Quote Originally Posted by Zozo View Post
BLM, the university campus culture that teaches the false doctrines of "white privilege" and diversity worship, and the politics of intersectionality espoused by the modern day, post-Obama Democratic party have radicalized black Detroiters. At the street level, black Detroiters seem no longer capable of common decency to people who look different than them.

All year long I have been harangued and hassled by black Detroiters, which has included the following: not moving out of my way while walking down the street, bumping into my shoulders, bumping into my children, asking my 16 and 11 year old children for money, random blacks challenging me to fights [[of which I have never backed down), blacks asking my children for food during a Belle Isle picnic, blacks coming into restaurants asking me to pay for their food and then rambling on about "white privilege" when I forcefully tell them no, being lectured to about slavery by random black people in front of the Underground Railroad monument at the River Walk and also at the Finney Barn placard in Capitol Park, blacks in their car yelling at me to go back to the suburbs as I rode my bike on Belle Isle, "Keep Detroit Majority Black" stickers posted on signs and telephone posts around town, overhearing random conversations about too much white art at the DIA [[seems to be a popular topic around town), and on and on. I am a native Detroiter and have always experienced racism from blacks, but never at this consistency.
This blows my mind. I can count on 2 fingers or less the number of times my family and I have experienced any of these types of things in Detroit in the last 15 years. I don't know you, so I won't pass any judgment, but from my experience you have to go out of your way to find trouble like that in Detroit.