I've voted Republican for every gubernatorial election in Michigan since I've been eligible. You'd think that I'd be right there on the anti-Whitmer bandwagon. But I'm not. I think it's outrageous.

People think she's actively TRYING to shut businesses down? That she WANTS jobs to be lost? Or that she ENJOYS seeing families struggle to take care of their school age children all day?

Come on. Get real. When she ran for and won the election, this isn't what she signed up for. People think she is on some power trip, wielding her sword, and loving the power. I'm pretty sure that she's not enjoying any of this.

I work in the healthcare industry. I don't work on the front lines. I'm in an administrative role. But I'm involved enough to know that the stories on TV about people dying, about how when you go on a ventilator you more than likely won't come off, about how nurses and doctors watch people die and spend every minute afraid of dying, that's all true. Every single bit of it. That's not Whitmer on TV exaggerating anything.

Bottom line, she's trying to do what's right for the state. Does it mean that she actually IS charting the best path? Heck, I don't know. None of us really do. But to think that her intentions are rooted in some form of evil, that she's doing this and laughing maniacally in the background, give me a break.

So to those that want to impeach her, what would happen next? She leaves and this all goes away? Or the next person up would have all the answers? Do we just 'opposite George' the entire thing and do everything 100% different and expect that will solve everything?