


    Cool. I just wanted to add the additional factors, relative to the Detroit black voter this election operating from diversity of thought and choice!

    It's an under-reported outcome and politic IMO. Beyond the LIE of our race being so monolithic, ever-approving the democratic status quo.
    Last edited by Zacha341; December-16-20 at 04:48 PM.

  15. #740


    That whole grouping of a singular race and if you do not vote for me you ain’t black actually started under LBJ when he was trying to convince the democrat party to approve the civil rights act,that they wanted no part of.

    He had a few choice words as to justification


  16. #741


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ...if you do not vote for me you ain’t black actually started under LBJ
    It's worth mentioning that the votes of millions of African-Americans were suppressed prior to 1964. Voter suppression continues and is the subtext of this entire thread.

  17. #742


    ^ Yes! We're handled on so many levels! Including at the bipartisan one.

    Transactional politics in action.
    Last edited by Zacha341; December-16-20 at 12:14 PM.

  18. #743


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    It's worth mentioning that the votes of millions of African-Americans were suppressed prior to 1964. Voter suppression continues and is the subtext of this entire thread.
    I agree with you 100%

    But the difference is like everything else we are leaning heavy on technology in the process like never before in history,weather it lends to increased fraud we will not know until we check and constantly remain vigilant.

    As we see with other events unfolding at the highest levels in government with the unlimited security budgets,we are still quite vulnerable.

    Nefarious people will always be nefarious and they will always adapt to changing situations.

  19. #744


    Dominion Voting Systems Contractor Training [[Wayne County)

    The sound on my computer isn't good so I can't hear all this. It is supposed to be a recording of a Wayne County training session of Dominion Computer System contractors. One comment I did see going along with this video was-

    "Key Takeaways: Tech support provided instructions on connecting equipment to internet Vote tally reporting methods varied based upon municipality equipment profile Detroit equipment featured 684 modems, “Listener Module” which features a dedicated server with encrypted TCP/IP protocol [[internet connectivity). Both tabulators and “Results Transfer Manager” communicate with the ImageCast Listener Server “Warehouse” with election equipment referenced multiple times was staffed with Texas-based personnel [[other employees referred to it as the “Chicago Warehouse”…in Detroit) “Rovers” would provide hardware swaps [[ICP) but were encouraged to do so discretely so as to avoid any “bad perception”"

    Maybe there is nothing wrong with this but what's the sense of having a foreign company administering complexity to our voting process when paper and pen will do?

    Last edited by oladub; December-16-20 at 03:53 PM.

  20. #745


    Yea this is so screwed up we really need to go back to paper n pen only.

    So the hearings are on now with Homeland security.

    Mr Krebbs who is head of CISA was debunking the report in atrium county,he was a programmer with Microsoft,he is saying that the machines in atrium county are Microsoft windows based.

    Yesterday under oath in Michigan the committee asked the CEO of dominion voting machines if the machines are windows based,he said no that they are Linux based.

    Head of CISA says they are windows based.
    CEO of dominion says they are Linux

    So who is telling the truth?

  21. #746


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    when paper and pen will do?
    Hack, hack, cough, 2000, chad .....

    My state does pen and paper ... fill in the circle ... insert completed ballot in scanner ... record ... 'your ballot has been recorded'.

  22. #747

  23. #748


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    Hack, hack, cough, 2000, chad .....

    My state does pen and paper ... fill in the circle ... insert completed ballot in scanner ... record ... 'your ballot has been recorded'.
    Maybe its been recorded and then again, maybe it hasn't been recorded. I hope they kept your original copy.

    Chads wouldn't have been such a problem in Florida if post election judges hadn't move the goalposts from the requirement that holes needed to be punched out to hanging chads being acceptable to finally if there was a dent, perhaps that meant there had been an intention to punch out a chad. Hence, the spectacle of vote counters with big magnifying glasses determining intent.

    Dominion's income in Michigan: "$31.5 million flowed from the state government [[$30.8 million) and 22 localities over the last three years. Top spending local governments included Detroit [[$457,880); Livonia [[$65,310); Saginaw [[$53,314); Dearborn [[$22,975) and Antrim County [[$20,056). Services included machines, equipment repair, election services, ballot marking printers, vote tabulators and ballot boxes, modem cell services contracts, election coding, and voting machine coding."

    Dominion offers placing electronic vote tabulators, modem cell services and coding between us and our vote. What could go wrong? Voting machines aren't just Rube Goldberg adding machines intentionally designed to perform a simple task in an indirect and overly complicated way
    . I am reminded more of slot machines tilted in their owners favor so the house always wins in the log run.
    Last edited by oladub; December-17-20 at 09:20 AM.

  24. #749


    The directive is no voting machine is to be connected to the internet,so lets spend millions buying a machine with cell phone modems.

    Thats another disconnect,people testified that the machines were never connected to the internet while others testified that they had to connect in order to upload the data to the main servers.

    Let’s look at the claim of 50 cases brought before judges that lost for lack of evidence of fraud.It seems to be quite the popular talking point with the media and politicians saying it over and over.

    Why is that when there are some of the best lawyers in the country presenting these cases and on face value look like blundering fools.

    The constitution provides for any US citizen can file legal claims if they feel the election was tainted.

    But because they did not want the process to stretch for a year in court they put Strict time limits each step of the way.

    For example

    Somebody wants to dispute something and the law says they have 1 week after the closure of the polls to file a case.

    A week is not much time and the steps would be

    Person files with the court first in order to have the case heard or get in line on the docket.

    Then the person would file paperwork to the city,state or whoever holds the material they wish to review in order to secure the materials needed to review and find evidence.

    Remember they have to file their paperwork with the courts first,this all takes time,so really when the constitution allows for 5 days for presenting your case after completing all of the process they really only have 1 day or less to actually review the material in order to present their case,providing they can even collect it.

    When the day in court arrives they still have to show up and present their case,evidence or not.

    The judges are correct in their rulings,they were unable to provide the evidence,so the majority of cases were tossed for exceeding the time limits allowed or lack of evidence.

    So people see that as they have been unable to provide proof of fraud.

    This is really what has been happening.

    The cities,states and secretary of states and election commissions also are aware of the time limits,what they have been doing is stalling or trying to run out the clock so they do not have to provide the materials.

    Based on witness testimony the lawyers subpoenaed an election official for testimony,he actually hid inside of his house,never coming out for over a week in order not to be served in order to run out the clock.

    That is just one example,all across the country cities and states have refused to provide the materials to prove or even dis-prove election fraud.

    It goes back to if you are truly interested in voting integrity and have nothing to hide,why would you do everything in your power to prevent those materials from being reviewed?

    Outside of that

    Texas - finds over 200,000 votes that were illegal for a multitude of reasons.

    Pennsylvania - USPS truck driver picks up a trailer with a split load in New York for delivery to two cities in Pennsylvania,half of the load is boxes of ballots.

    He brings the load to Pennsylvania and is told to park the trailer,while he is trying to find out what the hold up is so he can complete his trip and go home the trailer disappeared.

    All across the country they are finding ballots dumped in the trash,dumped in the desert,in drawers where somebody forgot about them and the list goes on.

    Secretary of states,judges,election officials,governors and even poll supervisors made decisions and changed the rules that had no legal authority to do so as outlined by the state and federal government under the constitution.

    5-10-15-20 years in prison is what individuals are currently serving for placing one illegal vote after conviction.

    Apparently some are above the law because if that was you or I we would be in prison.

    You cannot have free and fair elections beyond approach if you do not have transparency,the very refusal to provide transparency draws the system into question.

  25. #750


    ^^^ But but but.... Giuliani had that binder of envidence, an entire BINDER!!

    And Sydney Powell... she's a credible lawyer... and Melissa Carone is a credible witness... she saw ballots under rocks and in the river.... did anyone check the Michigan deserts or sand dunes??

    There has to be a valid reason why 50+ court cases were thrown out... maybe all the Democratic and Republican judges were all in cahoots!!

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