Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
Confirmed deaths? 173,000. That is more than anyone else. And we have 25% of the world's confirmed cases
Rb, antifa apologist, As of July 1, the bluest 1/3 of states had 3.77x the per capita death rate of the reddest 1/3 of states. Living in a deep blue state ranks up there with being overweight or old as a Covid health risk.

Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
GDP this year? down 32%. Trump will end his presidency with the largest or second largest drop in GDP from when he started than any other president.
What you meant is that the U.S. gdp dropped 9.5% in the second quarter or 32.9% on an annualized basis. For comparison, Germany's GDP dropped 10.1% in the second quarter or 40.1% on an annualized basis. My guess is that Germany's even greater drop had more to do with the global Covid pandemic than it does to anything Trump said or did.